Last night levi sat on desk and left clear flyid smelled terrible. Just now laying on me and to me looks like top of butthole enlarged? Is he ok or any ideas? Sorry about graphic picture
So my boy Levi and I have been playing all morning. He slept on bed with me and we played with wand toys. I gave him 5 small “kittles brabd” treats. Then more pkay and about 5 minutes later he threw up a small lump of tge treats and maybe catfood. Not a hairball. Then moved to different location...
I bought this cat “baby book” it has spots for pictures and says stuff like “One my first day with my new family I ...” then you write in what your cat did. Another section was “ My cat emotions” snd had spots fir happy, sad, sassy etc pictures of your cat. It is a good memory book And there is...
Sorry posted before done!
My sisters cat hasn’t been checked by a vet in awhile. I may suggest a visit then. My sister thinks dandruff due to living in Las Vegas heat. But im worried because cat stays inside with air conditioner so why would that be a factor. I may suggest she get the blood...