Search Results

  1. tulosai

    Steves preganntt... Help.

    Generally non clear discharge during feline pregnancy isn't normal, but it does seem to often happen that there will be a small amount of other discharge very shortly before birth.  If the discharge continues or there is a lot of it though, I would definitely consult a vet as it's always better...
  2. tulosai

    Kitty fat?

    Has she been to the vet for a general wellness check up yet? If not I think that would be the best place to start :)
  3. tulosai

    I need help please

    I agree with the others, they are on the younger side for weaning and probably simply are not ready. Give it a rest for a few days and then try again. They should show some interest soon :)
  4. tulosai

    I'm feeling so guilty :(

    Unfortunately, cats don't always know what's good for them  Have you tried giving him treats after administering the medicine? If he's at all food motivated, that should definitely help soften the blow.   The bottom line, though, is that you really shouldn't feel guilty- this is just want you...
  5. tulosai

    My Cat Is Giving Birth!!

    Basically, what is going on is not uncommon and as long as mom is acting normally, doesn't seem distressed, and is taking care of the kittens, there is no need for you to do anything right now- if there is another kitten it will most likely be delivered in its own time (but still relatively...
  6. tulosai

    Aggressive 7 month old kitten

    Hi and welcome  If this is brand new behavior I would definitely suggest getting him checked out by a vet to make sure he's okay physically.  Cats can be very good at hiding pain, so you wouldn't necessarily know if something was wrong. If he gets the all-clear medically I'd recommend these...
  7. tulosai

    Rescued as newby bites and scratches

    Unfortunately this is really really common in kittens that were separated from mom and siblings early.  In the ordinary course of things mom and siblings teach a kitten 'manners'. Since this couldn't happen, this is unfortunately not surprising. It's hard to give specific advice as to what your...
  8. tulosai

    New owner, adopted cat with UTI

    Yes, this is normal.  Cats can take some time to adjust. If he still hasn't used the litter box by tomorrow though that would be a time for concern.
  9. tulosai

    Rescued cat in Egypt looking for a loving forever home

    Hi and thanks for rescuing her  Unfortunately exporting an animal can be an expensive and time consuming process. To bring a cat in from Egypt to the EU it will need a rabies shot, a microchip, and a blood sample, and the animal would not be able to travel for 3 months from the date the blood...
  10. tulosai

    Sore on cat's neck/side of face

    I personally would take him to see the vet to be safe. This could be any number of things and a vet would be in the best position to tell you with some certainty what's going on. Good luck!
  11. tulosai

    Hades chewing

    In all honesty maybe, maybe not. Some cats are indeed just chewers- I have one. The best advice is just to keep anything you absolutely don't want chewed where he can't get it. Good luck :)
  12. tulosai

    Need Help With Fat, Bitey Cat

    I also strongly feel that a vet should be consulted.  It's no good to treat this as a behavioral issue if it ends up being medical, so you really should use the vet as your starting point. Good luck sorting this out- I know it must be frustrating.
  13. tulosai

    Urinary Issues Post PU Surgery

    I think your vet is indeed the best person to discuss this with.  I haven't heard of anything like this before, but don't have personal experience with this surgery.  Hopefully while you are waiting to hear back from your vet someone with more experience will stop by. Good luck getting this...
  14. tulosai

    sweet Roz needs a home

    Hi  Unfortunately this is an international forum, so chances of your finding someone here who is willing to take your cat are very small. Is there any way you can move somewhere where you are able to keep Roz with you? As you say she is part of your family. Sadly, it is very difficult for...
  15. tulosai

    Her second, My first.

    I can't emphasize this enough... some feral males also have territories/ "home ranges" of over a thousand acres, no joke.  Even domestic cats (Toms) can have a "home territory" of well over 500 acres. Your cat is only safe if she's inside until she's spayed.  As Handsome Kitty says, male cats...
  16. tulosai

    mr. william...

    I would take him to the vet ASAP for a complete check up and particularly to rule out a UTI.  Based on what you've described I think a medical issue is extremely likely.  If he gets the all clear, let us know and we can try to get to the root of what could be happening if the issue is...
  17. tulosai

    Her second, My first.

    We have a good collection of articles in the Cat Health section which you can access by scrolling up to the brown bar, clicking on Articles,and then choosing the Cat Health section and scrolling through the choices.  To make this super easy for you, I am copying the links regarding birth...
  18. tulosai

    My 4 month old kitten has a jelly belly!!!!!!

    I don't see any need to cut back on what you are feeding her at this point. 3 pounds is actually rather small for 4 months.
  19. tulosai

    I vaccinated a pregnant cat

    In addition to the option of a spay/abort, please do give some thought to spaying this cat after she delivers the babies. There are many advantages to spaying a cat both for the cat (she will be less likely to get cancer, and more likely to live longer and healthier in general) and also for you...
  20. tulosai

    Strange Kitty Issues

    How long has it been since your cat has eaten? If it has been more than 48 this is already a medical emergency and you really have to start force feeding her and/or take her to a vet. Please see this article for more...