Search Results

  1. annah8

    Abandoned Kitten

    THANK YOU so much for your reply, and apologies for the delay in response. This was actually very helpful indeed -- and I will certainly heed your suggestion about making it sturdy, more than I think necessary. Yes, cat's have a light touch, but they can also sure pounce pretty hard on things...
  2. annah8

    Abandoned Kitten

    Hi Bengalcatman - You have beautiful cats! June But reminds me of one I lost two years ago at the age of 14. Loved him dearly. I now have three cats -- all rescued from my backyard. A trio consisting of mother, daughter and granddaughter. Very fortunate to have this generation of females...
  3. annah8

    Help With Cat Food: Dry Vs. Wet

    UPDATE! I tried small portions of wet food and she not only took to it, but after a few weeks she has shown no signs of dragging her bum. She will now gradually lose the weight she needs, plus have a healthier balanced diet. SO happy. Thank you again!
  4. annah8

    Help With Cat Food: Dry Vs. Wet

    Thank you SO much. I've never heard of a "novel protein"; I will definitely do research on that. The urinary/weight issues are my biggest concerns for her. She drinks plenty of water, so that's a good sign, but I find her to be a bit chunky/round around mid-body/hips, more than makes sense...
  5. annah8

    Help With Cat Food: Dry Vs. Wet

    Background: I have a female cat I saved over a year ago. She is completely socialized, happy, healthy and beautiful. When I was socializing her I saw she had an issue with dragging her bum. (It was not related to poop cling-ons, swollen anal glands, or anything to that nature, as she was...
  6. annah8

    Colony Leader

    So sorry for your loss and thanks for updating us. You saw it through to the end and that's more than some would do. You also gave him the dignity and respect he deserved without any further trauma from a vet. My hope is you find solace in knowing you gave Brown cat a better life, as...
  7. annah8

    Euthanize or let pass naturally?

    Personally I would trap with food and water. If you take him/her to the nearest vet they're usually able to sedate the animal while in the cage, thereby being able to exam and determine if he/she should be put to sleep. Doing the humane/right thing is sometimes hard depending on the situation...
  8. annah8

    Look What I Found Today!

    Adorable. So sad, but so happy they were found. I wish them a forever home soon, and healthy and happy life too.
  9. annah8

    Savannah & Hannah: Strays In My Garden

    So much good guidance. Thank you all very much!!
  10. annah8

    Savannah & Hannah: Strays In My Garden

    Hi - Thank you for your comments.  The photo is just a split-image of two different photos - they are not truly together in the same room.  Unfortunately I can't seem to find those "countless of books" as you say. I need books specific to strays, and I don't think typical cat books...
  11. annah8

    Comment by 'annah8' in article 'Playing With Your Cat: 10 Things You Need To Know'

    Thanks for the good article.  I engage in all of these except the feeding after play.  I suppose with some things there's no fast and hard rules.  I actually play after feeding.  Since my cats eat on the early side, there's plenty of time for them to clean themselves, go potty, play, rest...
  12. Colony Leader

    Colony Leader

  13. annah8

    Colony Leader

    What a great post, funny, heartwarming, drama...what more can we ask for.  I just posted for the first time (new here) and I too have saved a Calico. After reading your post, I feel even more certain that I did the right thing.  Hail to Calicos!!  Would love to see the cat hut once it's built...
  14. CAVE 300-1-WS-750x605.jpg

    CAVE 300-1-WS-750x605.jpg

  15. annah8

    Savannah & Hannah: Strays In My Garden

    Hi, I’m Annah, new to this site – and so glad to have found you.   For the past four months I’ve been drowning myself with literature/websites dedicated to ferals/stray cats - first, just to figure out what the difference is between ferals and strays – then, to figure out how to help them and...
  16. Savannah & Hannah: Strays In My Garden

    Savannah & Hannah: Strays In My Garden

  17. Savannah & Hannah.txt

    Savannah & Hannah.txt
