Ok, whoever delivers to Petsmart better get a move on. The shelves were bare today of Authority food, at 4 ish when I went to buy the weeks food. Today is supposed to be their delivery day but it hasn't shown up yet.... I've never seen the Lamb food there either despite it having a label on the...
Took a quick look at their list of stores but all as close as they come is in Saskatchewan lol.
Will give a call after work though, maybe they will send a sample =)
I used to give temptations but stopped a couple of years ago when kitty started gaining weight and I learned to read the ingredient labels. He went treat free(declined the cooked chicken or other meat he was offered) and recently started eating the pure bites chicken treats. Absolutely LOVES...
I think you might be onto something with the noise of it. We have a few of those moppy kickeroo catnip toys from kong. Oreo will ignore his other catnip toy and go straight for the moppy, it makes a crinkly noise like a bag when he plays with it. It's the only toy he will play with alone.
Thank you =) Oreo used to be a mischevious little critter, getting everywhere and on top of doors. Can't wait to see him like that again and sure he'll enjoy it even more.