My two cats eat the pouches all the time and they love it. I think they are great too because we don't get anywhere near the waste we did with tinned food.
They also eat Hills Science Diet biscuits which they adore, and they fall out with me if I run out!
Hello everyone,
I haven't been here for a while what with one thing and another but you may remember my last bout of posting was when my cat got shot with an air rifle. Smoky is doing fine now but there are still many cats and wildlife being shot at in our area. Nobody seems to have any clues...
I am annoyed by it all. The police have surpassed themselves recently for me.
Take a look at how helpful they were in my latest post:
I thought I would have to share my dear Sooty's latest escapades with everyone...
He managed to get himself locked inside a neighbours house for 2 days and nights without water or food. I found him in there after about 12 hours but i couldn't get him out and the neighbours weren't due home for...
Hi everyone.
Smoky is doing fine now as far as I can tell and I really hope he stays that way. He has his lovely shine back on his fur and is a bit of a purrbag these days!
I want to thank everyone for the support I got. Just for the record, the police were not interested in the slightest...
Hi everyone.
Thanks for your posts everyone. I did get upset before but thanks for apologising Donna.
Smoky is ok. His breathing was a bit laboured again yesterday but he seems ok in himself. He has been pottering around and playing with his brother, and between them I keep getting deliveries...
I do know my cats and I look after them extremely well. I was really upset by donna's response because I worship my cats and I always have. But I don't agree on keeping them in 'just in case'. They would hate that and they would be so unhappy! I know what I took on and why and I don't need to be...
For the record guys, I live in the UK.
Smoky is out today because he needed the toilet and won't use the litter unless he is totally desperate.
He has been an outdoor cat all of his life, as has his brother. They come in when they like and go out when they like. It would be cruel to prevent...
Thanks everyone for your concern. I saw the X-ray last night and the pellet is big and definately in a dangerous place to try to remove it so we can't risk it.
Smoky was ok last night but he isn't well this morning. I hope he feels better when I get home from work later. He can't go back...
I am so sad about it - I doubt the police will get anywhere but they might. you never know. What matters now is that Smoky manages to recover. I don't know what I would do without him.
We don't have enclosures - the cats stay relatively near to our garden. It wouldn't be fair to close them in...
I just found out after taking my cat to the vet this morning that he has been shot! They found a pellet in his chest and they told me they can't operate because it is too close to his heart. They don't know if he will be ok or not. He isn't too good right now. I want to cry.
I am so angry that...
Far too many people are too quick to bury their heads in the sand with these kind of issues . I think you are right to bring them into the open where people can't ignore them.
Then maybe something more would be done. Make people stand up and take notice!
Well up until recently their main food has been wet food - mainly Whiskas, Felix and Arthurs because they like it. This is given with a bowl of Hills biscuits because then they get balance and they love it.
I have intentions of stopping the wet food for a couple of weeks for the one cat because...
I feed Hills Science Diet dry food to my boys (along with some wet meat) but you guys don't seem to like it. Can you tell me why? Sooty and Smoky love it.
They do. I chose my house with major consideration for my cats and I am in the process of doing exactly the same again. We need to move soon because we are getting married, and I need to make the boys as safe as possible when they are outside.