Thank you, all. The hardest thing was waiting until he told me it was time. I knew he wasn't having the best of times lately but he started declining so quickly that I finally knew it was time. Once I knew that, I tried to keep him comfortable. He was barely eating so I took him off his...
Thank you so much, all of you, for your replies. Sadly, we had to put Gremlin to sleep Friday night. Apparently, there was a sudden internal problem severely lowering his blood sugar, which was surprising after 4 years of insulin shots. We tried our best to stabilize him during week but it...
Hi everyone,
I used to post and read this site regularly but have been gone for some time. Now, I'm kind of in need of some support if anyone is out there with some to spare.
My cat, Gremlin, is almost 15. I've had him for 7 years and though I love him like crazy, he's always been this...