It's been about 5 hours and she only wants to sleep right now. I can figure out if the meat she's eating is enough. When should we worry? I am perpetually worried 😫
I have a rescued kitten that we have had for a few weeks. She has had a rough start but I think she's on track now. Her last vet check up last week went well and she's been making progress, but today she won't touch her bottle. She has been latching well before now. She is weaning and she is...
Just an update in case anyone else is in a similar situation. After we talked the vet the suggestion was to increase her water intake and if she hadn't gone by this morning we would take her in. Because of her size and condition he wasn't willing to recommend any home remedies that I brought up...
Is it at all possible that she just doesn't need to go yet? We are starting to freak out because we've tried the triangle method and extra water and a few drops of olive oil. We are coming up on 45 hours with no BM. The one the other day came so easily.
This is what we did today and she had a really great day! She is up 23g and she was ferociously hungry. Now we're struggling to get her to poop again. She went at 9a Saturday morning so at this point it's been 39 hours. She just gobbled 16 ml of formula so hoping that helps move things along...
No meds for nausea or appetite but we looked back on our logs and sure enough every time we give her the antibiotics she has an extra 1-2 hours between wanting to eat again. We just got her to eat 7 more ml so she is still in the safe zone for now. We are going to try to be more intentional...
We are feeding KMR powder. We've been offering every 2 hours but sometimes she just rejects at 2 hours. She's only eating about 7 ml average per feeding. She has canine teeth and incisors so I'm thinking she's between 3-4 weeks now? She is super tiny. She wants to play and she's acting normal. I...
I tried to find the answer to my question before posting and I didn't see anything about it so I'm sorry if I missed something.
I came into taking on a 3 week old kitten on weds afternoon. We've been using Kitten Lady and other resources to try to keep this baby alive. This is not my first...
Doc doesn't think the pain meds are needed because he's not blocked. But he did adjust the prozac dose. He seems a little better today so i guess i'm just overreacting. I just need my bud to feel better.
The vet said it was just a stress response. And he said I should put the Prozac on the ear on the same side. I asked if he could/should be on pain meds and they said they'd call back. They didn't, so I will follow up. We have just been trying to reduce his stress any way we can think of.
So, my buddy was pretty severely blocked back in September. We've switched him to canned food, we thought this were going well. Last Thursday he started demonstrating his behavior where he was constantly squatting but not going. We got him in to the vet the next day.
Doc says he's not blocked...
So from reading other's recovery stories, Shorty doesn't seem to abnormal. Has anyone specifically had issues with cats having nerve damage as she suggests, or could he just be taking a little longer to get back to normal?
I looked it up and it's not rated very high. I do not intend to keep him on it long term. I am still researching and haven't decided what to move all the boys to. I just know that we do not want to do dry food any more once it runs out.
He's on mostly canned now. We give 1/4 cup of the vet prescribed food during the day. He gets his canned food in the morning and evening. When dry food is gone we will do wet food only. He does drink out of his water tower.
It's a steroid, here are all of his medications:
Orbax: antibiotic
Prednisolone: steroid
Gabapentin: pain med
Prazosin: Urinary retention medication and antihypertensive drug
He also is taking zylkene for stress. He has a calming collar and feliway system. He has a prescription for prozac...
He will pee a small amount on his own. He will strain for 5-15 minutes at a time just getting little bits out. I would not say he meows in pain when he does this. He does at some points just lay on his puppy cat pee pad and kind of pees on himself. This happens less now that we started to help...
So we just got back from Shorty's first official follow up but 3rd vet trip since his episode on September 5th that led us to believe he had a blocked urethra. The thing is he is still not able to pee but the vet says he's not blocked.
We've been trying to help express his bladder in the...