I was about to post a similar thread. My cat (now 1 y.o.) is not eating as he used to. Normally we feed him dry food ad libitum, changing flavours but same brand, and wet food (a different brand, several flavours). He would eat his wet food and then from time to time have a nibble of dry food...
Many thanks for your suggestions. Outside, in the fields, there are a pair of buzzards that take care of rats and pigeons. The problem is inside the barn, where there is food (for the horses) and shelter (boxes, rooms, nooks etc). There are some of them, I couldn't say how many, but one of them...
Recently we have seen some rats in the barn. Not mice, the barn cats take care of these, but real big nasty rats. And the cats don't seem to be bothered by them. Is there any way to get rid of them rats that is risk free for cats?
Well, I think I've found out why he meows so much these days. Sometimes he meows because he doesn't like his food (some days he cherishes fish and other days he won't eat it), other times because he wants to drink from the faucet (even if he's got his own fountain and two different bowls of...
Yes, he was neutered last December. And he's due for his vaccines in June. The excessive meowing started last week, and I think (though I'm not sure) that it is because he wants to play. Some time ago, my husband used to play with him for about an hour each day, with balls and bags and canes...
I have an 11 mo cat which I raised myself (rescued when he was about 8-10 days old). Normally he's very independent, and only seeks human company when he wants to sleep o play. Sometimes, when we leave the house, he meows heartbreakingly for about one minute or two, and then he stops and goes...
Mistery solved!!!!
I was feeling unwell these last weeks, so I had an electric blanket in bed at nights, and a thicker, softer throw blanket on the sofa. He prefers warm beds, that's all!!!
Now I'm feeling well, he's back to my husband's lap. Aren't them cats egocentric!!!!
I adopted and raised a 10-15 days old kitten whose mother was missing. While he was a baby, he preferred me above my husband. But that changed when he was about 6-7 months old. My husband was working all day, and when he came home, he would take a nap in his lap, and then they would play for...
My cat, now 10 mo (is it still a kitten) is not interested in toys anymore. He doesn´t play with balls of any size or material, he doesn't play with wands (he wants to catch the hand that holds the wand), he's not interested in any kind of toy even if we keep out of sight for some time and then...
Those of you who have kittens or cats with white noses, do you groom them in any special way? My kitten nose is white and with very little hair so most of the time it's bright pink. The other day I saw wandering around the barn a large tuxedo feral cat, he's the only tuxedo I've seen around so I...
Right now he's eating Natural Greatness Wild Instinct for kitten and adult cats, with 86% of meat ingredients and 41% of crude protein, that's the dry food, ad lib. He likes it very much. And about 100 grs of Dr Clauder's number 2, Veal with apple, with 96.7% beef and 2% apple. We have tried...
My 8 mo kitten was sterilized one month ago. He was eating then dry and raw food, both high in protein. He was growing but he was more on the thin side. Now he is eating the same diet but we introduced a new flavour of dry food, he likes it so much that he devours it, and still eats some of the...
In Europe we have Movicol, it is the same ingredient as in Miralax, only different name.
Regarding telling a vet he's not educated enough... I've had the same problem with my horses. We must remember that most vets are like GP doctors, they know about many conditions and their remedies, but...
I don't know if this will help but... When I was a girl we had a cat that was always hungry and had diarrhea, we found afterwards he had a tapeworm, a huge one, from genus Taenia. That was more than 50 years ago, and cats weren't dewormed at the time, he died from malnutrition. Would a normal...
Normally when I'm cooking I keep all ingredients tightly sealed because of my kitten, he likes to jump on the bench and he would be very glad to help himself to a slice of ham or a pork cutlet. But today I was going to grill asparagus, so I didn't think I'd have to take all these extra...