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  1. C

    Comment by 'Cynthia9' in media ''

    I was cleaning out my closets but took a few minutes to play fetch. He has quite a vocabulary. I’ve managed to teach him several words. He also watches TV. His favorite show is Cats 101.

    Freddie playing fetch
  3. Freddie playing fetch

    Freddie playing fetch

  4. C

    Need suggestions on how to treat my cat with Low calcium

    You were spot on. It was contaminated. Thank you so much!!!!! Levels were normal
  5. C

    Need suggestions on how to treat my cat with Low calcium

    Do not be sorry. I am so glad you posted that. Also, the member that posted about the contamination was 100% correct. I took him to a specialist and his levels were normal. However, more drama. I am waiting for the last test result on a blood smear and I am going to post an unbelievable story. I...
  6. C

    Need suggestions on how to treat my cat with Low calcium

    I am in Wilmington at the emergency vet who is a specialist in internal medicine. I am hoping the bloodwork was wrong. Not taking any chances though. Thanks again for all of your help!
  7. C

    Need suggestions on how to treat my cat with Low calcium

    It’s 6:00pm and my vet must not be too concerned. They never called me back. I will be getting a new vet and additional testing. This is absolutely ridiculous! I have crying my eyes out over this. The only ones that seem to care are the members on this site.
  8. C

    Need suggestions on how to treat my cat with Low calcium

    Thank you for this.
  9. C

    Need suggestions on how to treat my cat with Low calcium

    No he has been pretty healthy up until a few days ago. I contacted my vet and shared my concerns. They haven’t called me back. I reached out to a higher level vet in Wilmington, North Carolina, but I need a referral. I took him in originally because he was having vomiting and diarrhea.. that...
  10. C

    Need suggestions on how to treat my cat with Low calcium

    I am beyond upset. They said the Epakitine normally corrects the calcium issue. She did say he could have an issue unless we correct it. That is why I am so concerned about getting him treated. I am trying to find someone who knows what they are doing. That is why I took him to a Feline only vet.
  11. C

    Need suggestions on how to treat my cat with Low calcium

    I’m sorry for any duplicates. I had trouble transferring the file. Thank you for responding.
  12. C

    Need suggestions on how to treat my cat with Low calcium

    Any suggestions on what I can give my cat Maks instead of Epakitin. If I add it to any of his food he will not eat. I have tried everything including low sodium tuna in water. The vet says Epakitin has no taste but obviously my Maks doesn't agree. I am beyond frustrated. I just spent $$$$ in...