Thanks a lot for your responses!
Well, it seems whatever it was, it's done now.
They spent the night sleeping in different places - as they usually do - and this morning, it's like nothing ever happened.
We're too familiar with non-recognition aggression, and yeah, I figured it might be...
Hey everyone,
I'm seeking some guidance regarding a concerning situation, where one of them has started hissing at the other seemingly out of nowhere.
The incidents occurred today, when one cat is resting on the couch, seemingly relaxed, and the other approaches and initiates hissing.
Thanks for the answers!
Well she's not a bully, she's just... fat 🙄 lol actually no, not fat, but definitely a glutton.
She's doing it right in front of me, and the worst part is the sad sounds she makes when I take the food away. She sounds so miserable (that's just her tone of voice), and...
You are more experienced with cats than I am, so I'm sure that you know that cats are... "unique" :lol:
We've got this simple worm that we attach to a rod, and while one cat goes bonkers over it, the other acts like it doesn't even exist.
How old is Terra anyway?
Actually we have the same...
I'm SO glad to hear everything went fine! I will say that our stress also has an effect on them, so whenever possible, try to stay cool as much as you can - or at least pretend.
For their annual treatments I've booked a vet that comes over - and that's exactly what I'm planning to do from now...
To be honest I’m terrified from the day that we’ll have to move…
I’d look for any article or video (try Jackson Galax) regarding the subject, and prepare in advance.
I’m sure you’ll find something here as well.
I'm so glad to hear that you're over it, and I'm so sorry I haven't been able to be part of the support group here!
I tried to explain it to my brother and asked him if he'd agree to get rid of one of his kids... Surprisingly he said "Yes", but that a whole different story :lol:
I agree, and...
It is crushing, and yes you will go through it ❤
Grooming is an excellent step here, and it means a lot!
Perhaps you can try to do it more one on one? If she's cool with one kitten- let him stay in the same room with her, and continue the process with the others
I believe that play sessions were one of the things that really helped us; One reason for the aggressor to be, well, aggressive, is stress.*
We've found that 20 minute sessions, several times during the day, really helped her to build back her confidence.
At first we played with the cats in...
Hi :wave3:
That's exactly our case; one time we took Jean (the aggressor) to the vet, when we came back it was her who slapped the other cat, that stayed at home!
Hope it'll be a short one for you :heartshape:
Torti does it sometimes (when she's freaking out and running around the house making voices that sounds like the kid from The Exorcist) on the side of the mattress. Imagine that's the first thing you see when you wake up :lol:
When they were kittens both of them used to crewel upside down on...
Too cute 😍
We have two cats, Jean and Torti. Whenever Torti is in her back, we know that she want to play, either with us or with Jean.
Could be the same playfulness with your cat.