Trust me - nobody was playing with the kitten, we were trying to keep him calm, and he was just psycho. Even when confined, he was attacking everything he could find from lint balls to bits of paper to his own tail.
We don't have rabies in Australia (therefore no vaccination), so they only get...
Hi all – it’s a long time since I needed kitten help :p
I have a super cute almost 14 week old Burmese kitten who got neutered 2 days ago (Monday Australian time). All went well, I got him home that evening and he was still zonked for an hour or so, then he went CRAZY. For about 12 hours (all...
Thanks for the advice! Glad to hear it IS something that's done - they said they did all the genetic testing first, and I did my research to find someone reputable. I'd hate to think they were actually dodgy! He's a super cute little guy and part of the family - everything I wanted in a kitten :)
Hi all - long time no see :-D
I just got a super gorgeous little Burmese kitten on Friday, and I chose a reputable breeder, their cats win plenty of awards, one of the breeders is heavily involved in the running of the state showing association, the cat area was clean and well set up etc.
Best of luck to her! It sounds scary, but the body does regenerate fluids, they'll pump her full of fluids, and make sure infection doesn't set in so she and bub will be safe. Hospital is the best place for her, and her worst problem will probably be boredom! Sending lots of vibes for baby to...
I got a "please come to the reception, but not the wedding" invite last year. It was someone I did not expect an invite from - we were there as guests of the bride's parents, not because we knew the bride well. It was a bit weird, but we went. The ceremony was on a boat, and there was only...
I am personally a big fan of the spray bottle... I only sprayed a couple of times, then put it on mist, and the sound (which is like a hiss), plus the threat of water was enough to stop any bad behaviour. My Stumpy was a feet attacker in the middle of the night, and had other various bad...
DH pre-ordered a fresh turkey through his work which we picked up yesterday. These are ones that are "Certified Organic", and have never been frozen etc. We ended up changing our Thanksgiving plans though, so we are doing turkey day on Sunday when everyone could be free. Will a fresh turkey...
That's hard! Unfortunately a 3 month kitten is going to have different dietary needs than an adult cat anyway, so no matter what, your little guy will need to be eating different (kitten-specific) food for a while.
I would try just mixing some pumpkin in with canned food for a while and see how...
If he meowed and ran off, he's probably fine. I would expect he would need a lot more force than that to cause any serious injury. You know your kitty though, and if does start acting weird, call a vet. I imagine signs of head injury would include vomiting, confusion, maybe head hanging to one...