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  1. C

    Any information about breast cancer progression ?

    😭 😭 😭 😭 Stay strong Paul. I am heartbroken over Belle and now gorgeous Aza. 😭😭😭😭 I loved them both and always felt close to them. Thank you for making their lives better. 💗💗💗💗
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    Super Aggressive Cat - sometimes

    I believe it is all about confidence. A confident cat is more likely to accept and be accepted. Insecurity (territory, food) tends to lead to defensiveness and acting like "prey". A cat that runs away tends to act like a prey animal and therefore the other cat will chase and possibly attack...
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    Help/Advice for introductions

    The video is AMAZING!!!! Sapphire looks GREAT and happy and Fluffy is FANTASTIC and comfortable!!! What a cat tree!!!!! AWESOME!!!!! WOW, I LOVE to see that!!! "Thank you for the kind words! Luckily where I live we didn't get the wild fire smoke too badly (but I did get it when I was traveling...
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    Help/Advice for introductions

    "Hello again! I wanted to pop in and provide another update." - Hi, great. I was thinking of you with the wildfires. "I hadn't realized how long it's been as I've been extremely busy with work and traveling for work and struggling with some mental health issues lately." - You take care of...
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    Cat Introduction .... Failure?

    WOW!!!!! COMGRATUATIONS on all the great news!!!! New relationship, new siblings, no more peeing, AMAZING new place. 😍 ♥ I am SO HAPPY for all of you. You all deserve it!!! ♥♥ Thank you for the fantastic update. Made my year!!!! :cheerleader::heartshape:
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    I Got My Feral In The House Today!

    Thank you for the update. A lot of great news in it!!! Keep up the great work :heartshape:
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    Updates from Kiev

    May the air defense keep working and deter them. You all are always in our prayers. Thank you for all you are doing for all the cats and for updating us.
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    Help/Advice for introductions

    "Still moving along with not a whole lot more progress." - Ok. As long as they are happy it is not a worry. "After my last post there were a few instances where Sapphire actually came downstairs while Fluffy was somewhere else downstairs and overall it wasn't anything exciting." - WOW!!! THAT...
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    Help/Advice for introductions

    "Hello I just wanted to check in again as it's been quite awhile!" - Yes. I think you have been busy. "I've been traveling weekly or every two weeks in the new year so I've been quite exhausted even when I'm at home." - Ahhhhhhhh, yep. THAT is busy!!! "Nothing too much has changed. There...
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    Introduction started okay then went bad

    5 months is a good age to get them intro'd. Sounds like they should be fine. Just make a post if you need it to get more specific advice.
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    Introduction started okay then went bad

    :yess::hyper: :clap2::cheerleader: FANTASTIC!!!!! GREAT work with them!!! The picture is worth a thousand words. :itslove:😍:heartshape:♥💗 THANK YOU for the update!!! And THANK YOU for all your hard work!!!!
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    Advice on Cat Introductions - Feeling a Bit Lost

    Hello, Great to hear from you. I am so happy to hear you and the cats are doing well. The main thing is everyone's happiness is the best it can be. I think it is fine if the cats are separated. The main thing is the cat's are happy and the humans are happy. I would not worry about Hawthorne...
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    Cat Introduction .... Failure?

    Well I separated from my partner (well RIP Catio I guess) it just wasn't working out for me anymore. He kept Monty. I took the other three since he didn't want Cosmo because he would be too much of a hassle because of the peeing. I miss Monty every day. He was my first ever cat and I don't know...
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    Struggling With Play Time

    Hi is everything ok? I hope so. I hope you are just busy.
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    Help/Advice for introductions

    "So sorry once again! I've still been very busy and haven't had much time to respond." - No reason for any apology. I know you are very busy. " I just wanted to clarify that Sapphire was in fact eating her food, she was just waiting until Fluffy left before she would eat it." - Ok, not a...
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    Help/Advice for introductions

    "Hello I'm back again!" -Hello!!! Welcome back!! "Earlier this week we had another chase unfortunately." - Ok, it happens, let's see " I was out for dinner and my mom had gone over to feed the cats dinner. At some point after dinner while Fluffy was in the catio Sapphire had snuck downstairs...
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    Struggling With Play Time

    My opossum now comes around 9-10am as well. Never saw a opossum at that time wanting to eat. :) A true character. :)
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    Help/Advice for introductions

    "I'm so sorry, for some reason I had thought I replied to your message and for the life of me I can't remember what I thought I had replied with. Must be over tired." - It is ok, I know you are busy. "There hasn't been anymore peeing problems since the vet appointment so all seems well." -...
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    Struggling With Play Time

    WOW!!! GORGEOUS!!!!! I LOVE her!!!!! Thank you. And I can see why she was adopted right away. Good you had some time off. WOW!!! More shortage. :( At least the manager started now. I hope the person is good. WOW!!! He did really well it sounds. "Only" scuffle is pretty good imo. I am amazed...
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    Help/Advice for introductions

    "It was just random spots outside, for example the corner of the house in one location and another was on front steps leading up to the deck." - Ok, outside is fine, that is him telling other animals HE OWNS THIS HOUSE!!! "Two of the three times he had peed just right outside his litter box in...