Search Results for Query: rodent ulcers

  1. FeebysOwner

    Swollen Lip

    ...washed frequently. Somonte's, resolution is as simple as changing the dishes to ceramic or stainless steel. They are considered painless and can disappear on their own. But, there can be other causes as well. Here is an article that discusses them further. Rodent Ulcers in Cats...
  2. Furbabycatmom

    Sore on chin

    Ok, she has steel dishes that are on plastic stands. Thanks I'll let the vet know.
  3. FeebysOwner

    Sore on chin plastic is porous and can trap bacteria) and can cause a reaction to that area of the mouth. They are called indolent ulcers, or rodent ulcers (nothing to do with rodents, btw). If you are using plastic dishes, change then out for either stainless steel or ceramic dishes and clean them...
  4. Kieka

    Swollen bump on cats lip

    Looks like a rodent ulcer, but you should see the vet to confirm. Rodent ulcers, despite the name, aren't rodent related usually allergy driven. Which can be flea, food or plastic dish in origin. I'd see your vet and change to a metal food dish if you use plastic to cover the bases. Vet will...
  5. stephanietx

    Inflamed lip and swollen neck lymph node

    She needs to go to the vet. It looks like rodent ulcers (not caused by rodents), also called eosinophilic granuloma. They can be very painful. The vet can also treat for fleas.
  6. FeebysOwner

    A battle with a rodent ulcer: how effective are allergy shots?

    @purrs123 - I did search this site relative to rodent ulcers and allergy shots and came up pretty empty. Most of what I saw was exactly how your cat has been treated in the past with antibiotics and steroids. I have included a link below to previous threads on rodent ulcers in general, so if you...
  7. T

    Eosinophilic granuloma complex - Desperate

    Hello, Is there possibly a new miracle cure for EGC? My cat Misty suffers badly from these. In addition to the rodent ulcers on her lip, she recently had a nasty lesion on her leg (still wearing a cone to stop her from licking). Now she has something on her ear. The cortisone injections help...
  8. T

    Eosinophilic granuloma complex - Desperate

    ...abandoned. After spending some time with a foster mother I adopted them about a year ago. The daughter Daisy also occasionally gets rodent ulcers, but she responds well to the cortisone, and for months she will be just fine. I did the hypoallergenic diet for 6 weeks, and near the end of that...
  9. tabbytom

    Lump on 5month Kittens Lip

    ...healthy, it looks like a rodent ulcer and is a likely cause if your kitten is eating from the mentioned dish as chemicals in these utensils tends to cause rodent ulcers. Other than that, an ill health may trigger it too. And also plastic and rubber products tends to harbor bacteria in the...
  10. S

    Eosinophilic Granuloma or Throat Cancer? :: Experience/Advice Requested

    ...or ceramic dishes and wash in soap and hot water, rinsing thoroughly between use. Why? Why not. It might help and ECG in the form of rodent ulcers has been linked to the bacteria that grows on dishes. It won’t hurt to try this. I am sorry your cat is going through this. Did they put him on...
  11. Jskarh

    Rodent ulcers - how do I know what’s causing them? as I’m getting increasingly desperate with my 1yo cat Cheddar. Forgive me as this post will be long Cheddar has been getting rodent ulcers since he was 5 months old. They started off quite mild, the first one he’s had went away by itself before he could be brought to the vet and I...
  12. FeebysOwner

    Swollen bump on cats lip

    Hi. I agree with the above, and these insects you have could be another trigger. This is likely a form of Eosinophilic granuloma complex, which includes 'rodent' or indolent ulcers, and they can be due to insects (especially fleas), dietary and environmental allergies, infectious agents, and...
  13. S

    Rodent ulcers - how do I know what’s causing them?

    ...added ...they were 'harmless. And so with that knowledge I didn't give it much thought when my cat was not taking the medicine. The rodent ulcers have persisted and upon a return to the same vet he was suggesting the ulcers were now necrotic. I will stress here I never jeopodise my cats...
  14. tabbytom

    Rodent ulcers - how do I know what’s causing them?

    :hellosmiley: and welcome to TCS! Food allergies may be one cause for rodent ulcers. The other cause may be from the plastic or rubber bowl or plate that Cheddar is eating from as materials like plastic and rubber can cause rodent ulcers if they are not cleaned well after each meal. Plastic...
  15. S

    Cat Acne? Rodent Ulcer? Help needed.

    ...your cat in person. That being said, I can tell you what I think, and what I would do if this was my cat. It doesn't look like any rodent ulcers I have seen. A rodent ulcer is actually eosinophilic granuloma complex. It can manifest in different locations on the cat. When it is on the lip...
  16. NekoM

    Need advice: cat with lower lip deformation I looked It Up)I found some links about the condition with some food tips. I hope they help. 3 Ways to Handle Feline Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex - wikiHow What Is Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex in Cats? 9 Best Foods for Rodent Ulcers in Cats 2023 Swallowing Difficulties in Cats | PetMD
  17. FeebysOwner

    A battle with a rodent ulcer: how effective are allergy shots?

    ...that you can pick up from them without a vet visit - assuming this vet is familiar with her history. I don't know how uncomfortable rodent ulcers are, but if I had one and knew there was something I could take to get rid of it, I would do it and not wait it out. Maybe the vet would be...
  18. A

    Noticed this on my cat's lip today. Should I be concerned?

    Update: Ended up taking him to the vet and it was rodent ulcers. He's doing ok now after a 2 weeks of antibiotics and other medicine.
  19. FeebysOwner

    mouth sore and calcivirus bacterial build up on your cat's food and water dishes. The bacteria can lead to what is known as Eosinophilic ulcers (also called "rodent ulcers" or indolent ulcers). They generally are well-defined, red, skin ulcers that are usually not painful or itchy, and most commonly found on the...
  20. purrs123

    A battle with a rodent ulcer: how effective are allergy shots?

    Hi, I am also on this thread in hopes of finding out what works for rodent ulcers. My cat Hazel (on the left in the profile pic) has been getting rodent ulcers seasonally for a couple of years now. I tried Zyrtec and it had no effect. I tried a limited diet with novel proteins and that didn't...