How is she doing?
My cat used to throw up after eating because of dental pain. It took us a long time to figure it out, partly because we assumed he just needed to get rid of a hairball. I hope this isn’t your cat’s issue, but it could explain why she throws up after harder dry foods and not...
Moats have never worked for my cat — he just ate around the water. And I got the “you ruined it!” face when I added water only kind of mixed in.
At this point we just mash his food up completely with water, creating a loose stew-like consistency, almost like a thick blended soup. The downside...
My cat has had tooth issues in the past (none current) and the vet wants us to get him chewing to reduce his dental tartar.
Kitty is not picky, but likes to lick his food and/or swallow it whole. This goes for almost all types of foods and treats. We don’t want to change his (stew-like) meals...
Our kitty refused to eat after being sick. We tried several trucks and all failed. We knew we had to get something in him, so we dabbed some honey onto his nose. He licked it furiously then went right over and ate his meal.