He’s a typical kid…gets into anything and everything! He’s the most affectionate cat I’ve ever had and I am absolutely loving it. He sits with me when I am playing the violin, and I’m awful, so it must be love. 😂
I’ve got a seven-month old kitty who I’ve always described as “squirrely”. I love it though because he’s always flopping, rubbing his head against me, and rolling onto his back. My other cat is not very demonstrative, so I find this behavior endearing.
I currently have two litter boxes for two cats. This has worked just fine. Over Christmas, I received a lovely litter cabinet that encloses the box. The kitties enter and exit from the side.
I’d like to just use the cabinet…it holds a very large tray. I know people advise having number of cats...
Phoebe is 3, and she’s the one who has issues with Carl, 6 months. They’re both fixed.
Carl is a kitten, and does kittenish things, and these provoke Phoebe. They play, and if you saw it without sound you might think “cute” but with the hisses and yowls (all Phoebe), you know it’s not friendly...
I currently have two litter boxes.
Phoebe’s attitude has changed a lot just in the past couple days. Where she was aggressive, it now seems more playful. There have been a couple “unhappy” noises from her today, but she isn’t being awful.
Carl is fearless, but doesn’t seem terribly interested...
Phoebe and I have been living happily together for three years, thanks to some great advice from this community. She was a feral kitten and has never quite become a cuddler, is easily startled, and not terribly affectionate with me. But she tolerates me and we have a good life.
Whenever I’d...
Oh, your Phoebe reminds me of my sweet Charlotte who died at age 17 about a year before I got my Phoebe. She too loved to leave her grey hair on black pants and sweaters!
Thank you! This description is almost exactly like Phoebe. She is far more affectionate when she is sleepy, and so far seems afraid of everyone besides me. I’m trying to learn exactly what she likes and when she likes it. Our cats really do control us don’t they? (She definitely showed me who...
Thank you for your reply, catloverfromwayback! I think it’s great that you have a Phoebe too!
I am relieved to hear that you think this is moods…I value this site and the advice of everyone on here so much.
I’ve always considered myself a “cat person” as we had cats when I was growing up and I’ve had two cats as an adult (now both passed). Last summer I adopted a kitten from a feral mother. I don’t know what her short life was like before going into the shelter, but she was very well cared for...