Search Results

  1. violet

    Unknown illness

    Please, do not wait on the ultrasound.  Have it done as soon as your vet can schedule it. When problems don't show up on other tests, ultrasound is vitally important for finding out what can be wrong.
  2. violet

    Safest pain killers for cats?

    They can't "fix" problems that need time to heal.   That's the reason why  restricting movement is so incredibly important in many of these situations.   Also the reason why a correct diagnosis  is so very important.  There might be a problem a regular vet with no special training might miss...
  3. violet

    Safest pain killers for cats?

    Please ask your vet to refer you to a board certified orthopedic specialist for an exam. If he/she won't, you can find one on your own.  But it's absolutely essential that you get this done ASAP. For temporary help, rest in a large dog crate with litter box and other essentials (food and...
  4. violet

    Darn drivers!

    Pam, just a couple of thoughts. First and foremost, I'm SO glad you're okay.  Thank God for that. About the basement - PLEASE install window coverings immediately to make sure nobody - not even a cat - can look inside. Also, please, seriously think about installing motion sensors and whatever...
  5. violet

    Sebastian is Back at the Vet...Suspected Pancreatitis Again :(

    GoHolistic, I'd just like to ask one question.  When was the last time Sebastian had the fPLI test?
  6. violet

    cat sick from clindacure

    His age is not a deterrent, but he definitely needs a different antibiotic. One of mine could only tolerate injectable antibiotics so I would like to encourage you to talk to your vet about the issue of antibiotics.  And, please, under no circumstances cancel the dental.  It is vitally...
  7. violet

    Cat swallowed string!!!! Help!

    PS: what mrblanche wrote in post #7 in the saying no to vaseline thread  applies here. Vegetable oils are also completely digestible.  In certain situations one simply must use an indigestible oil/fat to get the job done. 
  8. violet

    Cat swallowed string!!!! Help!

    Do not worry about that.  Vaseline can be a life saver in certain situations.  Coating swallowed material is one of them.
  9. violet

    Cat swallowed string!!!! Help!

    Yes, absolutely.  The label on the container should say Vaseline - 100% pure petroleum jelly - original.
  10. violet

    Cat swallowed string!!!! Help!

    For now, please use the advice you'll see in this article Specifically: This will coat the swallowed string and make it easier for it to pass through the digestive tract.  Vaseline on vet's...
  11. violet

    Heartworm preventatives?

    Well, with a dog going in and out of the house all the time, flea prevention even for an indoor cat is a must. However, talking about heartworm prevention, one still has to know whether a cat has existing heartworms or not. Otherwise a preventative can give a false sense of security. Please do...
  12. violet

    Heartworm preventatives?

    I got the same advice from my vet.  She explained to me that advice regarding heartworm preventatives for cats was based on specific areas, whether heartworms in cats in those areas were a problem or not.  In our area they were not.  (I was very happy and relieved to hear that.)
  13. violet

    Heartworm preventatives?

  14. violet

    Heartworm preventatives?

    What about being careful and following the advice regarding testing first?  I really don't think those tests should be skipped.
  15. violet

    Heartworm preventatives?

    Just a little bit of info.... According to this article  This advice makes sense to me. A good article And...
  16. violet

    Older Cat With Liver Disease

    The benefit was that we knew what was wrong and didn't try to treat blindly with all kinds of things just to do something.  Because of its location it couldn't be treated with surgery. The results of the original ultrasound and a follow up ultrasound a few months later showed it was not a fast...
  17. violet

    Older Cat With Liver Disease

    One of my girls had a tumor in the liver that only the ultrasound exam could find.  X-rays could not detect it. So not doing an ultrasound would have been a terrible mistake because we would have never found out why the liver enzymes kept going up and up. Ultrasound can also see a lot of other...
  18. violet

    Is FIV contagious?

    Hopefully the information you'll find in these articles will be helpful to you.
  19. violet

    Extracted Upper Canine Tooth - Constant Sore on Lip

    Over the years one of my girls has lost both of her upper canines. (Extractions both times.)  No problems from the lower canines.  However, I'd like to say,  your vet's idea is an absolutely excellent one. Dentists do this all the time for their (human) patients when sharp teeth are causing...
  20. violet

    My Dexter need s help

    I need to ask you: how old is Dexter, how long has he been sick, what are the symptoms, and how did those vets verify their diagnosis to you? Also.....what medications have been prescribed, how long have you used any of them? Plus, what have you done about diet, which is all important with...