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  1. ldg

    Comment by 'ldg' in article 'A Scientific Take On Cat Nutrition By Dr. Rachel Boltz'

    A movie, Pet FOOleD, 1 hour 10 minutes, was out this past January (2017). It is not a hype-based movie, it just takes a look, through the eyes of two holistic veterinarians, at the problems with regulation in the pet food industry. The bottom line is that pet food is being manufactured and...
  2. ldg

    Comment by 'ldg' in article 'The Science Behind Cat Nutrition'

    ...except our indoor cats are not experienced hunters, and feeding live mice is just cruel, for the most part. Mice raised as feeder mice are killed humanely.
  3. ldg

    Comment by 'ldg' in article 'The Science Behind Cat Nutrition'

    There is. Hare Today ships frozen. They sell ground mouse, ground rabbit, etc.
  4. ldg

    "Old" Members

    Hi all! :wavey: Like the others, I'm having trouble connecting FB names to TCS usernames for many, LOL.
  5. ldg

    EZ Complete - has anyone tried it?

    Yes, you can still give bone-in meals. Just treat meals made with EZcomplete as you would any other completely balanced food. To balance the bone-in meals, you'll need to feed at least a few meals of meat with a small bit of organ and a dash of egg yolk to balance those bone-in meals. :)
  6. ldg

    Please help!--kitten w/ recurring diarrhea despite many visits to vet, changes in diet, and medicati

    I don't think anyone will be surprised if it turns out to be coccidia. I've treated coccidia in kittens with a yeast-based probiotic called Saccharomyces boulardii. It is a very close cousin of brewer's yeast, and one of the most researched probiotic strains in the world, used in hospitals to...
  7. ldg

    Sebastian, the feline love of my life

    Oh Nicole .... :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling...
  8. ldg

    Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi!

    Oh Rigel NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On no, oh I am so so so SO sorry! My heart goes out to all of you. It is such a terrible pain. He shares this day with our Sheldon, who crossed last year. I'm sure Shel is there to great him, Rigel, and show him the way. :rbheart::rbheart::rbheart...
  9. ldg

    Long-term Management of Arthritis: Onsior, Buprenex, Tramadol, or Adequan?

    I realize quite a bit of this thread is about pain management in arthritis. But for helping to manage the arthritis, as if we can reduce the inflammation, then the need for pain management is lessened, I shared my experiences in using omega 3s and a standardized curcumin product - which has...
  10. ldg

    Bro and advanced arthritis and prognosis

    :heart2: I hope it helps! If you talk to the vet and decide to give it a try, please let us know. :vibes:
  11. ldg

    Bro and advanced arthritis and prognosis

    Please talk to your vet about using these three things: The krill oil (the dose we use and see wonderful benefit as I'll relate shortly here is 500mg 2x a day, and that is for our 7 lb cat and our 14lb cat. Typically, dose is not weight dependent, rather small animal vs large animal (big dogs)...
  12. ldg

    Nexabiotic probiotic for IBD kitty?

    Lisa, if you want just a bacterial probiotic with no additives, high quality, and a good selection of strains, Renew Life is an excellent choice, the Renew Life Ultimate Flora, 15bn CFU. But for IBD, it really helps to include an S boulardii probiotic. Renew Life has one... there are two...
  13. ldg

    To my Pipsqueak, with love, whom I lost one year ago today.

    Ok, I'm bawling. :bawling: Oh Pip.... :heart2: Oh my, Lauren, what a lovely tribute to your little soldier! :soldier: (I think that smiley was designed just for him!) I don't remember seeing kitten pictures of him, and wow wow WOW what an adorable baby! I know his loss had a big impact on...
  14. ldg

    Pilot study shows "processed" pet food is high in inflammatory compounds

    A pilot study conducted by Dr. Conway (DVM) found that "processed pet food" (though what that is, is not defined in this interview by Dr. Becker of Dr. Conway) contains high levels of advanced glycation end products (AGE). Dr. Conway explained that the preliminary study, in which she looked at...
  15. ldg

    Mega massive vibes for Lazlo urgent

  16. ldg

    Lazlo, a TCS kitten through-and-through, our first feral, was called home

    Nicole, he was indeed. :heart2: :hugs:
  17. ldg

    Lazlo, a TCS kitten through-and-through, our first feral, was called home

    :lol3: @Margd! He'll probably be leading them when they land. No worries, he was a benevolent dictator!
  18. ldg

    Lazlo, a TCS kitten through-and-through, our first feral, was called home

    He was, Tricia, he was! I know it was his time, we're not second-guessing that decision, but my goodness the crying is just crazy. He was SUCH a good boy - about everything. He oversaw the introduction of 15 more cats - and goodness knows how many fosters those first few years. :rub: What a...
  19. ldg

    Mega massive vibes for Lazlo urgent

    Diagnosed the end of July, 2011, Lazlo was given four weeks to live without treatment. He went into remission - and stayed there. :) :heart2: But Lazlo's story has drawn to a close. On December 7, 2015, Lazlo was called home. It wasn't a return of that cancer. We don't know what it was. He died...