Hey, i live in Algeria we don't have vet cardiologists here, they put her on anesthesia without any blood tests, we did a blood count last week it came out normal, but a slight low hemoglobin, there are mixed opinions on the x-rays, some vets said she's fine while others said she has a pleural...
We dont have vet cardiologists here, I've looked everywhere for a vet who does an echocardiogram but couldn't find any, also, we dont have labs for animals we usually do their tests in human labs that's how awful it is here, is this test available for humans? If so i think i can do it but if its...
My cat had this strong abdominal pulse 4 months ago, she was slightly less active and was eating less, took her to a vet and he performed an x-ray, told me she had a small pleural effusion and gave me meds, she got back to her usual self, fast forward to now, i took her to the vet for her teeth...
I live in a third world country where cats are treated horribly, most stray cats are killed by the government, im broke meaning i am supposed to be caring for a cat or Maximum 2 cats, but because i know these poor kitties would've died outside I couldn't help but adopt them, i spend all my money...
Thats what im going to do, i sent it to my vet and he said that they all need a dewormer so im getting it tomorrow because where i live no vet is opened today, wish me luck.
I have 13 cats home, i didnt know they had worms, i woke up with morning to find a horrific scene, there were lots of worms in the cat's stool or vomit im not sure whats that, and its not tapeworms, i dont know what type of worms are these and i dont even know which cat is infected, what am i...
My cat got infected with herpes and she stayed a month at the vet's clinic, she isnt vaccinated.
After i got her home she was doing great until she started sneezing again, she looks healthy minus the sneezing and is eating like she normally would, she is in heat so i thought of spaying her but...