Search Results for Query: panleukopenia

  1. S

    Cat vaccination coryza, leucose typhus

    I believe the Coryza is Rhinotrachiatis, and the Typhus is Panleukopenia
  2. S

    Cat vaccination coryza, leucose typhus

    The FELV is for Feline Leukemia. The RCCP is Rhinotrachiatis, Calicivirus, Chlamidia, and Panleukopenia.
  3. mrsgreenjeens

    8 month old rescued kitten & parvo

    In cats, parvo is actually called panleukopenia. If you look under that name you may find more information, but just case, here is a link to the search query I did on THIS site: The very first thread under the above link has...
  4. casportpony

    Panleukopenia - My Experience Treating

    ...I am not a vet, and this is not veterinary advice, it's a summary of my trip to the vet, my experience, what I've learned about panleukopenia over the last month, and what I would do differently if I could go back in time or if it happens again. What is Feline Panleukopenia Feline...
  5. S

    Cat vaccination coryza, leucose typhus

    There is no rabies in either of them. The vaccine on the left is just Feline leukemia vaccine. The one on the right is Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia, Chlamidia, and Feline Leukemia Virus.
  6. Sama97

    8 month old rescued kitten & parvo

    Thank you!
  7. F

    Revaccinate or not

    I take it back. Revaccinating cats who already have adequate antibodies against panleukopenia wouldn't necessarily cause problems. Rather, the long article I posted states that avoiding FPV vaccination in cats with pre-existing antibodies against FPV amongst other measures prevent FISS.
  8. F

    Revaccinate or not

    ...writes that titers for calici and herpes are meaningless. Also this study from 2022 states " For certain diseases, particularly feline panleukopenia, antibody titres correlate with protection. For feline calicivirus and feline herpesvirus, a similar correlation is absent, or less clear." I...
  9. D

    should I euthanize healthy kittens in a litter with panleukopenia?

    But wait, did those kittens have panleukopenia? That is my question: without hospitalization, do kittens with panleukopenia ever survive?
  10. FeebysOwner

    disinfecting for panleuk

    ...of water) applied for at least 10 minutes. You could try this Facebook page that is specifically dedicated to those who are dealing with or have dealt with it and see if any of them used a different approach with clothing. Panleukopenia Fighters | Need advice on feline panleukopenia | Facebook
  11. FeebysOwner

    cats with panleukopenia

    ...panleuk, including normal protocol for treatment. I have also included a link to previous threads on this site about it in case you can find helpful information in them. Feline panleukopenia | American Veterinary Medical Association ( Search Results for Query: panleukopenia |...
  12. D

    should I euthanize healthy kittens in a litter with panleukopenia?

    I have a very sad situation on my hands: a litter of 6 week old foster kittens who seem to have panleukopenia. I know that panleuk is EXTREMELY contagious, I know it's almost always fatal (half the litter has already died), and I understand that our home will be unsafe for unvaccinated...
  13. F

    Revaccinate or not

    Antibody titers show that our cats are adequately protected for Panleukopenia but not for Herpes and Calici. We don't have access to Vanguard RC nasal vaccine where we are, so looks like we will have to get the F3 again. They don't show any symptoms of cat flu, but am I supposed to revaccinate...
  14. FeebysOwner

    Panleukopenia - what to do?, but sometimes cats will accept it over other foods they are rejecting. The RC Recovery Food should be another good thing to try. Panleukopenia - My Experience Treating | TheCatSite Search Results for Query: panleuk | TheCatSite I know others on this site have dealt with this, so I am...
  15. dozensofbizkits

    cats with panleukopenia

    My cat and her 9 week old babies have panleuk and i’m so lost in what to do. We noticed Cheddar Bay (patient 0) was acting very lethargic on tuesday, and having diarrhea and vomiting, and he looked to be dehydrated. We took him to the vet and he came back negative on the general panel testing...
  16. KittyCat_chitchat

    should I euthanize healthy kittens in a litter with panleukopenia?

    Just in case it helps even just one kitten survive, Kitten Lady has a video about panleukopenia here.
  17. cataholic07

    kittens died at 2 weeks old

    Have you done genetic testing on the parents? If not, you need to. Also have they been checked for health issues like panleukopenia, fiv/felv?
  18. Meowmee

    Revaccinate or not

    I have never heard that about having panleukopenia antibodies causing problems with revaccination. If you find that please post it, I would like to read it. One of my DVM said that the titer levels are not a good indicator of whether the cat would be able to fight off a virus meaning levels...
  19. F

    Low WBC numbers

    Yes, our cats got a FVRCP when they were kittens. They still have antibodies against Panleukopenia.
  20. R

    Panleukopenia - what to do?

    My cat, Nini, 3 month old, got FPV only 5 days after his first vaccine shot. It’s been 4 days now, he hasn’t eaten and is barely drinking water, mostly just hunched over it. He has vomited many times (green bile coming out at this point) and his stool is bloody as expected. He’s barely moving...