My heart is shattered. Samwise came to us in 2005, young adult male cat, neutered and very friendly. Never knew where he came from, he just showed up at our bakery one day me never left. He and my husband formed a very, very close bond, he was definitely his cat. When we closed the bakery and...
I know most of you don't know me, but I'm a crazy cat lady from waaay back! I don't get in here much anymore, but it hit me today that sometime this month, I celebrated 10 years of being a TCS member ( last Wednesday 7/24 to be exact ).... So much time, so many changes... People have come and...
I'll agree that it was the bet thing I ever did, too! I too was diagnosed with fibroids in 2003, no symptoms at all, until one day after my period stopped, it started up again full force ( and then some!). I had the most awesome ob-gym, he came to see me before surgery, while I was in...
Wow... So many names that I no longer know.... That's what happens when you don't visit a lot, I HAVE to work on that, lol! I joined in July, 2003... Now I don't remember how I got here, probably just lurking around for cat things and stories, lol!
Contest Entry:
Do not laugh- when my RB kitty Mr. Blue Snuggles got to be older, I would "pre-chew" bits of steak for him when we had steak, so it would be easier for him to eat it....
In my opinion, its ALWAYS Torndao season in North Alabama, lol! We've had bad outbreaks in April as well as November.... and I'm smack in the middle of all the damage that was done on April 27th of last year.... devastation to our north, west, east and south.... but for many, many miles around...
Ok.. replied yesterday and it ate it, lol! Voting every day, will try to share it every day, and tweet it as well. If I can get the StumbleUpon option to work, I'll post it there too! love you, MA!