The visit to the vet went well, he had been limping some this morning before we went but not nearly as bad as yesterday. When we got there, he did his usual hide-in-my-mommies-shirt routine, he hates to sit in the waiting room in his carrier so I usually let him hide out underneath my shirt or...
Thank You. He was able to jump up on the couch a few minutes ago and crawl into my lap. He looks like he is feeling really crummy. I will try let you guys know what the vet says, if I can get to my computer tommorow before we leave. I may end up boarding him at the vet's kennel, so he can be...
My three year old cat, Oliver, started acting really strange about 3 hours ago. Up until then he was totally normal, then I noticed he was laying next to the couch, and he sort of yowled like something was irritating or biting him, then shifted position, yowled again, then got up walking very...
If she gets caught in the act, then I yell "NO!" and clap my hands loudly . If I find that she has been doing it when I was not around, I show her the pair of socks, and say "no" in a normal voice. She is highly intelligent, but I cannot expect her to stop playing her favorite game because...
It is only clean socks, and they have to be folded into bundles. Size does not matter either, she prefers my six year old son's size, but will take my husbands socks if thats all she can find. Last week, she started tipping the whole laundry basket over, spilling out the folded clothes, in...
I was typing a message on another forum when I was interupted by my four year old female spayed calico, caterwauling her head off downstairs. I was not surprised to find her standing over a pair of socks (her favorite forbidden toy). She of course ran off when I came in the room. I understand...
Well it sounds as if it is an Urban myth, as Hissy said, and I truly hope it is. I will never forget the Hartz flea spray (Blockade I think) that killed a couple of cats, a few years ago. I assume the company revised the formula or something. Since then I have been a bit nervous about the...
First of all let me say that I am in no way bashing this product, nor am I trying to scare anyone, I am only relaying what I overheard today, which may or may not be accurate information.
While in the customer service department at Target, I overheard the gentleman in line in front of me...
My dog is only three, and was definately awake at the time. She doesn't have any breathing problems. I caught her doing it again, and she definately seemed aware of what she was doing. She puts her muzzle near the cats chin so the cat would lick it, and then she "purrs".
She has never...
This morning when the dog and cat were cuddling in the crate together, and Oliver was purring loudly as usual, I noticed the purring to getting really loud every fifteen seconds or so, and the increase lasted about five seconds at a time. I thought is was weird that he was able to get that...
You did'nt have Teryaki beef jerky on the list. My cats will try to swipe that stuff out of my mouth! But only if its the Oberto brand.
They got locked in the office one night, found a bag of it, and had a party. Unfortunately Emily is highly allergic to most food, so there was Teryaki vomit...
I think some cats, for one reason or another, have recurrent problems with their anal glands, while the majority of cats have fewer issues. Some cats may require anal gland expression on a regular basis. It may be diet related, but then again, your cat may just be prone to it.
I have a three...
Thanks for the replies. I was pretty sure it was just an individual trait, but hadn't really noticed before.
Sicycat, my Oliver thanks you for the compliment. I have always thought he was the cutest cat I have ever owned, but had it confirmed at our last vet visit; I overheard the vet tech...
My youngest cat has unusually long fangs, (compared to my other two) that hang down about 1/4 of an inch past his lower lip. I haven't noticed other cats with long fangs, but then again, I have never really paid a lot of attention before. Is this just another individual trait like large ears...
I just came across a new product at the Doctors Foster and Smith website. It is called Sticky Paws, and it is basically double-sided tape that is meant to be placed on furniture and not leave a residue when you remove it. You may want to give it a try, along with some of the other ideas so...
I have been using the Dr's. Foster and Smith shed control shampoo for the past few months. I am not impressed. I have noticed no decrease in the amount of shedding, or any improvement in the condition of their fur.
I have better results with the Gold Medal Pets cat shampoo I get at Petsmart.
My calico was adopted at a shelter, and she was the only calico in the litter. Her two sisters were black and white bi-color, and her brothers red tabbies. I assumed that her mother must have been black and white, and her father a red tabby. This theory was reinforced when she was 3 months...
Well, its seems to be a random crime of opportunity, as there have been no more incidents since my first post. I really think that one of the cats is just attracted to the smell around the toilet area, and as long as its odor free, they are not interested.
It is annual check-up time for two...