3 lbs in 3 weeks? Wow! The rule of thumb is not to restrict food until they are a year old, but start paying attention when they are 9 months. Ask the vet if their current weight is appropriate then. My sis had an overweight cat at 8 months, and the vet had her start restricting a bit at 9...
Why give a kitten food he doesn't like unless medically necessary? If he prefers Purina kitten, just give him that along with wet food. He needs calories.
Depends on where you live. My Mom had a feral living in the shed for over 10 years. In the warm months, the cat got Purina and in the Winter, Iams. The cat was probably 15 when he died. Mom was adamant on better quality food in the Winter. Most ferals here don't survive the first winter unless...
Depends on how you stored it. If in your hot kitchen, I'd pitch it as the oils go rancid. If you stored in your cool dry basement, it should be fine for up to a year past expiration. We have a storage closet outside of the kitchen. Food is still good 6 months after expiration, but at a year...
Ear medicine is cold. Take it from me who has to use it myself. Try to warm it in your hand for about 5 minutes before you assemble cat. That may help some.
No matter how careful you are, once in awhile, you hit a blood vessel. If it happens again within the next few days, give your vet a call. I don't think there is a concern, but I'm not a vet. :) I gave subQs to 4 different cats and once in awhile, I had a small amount of blood. If you have...
Dreamer Rose, that's a great idea! I'll have to try that in future. Also, FWIW, if the pill isn't scored, it's not intended by the manufacturer to be cut in half. It means that the medicine can't be equally distributed about the tablet.
This can be common in related older kitties, but I think a vet visit would be appropriate. Kittens losing fur means something is amiss. Could be a minor congenital issue though.
My cat Cleo is like that. She puts weight on in one place and looks like an actual football with everything else skinny. The two other tubbo cats put weight on fairly evenly everywhere. So glad it wasn't something more serious.
To the original poster. I missed that diabetic mention. Sorry. To Antonio, for the home blood pressure monitors , do they at least give consistent results despite not matching what's on the vet's machines? Just like my oxygen monitor doesn't match the one at the hospital, it does give...
Ok, a couple of things. I personally think the glaucoma test isn't going to tell you squat about high blood pressure, but hey, I don't know enough about those systems in cats. I can tell you that in humans the pressure in the eyes have nothing to do with the pressure in the rest of the body...
Original Poster hasn't been here since 2016. Chances are, you cat has very high blood pressure. Without treatment, cat will go blind. I'm sure you are already bringing your cat to a vet, but if he can't do blood pressure, call area vets to find out if they can. Then ask your vet if he can...
Yeah, my personal cat won't respond to me yelling at her from 1/2 foot away to get off of something, but can hear the sound of a can pop its top from the basement on the opposite side of the kitchen with the door closed. Cats can discern the difference between all the cans with pop tops. They...
Most humans who are lactose intolerant have no problem with yogurt. My problem with commercial low fat yogurt is the quantity of sugar added to the yogurt to make it palatable. Sugar is worse for your cat than you. If you get regular fat yogurt (made with whole milk) they use very little...
I have no issue with Blue Buffalo Weight Control. My cats adore it. However, two have an allergy to some ingredient (they are allergy prone) and scratch, scratch, scratch, so I no longer buy it. Tried it two years later; same thing.
My brother became lactose intolerant from his meds. We give a little of his lactose free milk to the two cats that love it every few days. They love regular milk, but they get soft stools from it. The other 3 have never been fans of milk.
Here's a link to the canned food listing at Tanya's site and this listing at Dr Pierson's site (she has the listings for Friskies).
Young and middle aged cats have no problem excreting excess phosphorus. It only becomes a problem if they have kidney disease.
I use Mixed Grill all the time. The guy at my supermarket once told me to always check for dents in the cans as cats can get as sick as people from contamination. I've returned cans to stores that were dented and they take them back. They are nearly always damaged in transport, so stores do get...