thank you, yes I have contacted breeders, so far they've told me there is nothing i should worry about and the kitten looks fine. I have also sent thema video of kitten's breathing (I can't do that on this site). So hopefully the kitten will gain normally. Do you think I should keep...
hi I had a litter of Devon rex kittens 4 day ago and i noticed one of them is breathing really fast. Other of the kittens seem fine. The kitten is otherwise active and gaining weight everyday. One problem with the kitten was the umbilical cord, because the mother cat ate the whole thing so the...
Our kitty was born 9 days ago and was 84 grams. She is now 9 days old and is 71 grams. Our queen had a difficult birth and pyometra so she didn't produce much milk. Unfortunately we were unable to save 2 kittens 4 days after birth even with the help of vets and formula feeding. Our last...
Hi, minor update, we had a rontgen and found exactly what you wrote, that the cat is in pain. The final count of kittens are 3. However, mommy doesn't want to eat at all yet, we are trying to give her a bowl of kitten formula to drink. She is terribly exhausted, she only goes to the toilet. She...
So we're not done yet, we found out she has at least 1 more kitten, she was struggling now, breathing heavily and not having contractions. She fell asleep right after that and has been asleep for about 15 minutes. Is it allright? Thanks for the advice.
I read here in the group that every time someone wrote for help, everything turned out well in the end, in our case it is the same. Our kitty went into labour (day 70) yesterday at 10:30pm and was in labour by 2:30am. She gave birth on the bed, even though she had about 3 nests ready :D. Do you...
(Just to add some more information) Our vet is considering c-section, she is pregnant with 4-5 kittens, but we would like to try injection to induce labour. She is acting super normal, afectionate, eating, sleeping with us. She is not looking for a nest or anything, though there are 3 nests...
our cat is about to go into her first labour, but today is day 70 and it still doesn't look like she's going into labour. She had a mucus plug a week ago and again today, but since last night we noticed she is more affectionate even today she was for a while. She has just been sleeping...