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  1. L

    Sweet cat with redirected aggression, please help: euthanasia may be the only option.

    I don't know as the OP never gave an update. I pray that poor kitty was not harmed or euthanized though. I would highly suggest buying a pheromone calming collar, modifying it as written in the thread above (cut it into pieces and use tape or an elastic to fasten it to the inside of a regular...
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    Chronic swollen lymph nodes in neck?

    Thanks so much for the suggestion! I will look for a TCM vet!
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    Chronic swollen lymph nodes in neck?

    I’m a late comer to this thread. I posted something similar about my cat. She is Less than two years old and I adopted her from a shelter where she had her tests-and shots for FIV and FELV before I adopted her. About six months ago I noticed very large swollen lymphs in her neck (mostly on...
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    What breed is my cat?

    My brother had a black Bombay. They have very bright/ deep yellow eyes and he stayed pretty small for a male cat. He may have a little Bombay in him? Whatever he is- he is very handsome!
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    Chronic swollen lymph node mystery!

    Nothing fungal they could find either! She is my little ray of sunshine! The happiest little confident busy body you’ve ever met. Thanks again... 👍
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    Chronic swollen lymph node mystery!

    That is such good information, thank you so much for sharing that! It makes me feel much better and hopeful. And there’s a chance she may be younger than I think because they guessed at her age and she looked quite small. I really appreciate it! I will talk to my vet about this and do some...
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    Chronic swollen lymph node mystery!

    I have a cat that is very healthy and almost 2 years old that I adopted from the shelter When she was seven months old. She acts and looks great but she has very enlarged lymph nodes which she has had for months on her neck. She has seen the vet over this four times now. She has been tested for...
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    Scaredy boy kitty

    Thanks for sharing!
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    Scaredy boy kitty

    thank you so much! that’s very interesting about the squeak noises related to feral cats. i believe he may have been feral kitten of about 5 months when he was captured by animal co tell. so i think his very first encounter with people was being captured and then caged for weeks until we adopted...
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    Scaredy boy kitty

    Yep-- I think she stresses him out too with her high energy, and him being so skittish. It's like it's neutralized her presence for him maybe?
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    Thirsty girl

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    Scaredy boy kitty

    When we know guests are coming we put him in the room. He loves our bedroom it's his favorite place where he doesn't have to worry about guests or our other kitty. There are times when a service person comes unexpectedly and that's when he panics. Thankfully it's less and less as he gets older...
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    Scaredy boy kitty

    When we are trying to get him into the safety of our bedroom. When he is under there, he can't even lift his head, eat, drink, or use the litter. I've tried blocking the area with blankets but he still squeezes in when he panics.
  14. L

    Sweet cat with redirected aggression, please help: euthanasia may be the only option.

    I see there's another brand without any of the lavender scent (completely unscented) and has safety break-away. I will still cut it and tape a piece the collar. It looks promising though! Comfort Zone Cat Calming Pheromone Collar, Anxiety & Stress Relief Aid, Breakaway Design
  15. L

    Sweet cat with redirected aggression, please help: euthanasia may be the only option.

    absolutely agree! the modification is definitely safer and cheaper - so I will always suggest it going forward. One thing I forgot to mention is that I've even tossed a piece of a collar into a carrier with a stressed cat, and that has helped when they are confined.
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    Scaredy boy kitty

    Thank you! Yes, my husband has a strict "no cats in the bedroom" rule, as he insists that we keep one area 'fur free', but he has made an exception for the boy - which he has NEVER done before. He lets him camp out in our room when we have company and we keep food and litter etc in there for...
  17. L

    Sweet cat with redirected aggression, please help: euthanasia may be the only option.

    Yes, they were advised....but not provided with extras, as it lasts for up to 30 days. Also the shelter is a unique place, and our cats are free to roam in a cattery and not in individual cages. When a new cat is brought in, it can freak out from all the smells of the other cats in an...
  18. L

    Sweet cat with redirected aggression, please help: euthanasia may be the only option.

    I've used the collars on at least a dozen cats at the shelter as well as my own cats over the years. I've never had an issue. I have cut it in pieces and taped it to collars mostly to save money and it seems to work just as well. I completely understand the concerns around not being break...
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    Scaredy boy kitty

    They are almost 2 years old. They play frequently, but often I notice the scaredy boy plays like his life depends on it while confident girl is non-chalant. They both eat well and have no problems with litter sharing. The boy is the cute tabby pic and the girl is my strawberry blonde beauty.