Search Results for Query: cbd oil seizures

  1. kvonkiro

    CBD Oil and seizures

    Hello. I am new to this site. Any one use CBD oil for feline seizures
  2. kvonkiro

    CBD Oil and seizures

  3. fionasmom

    CBD Oil and seizures

    Search Results for Query: cbd oil seizures If you go through some of these threads, you will find comments and experiences with the use of CBD oil. Some discuss seizures and its use. If your cat is having seizures, I would not use CBD oil as a first line treatment if the vet has not been...
  4. josiegirl

    CBD Oil and seizures

    What does your cat eat? Does it contain gluten? Like corn gluten, wheat gluten? There has been some evidence that gluten can cause seizures in cats that are sensitive to it. I had a client whose cat developed seizures and when I suggested she get it off the gluten-containing food her cat was...
  5. fionasmom

    Seeking Help. I don't know what is wrong with my cat and neither does my vet.

    Poor Lou! CBD can affect cats negatively, but the affects should wear off, even severe one which might require a trip to the ER. You are three months out from having given it. It may be coincidental to the CBD oil, so it appears to be a side effect. I am not a vet, but I agree that it is...
  6. mxphs

    FARS (feline audiogenic reflex seizures) - advice needed!!!

    Posting on behalf of my friends friend Hi guys, my cat who is around 15-16 years old has FARS. I take her to a vet that practices both alternative and modern medicines and currently is on pressure meds and CBD oil to alleviate her discomfort. I have not been to another vet yet because I am...
  7. Alldara

    Seeking Help. I don't know what is wrong with my cat and neither does my vet.

    I want to revisit the CBD then. My limited understanding is that all CBD oil contains trace amounts of THC. Many labels even list the .01% or whatnot. Then we can also consider that even though the label says .01% that not each individual batch is tested. - Manufacturing error - Production...
  8. di and bob

    Feline Hyperaesthesia

    Prozac takes a while to start working, sometimes many weeks, i pray it does. My cat has hyperesthesia too and I have tried everything. She is on a calming aide, CBD oil and a supplement for seizures. (I think just another calming aide) she still goes nuts, but not all the time. All her meds go...
  9. di and bob

    Making food more enticing to cat?

    Cannabis is a member of the hemp family but contains THC which gives users the 'high' they get. CBD oil does not carry any THC or such a minute bit it is almost nonexistent. They are really two completely different products. I mentioned CBD oil because I have tried a LOT of allergy/inflammation...
  10. T

    CBD Oil and Going Under Anesthesia

    Does anyone have any experience with their cat being on CBD oil and then undergoing anesthesia? My 9(ish)-year-old tabby has been on PetReleaf's CBD oil for about 4 years now. He takes 0.5ml/day for what my previous vet called "localized seizures." He needs his teeth cleaned, and my new vet...
  11. FeebysOwner

    Homeopathic treatment for cat seizures?

    Hi. Recommendations likely would depend on why he is having seizures. CBD oil might work, but maybe not for all types of seizures. Do you know what is causing them?
  12. T

    Treating IBD in cat with heart condition who's allergic to poultry, already on raw, and has eaten the usual recommended novel proteins for years?

    I've already read through the two awesome resources that are frequently posted here in regards to treating IBD, but the gist of them are basically get your cat on a raw food with a novel protein. The problem is that my cat is allergic to poultry and has eaten things like rabbit, venison, and...
  13. nado

    Cbd Oil: Anyone Else Have Concerns?

    Hi Everyone. Lately, I've been seeing many people tout the benefits of CBD oil. This seems to be the hot new cure-all for any and all ailments in both humans and animals. Among my concerns is that there have been few well controlled scientific studies done regarding this product, proving the...
  14. Lemmy Katmister

    Need advice - is this Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome?

    3 doses in, and so far so good - seeing definite improvements with the liquid Gabapentin so far. He's had such a rough go, I dread the thought of having to squirt stuff down his throat twice per day. Luckily he's a food monster and mixing it with some bone broth and wet food masks the taste...
  15. LindaE

    First time seizures in 5yo cat

    I can't advise anything on the oils and supplements, as I don't know anything about them. But I would definitely talk to your vet about possible meds. There are different types of seizure meds for cats. But I would contact the vet, as the seizures seem to be more frequent.
  16. K

    Cbd Oil For Cat?

    I'm considering trying CBD oil for one of my cats in hopes it might alleviate some persistent behavioral issues which are getting severely out of hand. However I see that there seems to be dozens of different brands of this for pets and naturally they all have conflicting customer reviews, some...
  17. RangersMom

    My cat had a seizure last night.

    I have a friend that had a cat that had seizures a few times a month, and this went on for years... she started the cat on CBD oil oral drops (per vet recommendation) and the cat has not has a seizure since! Coincidence? maybe, but my friend is very pleased, and im sure the cat is too. Not...
  18. 2rescuekitties

    Might Have To Put Down My Kitten. Help!

    I have heard CBD oil control seizures in kids. I am by no means an expert but maybe it would help the kitten? Or at least it might be something to look into? Hemp Oil for Pets With Seizures Should you use CBD for Cat Seizures? Something along those lines...
  19. mrsgreenjeens

    Focal Aware Seizure

    Have you discussed the use of CBD oil with your Vet? I know in humans it is being used for seizures, and know people have used it on their cats for cancer and pain relief, but I personally wouldn't use it without discussing with my Vet first. A simple phone call to them should be enough to get...
  20. di and bob

    Head Tremors Potential Seizure In Older Cat

    It may be tremors related to age, just like in people. Although that is NOT common in cats! I take it she's not cold, though at that age she would enjoy a cat heat pad to rest on. They are awfully mild if they are seizures, and usually they are disoriented when they come out, she doesn't appear...