Ally has black, auburn and on one paw the underside is a burnt orange. She also has one white whisker on the right side and also one white whisker near her mouth on the same side. Those 2 white whiskers show up really well. her auburn color is 3 stripes across the back.
I hate to say this but I would be in that position as well, No way would I go in debt for tests on a cat while I do NOT even go myself for such things,(cannot afford it). I feel your pain, had to put down my 15 year old orange tabby oct 2015. Such a sweetheart and I have never regretted it...
I have noticed that my Opie sneezes occasionally but He may have a few allergies like me. It is only once or twice a day so I am NOT worried. If I did NOT take my Zyrtec every morning I would not even be able to have a cat period.
welcome, I am not here often but this is a fantastic board for all your questions and needs. Glad your rescue is ok. I have never had a cat do that and I am sure I would have been concerned as well. All my cats have always been kittens who found me first..
I have a beautiful granite rock made into a flame that uses lamp fuel, and my tortie stuck her whiskers to it. We smelled hair burning and pulled her away, do not know if she would ever pulled away on her own..something else I cannot use anymore cause cats are so darned curious..They are the...
it is a real cutie , hard to tell right off but very interesting looking. I see a burnt orange look on one rear paw. My Maine Coon Tortie has a front paw that same way but her hair was really long at 12 weeks. I do believe the other person was right, she appears to be short haired. It is still...
you are not bringing feral cats into the home before they are given shots, etc. are you? I mean not introducing them to the cats you have already? I was told to keep my new kitty totally seperate until she had her shots, etc. Never let them share food, kept kitty in a kennel, in a closed off...
BOTH my cats are declawed. At first we used yesterdays news for litter.. Now we use a mix of crystals and so phresh from Pet Depot. They do well with it. Sounds like your cat was declawed recently, can you find out? Yesterdays News is rolled- up pellets of old newspapers and is easy on newly...
Once had a house rabbit who was the same way was always trying to get back into the cage before i was finished cleaning it. animals are so darn funny about THEIR things, kinda' like us humans I guess..
does NOT matter if she just went and I clean the liter box she will get in either pee or push out a rabbit ball turd.. I think they must have their scent back in the box
My cats run when the door to outside is opened. esp. Opie but he was under 2 weeks and bottle fed when I got him , However Ally was found outdoors by a friend caged, and brought in by her and her hubby until I took her nearly 2 weeks later. she runs when he does.... Thy have a horse farm nearby...
I bought a doggie bed that looks like sheepskin certainly big enuff for 2 but they are always at the door to greet me. I have even seen Ally laying on there a lot never Opie. It is near the heat vent so they might curl up in cool weather. Opie and Tigger would be sleeping together only when I...