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  1. yekrats

    Tubby's Vet Trip 🐱

    I thought about doing that too. 🤑
  2. yekrats

    Tubby's Vet Trip 🐱

    Yes, you're right. The purina one+ food isn't for urinary tract health. However, purina does make their proplan urinary track cat food. It's not for senior cats, but maybe worth a look anyway. Our vet put Tubbs on urinary tract health food to help combat his piddling on the wall problem. I...
  3. yekrats

    Tubby's Vet Trip 🐱

    Good ol' Tubbs just came back from a health check at the vet, scoring 99% perfect out of 100 with only 1% knocked off for being a little chunky. ( We can fix that though, we'll just dial his food back a touch. ) Time for a funny story. As "Purrr" the usual, Tubbs did not like going into the pet...
  4. yekrats

    What Are Your Cats Doing Right Now?

  5. yekrats

    What Are Your Cats Doing Right Now?

    Patches is sharpening her claws on the hamper. She doesn't actually have any claws ( Declawed as a kitten by previous owners, NOT by us. We would NEVER do that to a cat.) but she doesn't know she has no claws and has a great time tearing it up!
  6. yekrats

    What's the Weather and Temperature like where you live ? - 2023

    It's only 90° today but headed for 100°+ this weekend. Isn't it funny? In the winter it's just too cold 🥶 and then when summer gets here... 🥵
  7. yekrats

    Cat throwing up,what do I do?

    OMG, this is beyond funny. We gave them their new feeding bowls last nite, the kind that force them to slow down and their reactions are hysterical. Last night they came and got me doing their best "Hey, I'm starving to death here." food dance so I thought Oh, mommy hasn't fed you yet. Went to...
  8. yekrats

    Cat throwing up,what do I do?

    Ahhh, the patient. Boy, don't call him that. He already thinks hes the most important thing in the universe. Anyway, He's doing pretty good. He had a great day on Friday, a little less so yesterday and seems perfectly fine today. Which means hes miffed that Patches (that other kitty... 😾) is...
  9. yekrats

    What's the Weather and Temperature like where you live ? - 2023

    I thought the sky was on fire the last couple of days but it only got up to 90° so I guess only a little smolder.
  10. yekrats

    Cat throwing up,what do I do?

    That's a ton of good information, thank you. We haven't taken him to the Vet yet but are doing a few things to try and isolate the problem. We're changing their feeding bowls to the kind that force a cat to slow down thinking maybe he's just eating too fast. It doesn't seem real likely to me but...
  11. yekrats

    Cat throwing up,what do I do?

    Tubbs is feeling better and ate some chicken. Probably going to take him to the vet tomorrow just to be safe.
  12. yekrats

    Cat throwing up,what do I do?

    Hyperthyroid, good Idea. I'll ask the vet. He seems to be feeling a little bit better now, he's off the floor and back up on his perch on top of the couch so I'll try giving him some plane chicken. Thanks 🙂
  13. yekrats

    Cat throwing up,what do I do?

    I think you are all right and what he is eating is the problem. Unfortunately, he/we are just going to have to whether the storm but we'll get through this. 😿
  14. yekrats

    Cat throwing up,what do I do?

    Poor guy, he's really having a hard time. He just came downstairs, yowled at me once and threw up again. No food came out just liquidity stuff. He feels awful and wants me to fix it. I don't think I dare give him anything now, He'll just throw it back up.
  15. yekrats

    Cat throwing up,what do I do?

    Oh boy, this is going to be quite an undertaking. Got to be done though. Anyway, I don't think it's bad food because we get our food threw Chewy and He's had this problem through more than one batch so... We'll, he really likes chicken, that's for sure so I guess I'll start there. Maybe add some...
  16. yekrats

    Cat throwing up,what do I do?

    Sorry, I missed that. Both actually. Usually he throws up soon after eating but some times it's been down a while. I hadn't thought about him becoming intolerant to his food. I sure hope not, we've got a lot of the stuff. I guess the thing to do is feed him something else and see if he stops...
  17. yekrats

    Cat throwing up,what do I do?

    Okay, we adopted the cat's in December, had they're check ups done in January and Tubbs was spraying at that time so we had blood work done on him and his teeth cleaned as well. No trouble on the blood work ie: UTI, both cats were declared healthy and our vet put Tubbs on gabapenton for 2 weeks...
  18. yekrats

    Cat throwing up,what do I do?

    I have 2 cats, Patches, 5 yrs and Tubbs, 8 yrs. Tubbs, our orange tabby has been throwing up on and off for the last few months and I don't know why or what to do about it. Tubbs, is about 8 years old and both cats eat the same high quality (can't remember name at the moment) dry food they have...