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    Adopting a shelter mama cat - a kitten too?

    i think adopting one of the kittens too is a great idea! both cats will get much comfort from that..
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    Best cat liter for multiple cat home?

    fresh step multi-cat extreme, hands down the best odor eliminator! it now has febreeze in it too.. i have 6 cats and 4 foster cats right now so i have 7 litter boxes!
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    URGENT: Got stabbed with needle used on sick cat

    i would see a doctor immediately just to be safe..
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    Advice on which kittens to choose!

      they are all beautiful, in my own experience my males get along better with each other. my females tend to be very bossy for some reason...
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    Questions about adding a second cat?

    oh, please don't mutilate that poor kitten for life!! declawing is amputating the first part of their toes. it is very painful and can cause life long problems like not using the litter box, being aggressive and biting. just get several kinds of scratchers and show them to the kitten. we have 6...
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    The Song Title Game - Scattergories Version

    kiss...... prince
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    The Song Title Game - Scattergories Version

    ziggy stardust, david bowie
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    Who wants a FREE superb-quality scratching post?

    entry Extra long horizontal light oak scratcher
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    Who wants a FREE superb-quality scratching post?

    entry Extra long horizontal light oak scratcher
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    Post your sleeping beauties!!!

    moe can sleep anywhere, anytime! tucker... ratman and foster baby.. silly sasha...
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    Post a picture of your cat yawning ;)

    my silly sasha:   tucker..
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    Post pics of calicos, tortieshells and orange cats here!

    my beautiful valentine: she's showing her black heart on her side: watching her favorite hummingbird channel: olaf is tipped in orange and has an orange striped tail so i guess he qualifies for this thread...  
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    get ready for some extreme cuteness!!

    my babies are getting close to 2 lbs so they will be leaving me soon. they are all so sweet, i don't think they'll have to wait long to find homes. i really want to keep this little lady and my boys agree: she made a new best friend with my oldest and the alpha of my pride, ratman...
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    Why my foot is turning blue?

    did they check the pulses in your foot with a doppler? this is a sign your foot has diminished blood supply and you need to find out why asap. it will take the cut much longer to heal if it's not getting enough blood and your whole foot could become necrotic if this isn't addressed very soon!
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    Should I get a little friend for my kitten?

    i know some will disagree with me but i think it's a bit cruel to get a young kitten without another. they need another kitty friend to cuddle with, play, groom etc...and watching them play together is 1/2 the fun of having kittens in the first place. and i would get a kitten from a shelter or a...
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    My young cat stopped eating and drinking tonight, and is moving slow almost like he's in pain

    i found this, Numerous lymph nodes exist within the thoracic and abdominal cavities. They can not be palpated easily, and their enlargement does not show up on routine blood samples. They might be seen on radiographs or ultrasound if they are significantly enlarged. They can be found when...
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    What breed(s) do you think my rescue kitten is?

    i have a flame point siamese boy (foster failure) who really has no siamese qualities either. he's painfully shy, rarely makes any noise at all, never jumps on anything. i should have named him ghost because we would never know he was here if we didn't see him! so you can't always go by...