Search Results

  1. Caspers Human

    Bengal or tabby please?

    Have you seen the mother and father cats? If they are Bengal then, of course, the offspring are Bengal. If you haven't seen or if they won't show you the parents then you can't say that the kitten is Bengal unless he comes with papers. Without that, my vote is that he's a mixed tabby: Spots...
  2. Caspers Human

    White spots in cats poop -pictures included

    What does she normally eat? Has she been eating anything different than usual? Do you think that there's a possibility that she could have gotten into something she shouldn't have? I don't think it's worms. I think it's something she ate.
  3. Caspers Human

    Behavior question

    Our cat, Casper, goes into the bathtub to drink and play under the dripping faucet. He does it a couple of times a day, often in the middle of the night. I know he's been in the bathtub because, he jumps up on the bed to snuggle in the middle of the night, you reach out to pet him and you put...
  4. Caspers Human

    What does everyone use to store their cat litter scoop?

    Absolutely! :) Just check the label to see that they contain more than 50% alcohol. If it's got other ingredients like benzalkonium ammonium chloride or similar sounding things, more's the better but regular alcohol will work just fine. Also make sure you wipe, scrub or rinse off any physical...
  5. Caspers Human

    What Shade is Oliver?

    He's an Orange Creamsicle! :biggrin:
  6. Caspers Human

    Dad used drops of eucalyptus oil in the kitchen to repel ants, I cleaned it as soon as I heard, but is our cat still in danger?

    I agree! If the cat has asthma you have to be more careful! Definitely keep the cat away until you can't smell the stuff, anymore. If you notice anything more than mild symptoms that last for more than a short time, definitely call your vet. :)
  7. Caspers Human

    Dad used drops of eucalyptus oil in the kitchen to repel ants, I cleaned it as soon as I heard, but is our cat still in danger?

    Yes, eucalyptus is bad for cats but don't worry, too much. The cat actually has to consume eucalyptus to get sick from it. Eucalyptus oil smells icky to cats so they are unlikely to try to eat it. The possibility of getting it on their paws and fur does exist, however. Then, when they clean...
  8. Caspers Human

    My new cat is constantly underfoot and won't let me move an inch w/o his getting in my way

    Elliot is the same way! 😆 He could be the poster child for Velcro kitties! If there is an open lap, anywhere in the house, Elliot will be on it! We're absolutely happy to have Elliot come up for some petting and kitty love but, there comes a time when you have to get up to do something else...
  9. Caspers Human

    What breed do our kittens appear to be?

    OMFG! I think I just had a heart attack from the cuteness overload! ;) ;) ;) How do you ever tell them apart! ;) ;) ;) Tabbies commonly have spots of their tummies and white under the chin. The main giveaway for a tabby cat is the "Letter-M" shaped marking on the forehead and the stripes at...
  10. Caspers Human

    What does everyone use to store their cat litter scoop?

    Just for information's sake: Isopropyl alcohol is a good disinfectant and antiseptic but it works better when it's diluted between 50 to 75 percent (by volume) with water. Alcohol works by denaturing the proteins in the outer cell walls of bacteria. Once it starts working on bacterial cells...
  11. Caspers Human

    My new cat is constantly underfoot and won't let me move an inch w/o his getting in my way

    How about a bicycle bell? Give it a little ring before you start moving to tell the cat to watch out. :)
  12. Caspers Human

    My new cat is constantly underfoot and won't let me move an inch w/o his getting in my way

    This might sound harsh but you have to teach your cat what "in the way" means. Too many people, myself included, are too deferential to their cats. When the cat comes along, we make way for the cat, put our activity aside and pay attention to the cat instead of our own activities. If we do...
  13. Caspers Human

    Kitten Clothes

    I'm in the same camp: If you want to put a Santa hat or some reindeer antlers on your cat in order to take a photo for your family Christmas album, that's fine. It's only for a little holiday fun and the cat will probably tolerate it for a few minutes but making a cat wear clothes for an...
  14. Caspers Human

    Could my new kitten be long haired?

    I wouldn't say she's a long hair. She's got a lot of kitten fuzz! :) Get her used to getting lots of brushing and petting as young as you can because when she grows up she might have some of the softest, thickest fur you've ever seen on a domestic cat! :)
  15. Caspers Human

    Cat pee'd in cloth-like carrier on the way to the vet

    Either white or apple cider vinegar will work. You can also mix a liberal shot glass (1.5 fl. oz.) of glacial acetic acid with a quart of water and you'd have basically the same thing as white vinegar. Glacial acetic acid is the main component of white vinegar. It's just diluted down to 5% by...
  16. Caspers Human

    Cat Constipation-ish Help Needed

    Casper is a picky eater and he doesn't even know the difference! ;)
  17. Caspers Human

    Cat Constipation-ish Help Needed

    Psyllium is good but it adds bulk. Sometimes, that's good but I think that Miralax is the better choice, in this case. :) Our cats drink out of an old fishbowl in the front window. They have a watering can, under the plant stand in the living room. There are two stainless steel bowls in the...
  18. Caspers Human

    Cat Constipation-ish Help Needed

    I think I might need a fake faucet for Casper! ;) He loves that faucet! :)
  19. Caspers Human

    Cat Constipation-ish Help Needed

    Our cat, Casper, has digestion issues. We give him Miralax. (From the grocery or pharmacy.) He gets 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. mixed into his food, daily. We watch his litter box and adjust the dosage, based on observations. I know that you said he's drinking water but it would pay to double down on...
  20. Caspers Human

    Indoor cat desperately wants to go outside

    Our youngest, Elliot, is almost 2-1/2 y.o. and we brought him indoors from being left outside a little over a year ago. He hasn't had a moment outdoors since the day we brought him in. Yes, he agitated and begged to go out for a while. He tried for the door, once or twice but we were always...