My 10 month old cat died from kidney disease a month ago. A week after i found a cat on the streets that was a little bit smaller than mine who died recently, it was in a bad condition, had bald patches, skin was hard and thickened around ears and eyes. I took him to the vet and he got treated...
My 10 month old kitten has died 12 hours ago from kidney disease, what hurts the most is that he was suffering before he died and not the death itself... Ofcourse i cried and was sad that he died but after some hours i dont feel much and im already thinking about getting a new buddy... Am i a...
I didnt say in the original post that his BUN levels are increased and creatinine is decreased. The vet also did a SDMA test, normal range is 0-14, 14-20 is the range where more tests should be done to check his kidney function… his result was 29. 😭 during the night he started having more and...
Today on monday morning he got multiple tests done again, CBC, BMP and an ultrasound of the entire abdomen. His pale gums where caused by mild anemia, his RBC is normal but his hemoglobin is slightly lower. He also has lower than normal electrolytes, turns out he has kidney disease, his kidneys...
UPDATE: Two and a half months ago my cat started eating less and stopped playing and was lethargic, turns out he had a fever, got antibiotics, he started eating a little bit more but then stopped again, turns out he still had a fever, another antibiotic treatment later he still didnt eat and...
Its not like my cat didnt eat anything, he did eat but only like 10g of dry food troughout the day, not much but still something. Gave him a few stick treats and he ate them aswell. I didnt mean to say that my vet suggested to starve my cat he said to remove the food so it isnt available 24/7 so...
The first two times it was 1 antibiotic injection a day for 2 days, the last time it was 1 injection a day for 4 days which was a different one. About the third eyelid vet said it could be normal or a slight viral infection which should clear up but it didnt, he also got some other shots i think...
About 2.5months ago my kitten started eating less of his grain free food, i tought maybe he just got bored so i tried a few different ones with no success ( before he wasnt picky at all but now he refused most of the food i offered) he also got diarrhea and was lethargic, turns out he had an...
My kitten has diarrhea for 3 weeks now. First couple of days i let him be, maybe it resolved on its own but it didnt. So i went to the vet and they gave him some vitamin injection + other injection for diarrhea, they didnt tell me exactly what it was and probiotics to give him with a syringe...
My kitten just got his first vaccine few hours ago. At first he seemed ok but now is lethargic and just wants to sleep. When i picked him up he started hissing when i touched his right shoulder i first thought he injured himself while playing and jumping around but then i also noticed a slight...
My 4 year old male cat went missing 11 days ago, i was totally heartbroken. I tried the usual things to try and find him, calling him every night and day, asking neighbours if theyve seen him, posting on social media, looking for him in the area. He was a indoor-outdoor cat for his whole life so...
I dont think my male cat has ever had bald patches. He is 2.5 years old and has outdoor access so i check his fur/skin regularly when petting but because this spot has hair i only noticed this a few days ago accidentally. I don't see him groom excessively, but i noticed that he sometimes pulls...
My cat is almost 2 years old. Male and neutered. He is positive for feline herpes virus and he had flare ups all his life. A lot of vet visits and nothings changed. He gets a flare up( conjuctivitis, coughing and sneezing) and my vet gives him some pills and an injection and he gets better...
My cat a little bit over 1.5 years old and literally all his life he had eye discharge that is brownish in color. He has herpes virus and has occasional flare ups but gets treated with oral antibiotics or some injections, but even during/after treatment his eye discharge never goes away...
My 1.5 year old neutered male cat is outdoor/indoor cat, eats and sleeps outside but is allowed outside whenever he wants. His whole life he is struggling with flare ups from cat herpes, went to the vet around 7-8 times ( before i found out it was feline herpes). Also his whole life his appetite...