Yeah, I stay home with her.. a lot... I could go out, but I stay home.. I just love her. Just vacuumed.. she was asleep in one of her tree cubbies. As soon as she heard the vacuum, near the living area, she took off like a bat out of he##, running under my bed... poor thing..
Yes, it looks similar in length as the spay site.. weird.. I am thinking somehow the shaver was an oops...
A friend came to visit Gina yesterday. She saw it also. She is a cat person. She had no idea..
We will see what our Vet has to say.. when she goes in on 2/18...
She is really...
There is eggplant parm-- who knows how that will taste?-- on the menu for tonight; along with some steak tips(?)... with roasted zucchini.. Who knows how it will turn out? New Chef.. so we will see..
Trying the food since I am on the food committee... Some are still hit or miss.. If I can at...
28 degrees now.. supposed to up to 32 degrees.. sun is out, shining.. Hopefully some of this snow melts.. about 5.5 - 6 inches of light fluffy snow...
Rain/snow showers Wednesday night, with another snow storm this weekend.. sigh..
Yeah , except for the area of missing fur. Almost looks as if the shaver for when she had her spay “slipped “. Just have to watch it to see if it enlarges. Gina is not licking that are so I am confused.
Yes, I am impatient.. Yes, I have fallen in love with Gina.:heartshape:. I think she is also very happy. She is always
"air kneading', purring, and rubbing my legs or hands. I can tell she is happy in here.
She tests me with kneading the rug.. I tell her NO, NO.. no Gina. As soon as I make a...
When I said yarn ball it is just a ball which is stuffed and has a knit around it. I got it from Chewy. Cats love it.
Yesterday, Gina had a very quiet day. After a very hard play session in morning, she slept all day long.
Before I went to Church, around 3;00pm, I put out her Friskies wet...
Good hard play session with Gina-- she was bursting heavily when we finished.
Feed Gina
My breakfast
on line..
I need to pick up around here...
call the guy to clean off my car and to shovel around it. at least 5 inches of snow...sigh
put clean laundry away
perhaps wash out litter box
FYI... For Humans: just heard there is a bakery recall on bakery goods: Donuts, including those from Dunkin and Starbucks!! and Packi which are packaged in grocery stores.. Listeria!!
I love my, made from scratch Tomato soup..with rice and a dash of cream in my bowl.. But it makes a ton, and is a lot of work..I have not made it in a hundred years... I should. sigh
any homemade soup, over canned soup....
So Sorry you had to go through this ordeal with Gracie.. but, a lot of positives came out of this horrible experience...
It sounds so trite, but please.. keep 'plugging' along.. There are some wonderful people out there. Despite all you suffering (emotionally and physically) you have found some...
OMGosh.. Every night, around 8pm, Gina has the crazies... not the zoomies but the crazies!
She wakes up, from her cat tree cubby, starts playing, running around with her mice, sponge balls.. bats them around everywhere! Also plays with the ball tower circular toy... This goes on for a good 30...
Thank you....💕 It took a long time to find her. I filled out applications in December, and have been actively looking the entire month of January: PAWS, Cat Cafe, looking on line, Angell, NEAnimal Center, etc... Wa about to give up, when I got the call!
Yes, Gina is my only kitty.. She is going to be so spoiled.. she already is getting there.. Becoming more of a 'cat' every day.
Actually, she did not find me.. I went through a lengthy adoption process. The adoption coordinator called me last week, saying there were 4 cats which were possible...
What is on my mind, is my new kitty; Gina.. I posted a thread on TCS about her.. I really love this sweet, sensitive, shy, gentle little girl..
I am in love!! :catlove::lovecat2::lovecat: