Search Results

  1. LeiLana80


    I just totally hadn't thought of the basement storage room closet! My mom gave me the idea. I hadn't even thought about it, we just stuffed it with storage stuff years ago when we moved in. lol So he is now eating a little, but only when we are in there, after lots of coaxing, and only off the...
  2. LeiLana80


    So that's what we wound up doing! He's in a basement closet. Doesn't sound glamorous, but it's contained and safe. It's the same size as the bathroom anyway- I just had to move a lot of storage stuff out. As far as the Advantage II, Amazon promised morning delivery, now they are saying...
  3. LeiLana80


    Okay, so I have been working with a feral/stray since early spring. Long story short, he finally started mildly trusting me just in the last two months. I tried to make him a few different cat houses with a heated bed, but he's too nervous about them and won't ever go near them. So tonight it's...
  4. LeiLana80

    Bitter Atopica

    I have spoken on here before of my cat with severe skin issues, so I won't go into too much detail. He was on Atopica for about 6 weeks, and allergy food, and he HEALED. A normal cat again! Thank God! However, we took a break from the meds, and I saw him start to scratch again, and this week I...
  5. LeiLana80

    Swallowing hard while purring?

    Before I even finished reading what you wrote, I thought it was excessive drooling. :) I have had many happy drooly cats through the years and sometimes it drips out, but usually they just swallow it down, fairly noticeably. lol
  6. LeiLana80

    New to allergies

    So the cats have been on the same food for like 3 years. I wondered if the quality/ingredients changed during the last 6 months (everything in stores has been cheapened). I am still wondering if it's a poultry allergy. The food he's now on is the super fancy Hills allergy food where all the...
  7. LeiLana80

    New to allergies

    Good gourd as I reread what I typed, it hit me. I'm an idiot. I have been giving him .05ml. It's supposed to be .5ml. I am so irritated and angry and frustrated with myself right now. No wonder. I just gave him his CORRECT dose. I hope it helps him asap.
  8. LeiLana80

    New to allergies

    An update. So we have been seeing the new vet, it's one of the best (and most expensive) in the area. They were wonderful with him. Totally understanding, ran a BUNCH of tests, offered all kinds of options. It's not mites, it's not fungal. They did skin scrapings and checked. They did bloodwork...
  9. LeiLana80

    Dry food suggestion?

    Thanks for the suggestions for the feral!
  10. LeiLana80

    Dosage too high?!

    So I called before going in today, and they still said that 300mg was fine. :paranoid: I did not feel comfortable giving him that much, so I gave him about 200mg. It worked out just fine. They were able to easily draw blood and even get a syringe urine sample, and he was calm, but still able to...
  11. LeiLana80

    Dry food suggestion?

    I tried searching the site and reading some articles, but didn't really find what I was looking for. Feeding a rough looking feral... what type of affordable dry food should I be feeding him/her? Any specific suggestions? Would a senior cat or kitten food be better, since it has more nutrients...
  12. LeiLana80

    Dosage too high?!

    So I called, but the location we use is having phone issues so I had to call the other location. I didn't get past the front desk girl- she says that the dosage is what she gives her cat, who weighs about the same. I am still not convinced. I want to speak to one of the medical staff, not just...
  13. LeiLana80

    Dosage too high?!

    I have another thread talking about my Shadow kitty's ongoing health issues. I am seeing a new vet and we go back for a follow-up this week. Last time we were there about two weeks ago they tried to take his blood and he just absolutely wouldn't cooperate and they didn't want to stress him out...
  14. LeiLana80

    New to allergies

    Thank you all for the information! I am going to read through and figure something out. Yes, I am switching vets. I was waiting to see how this food/litter switch went, but now I see this is progressively getting worse, so a new vet is in order.
  15. LeiLana80

    New to allergies

    I have 6 cats. My black cat Shadow is about 7 now. This year in January he suddenly started having mega itchy skin, huge thick scales flaking off his skin, and major hair loss. And so much scratching and licking he'll bleed. He wound up almost dying from sudden acute Pancreatitis at the end of...
  16. LeiLana80

    Crusty spots

    Yeah, she rubbed me wrong when I took him in a month ago for the Pancreatitis. She walked into the room and straight up accusingly asked my children "Which one of you fed the cat something you shouldn't have." Pointing her finger at them and everything. Really the wrong way to go about it...
  17. LeiLana80

    Crusty spots

    Update: I took him to the vet yesterday. She looked him over and said it's not a food allergy or a ringworm type of thing. I asked about hypothyroidism and she said "Cat's don't get that". :rolleyes: She didn't run any tests or take samples or anything. So she had no idea what is going on with...
  18. Miss Kitty and her twin

    Miss Kitty and her twin

    She was not amused.
  19. Moxi


    "Oh yes, that's the spot!"
  20. Evie and Moxi

    Evie and Moxi

    They act like siblings (a love/hate relationship), but they are 6 years apart and not related.