Search Results

  1. taboobleu

    Share your spooky stories mini-contest

    ​Too late for the contest, but this is the scariest true diabolical story I have ever heard. I used to be a live-in nanny to two children. Their dad is a forever friend of mine. The younger child is a boy who was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. This friend's girlfriend was living in...
  2. taboobleu

    Cat hissing and growling at nothing?

    Don't think it's the food. Sure nothing has changed in the house? It could be even something tiny, like the presence of a new visitor, music, what your researching on pc, renovations in the home, an antique new in the home, etc. In other words, spiritual. God gave animals heightened senses we...
  3. taboobleu

    Question of the Day, Sunday, November 13, 2016

    ​Don't care. Too busy being a beautician. Well, that's what you all say I would be if I held a job! Now, Tony, quit moving so I can do your hair!
  4. taboobleu

    How do you know when you are ready to adopt again after suffering a loss

    ​TabooBleu belongs to me. Prior to him I had a female torti I rescued From my sister's barn, she had been tossed out a car door in her driveway. Against my sister's advice (it prob has rabies) I ran into the barn to search her out. She was meowing @ me from the rafters. I told her to come down...
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  7. taboobleu

    Comment by 'taboobleu' in article 'Declawing And Alternatives'

    ​Mom & I both agree declawing is OUT of the question. I simply let her clip my front claws so I can caress her face. Since she has a diploma in animal science and managed a pet store for five yrs and knows all about that blood vein & keeps corn starch handy, I trust her completely! She even...
  8. taboobleu

    Comment by 'taboobleu' in article 'Quiz: If Your Cat Had A Job What Would It Be?'

    I'd have to agree I'd make a great beautician. I do comb mom's hair with my teeth, and give facial & neck massages. Good job
  9. taboobleu

    Comment by 'taboobleu' in article 'Quiz: Which Superhero Is Your Cat?'

    I'd rather be like Rambo! He's mom's hero. Truth & Justice for all living things! And knowledge of "feline (formerly known as gorilla) warfare" doesn't hurt. Lol
  10. taboobleu

    Question of The Day. Saturday 12th of November

    My grandma who is 91, and a great aunt the same age. They are both European. I know words in both German & Romanian. Makes me "tri-lingual"?
  11. taboobleu

    Comment by 'taboobleu' in media '1112161132[101].jpg'

    Genesis 1:24-25  And God said, let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to their kind. And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according...
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  13. taboobleu

    Question of the Day, Friday, November 11

    Yogurt, yogurt, and some more yogurt!
  14. taboobleu

    Comment by 'taboobleu' in media 'image.jpeg'

    ​Looks like a bedbug. Does your cat always stay indoors? Have you been itchy? Could be! They are an epidemic in the USA.
  15. a Prayer Answered

    a Prayer Answered

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  20. taboobleu

    "Brotherly Love"

    All living things are individuals. Some are more open-hearted, accepting and wondering about the glory of the world around them, yet, they question trust and go with their gut instincts. Humankind should take a leason from some animals. They weren't saved on the Ark for no reason.