Rest In Peace, Allie.

jd shredds

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 15, 2017
Thursday evening my ex and I had to put down the cat we adopted 10 years ago and I've taken sole care of her the last 1 1/2 years. She was my little bestie and the sweetest tempered cat I've known. She was about 13-14, and had developed very aggressive lymphoma; her lymph nodes were very enlarged and so was her liver. It had gotten severe quite quickly. Within weeks she went from normal to lethargic/loss of appetite (at first we thought IBD as she has a short history of that) but then increasing signs of dying, even with steroids in the final 10 days and urgent trips back and forth to the vet. Without responding to the steroids, and still getting worse overnight on an IV and going jaundice, vomiting, not eating, and losing life every hour... we didn't have much of a choice. Trying to keep her alive would seem cruel at that point. Still, the decision eats at me these 2 days later, though perhaps I'm just deeply frustrated it did not appear to be a very treatable case of cancer.

This is my second thread in this section, as two years ago we had the shock of our 2 year old cat Moony dying of congenital heart disease (my avatar has both of them, the tabby Moony, the tuxedo Allie). I'm now left (temporarily) without a companion at home.

Allie was a stray we found in July 2009 at our parking spot just weeks after getting our first apartment together. She was skinny, losing fur and likely would have died had we not taken her in. In fact, after feeding her for a couple days, she excitedly followed my gf all the way to our apartment. It was one of the cutest things Ive ever seen. She was so frail we thought she was a kitten/young adult, but she was actually 3-4 years old and filled that frame out quickly under our care. The next few years involved a lot of vet expenses with emergency trips, specialists, allergies, a long time using atopica (eventually got weened off) and worry about her health, but then it all leveled out within a few years and she had mostly good health all the way until now.

Even now, her bloodwork and pancreas had tested normal. This also partly angers me as how cruel cancer can be... an otherwise healthy creature that all of a sudden just withers away rapidly. Some cancers grow more slowly and can be fended off for some time, but this was rapid.

I'm trying not to torture myself over the decision, as the loss itself is difficult enough. I just have so much of her in my heart. Every time I step into or out of my home, I think of Allie. I always joked when coming back from going out for a day, "I'm about to get yelled at" as she had a funny habit of letting me know how unacceptable it is that I left for so long. In fact, even if I sat still in one place for a long time, she'd do the same thing. She'd walk in to the room I'm in and yell at me like "Hey guy! Get moving!" She had me wrapped around her little paw.

My morning routine was built around taking care of her, fetching her fresh grass to munch on, sweeping up her litter tracks, food and water, pets and kisses, opening the blinds for sunshine, etc. She would often "lead me" around the house for the routine. One cute quirk of hers was her preference of drinking out of glass cups, so her main water source was a Cocacola glass on the coffee table with "Allie" written on it with green ink (to match her eyes).

She was a very sweet cat with a gentle temperament. A buddy of mine isn't a cat guy, but he always said, "I would get a cat if I could guarantee it would be like Allie." If you were visibly upset, she was the first one there to comfort you with purrs, rubs and kneading. She liked to drag toys while whining; she was more of a "lay next to you" cat than a "lap cat." She loved to knead on my belly for 10 minute straight, only stopping when my belly turns red. She was obsessed with shoes and purses. She loved Christmas and would actively open gift bags. "If you've got a box or a bag, I'll get in it." When I put my Yoga mat down, she would sit in the middle of it. She would often stare at me gently with the same loving expression I would stare at her with. Like most cats, she absolutely loved the fireplace, sunny windows and any warm spots in the house. During winter she would jump on my bedroom dresser every morning because the heat blew strongly on top of it. When coming home, I would often see her in the front blinds, sleeping away happily or watching the birds or outdoor cats.

We also, for some time, had the routine of playing together before bed time, and then she would sleep next to me in bed. She suddenly stopped showing interest in these two things a couple months ago (perhaps the first signs?) but cats are fickle like that, so I didn't think much of it. Also of note: She had a tendency to whine at night, yet the last few months she completely stopped.

Over the last 1 1/2 years, our bond only deepened. That coincides with my ex moving out (we are on good terms, so we were able to handle this together supportively without drama) and me taking full care of Allie. I had an intuition, especially with how much mortality has affected me, that I needed to be as present as possible with Allie. With every moment I have with her, as you never know when it will end. Often I would just sit and observe her in complete love and gratitude. I journal every morning, and at the end I always mention my gratitude for the day. She was the most common expression of gratitude I would mention. In fact, that will continue. I'll always be grateful I was blessed to have her for a decade.

Its such a heavy burden to bare putting your pet down, but acting out of compassion seems the only way to handle your furry loved ones. Still, when you love them so much... you want the world for them. You want them to be that pet that is super healthy and lives to 25 and doesn't even shown major signs of aging and is always happy. But life can be cruel, and we all die, and often in unexpected ways.

The vet, myself and my ex were all in consensus that it was the compassionate thing to do. The vet really urged me not to take her home, as it would only get worse and she wasn't responding to treatment. Still... it hurts not knowing with 100% certainty.

As a little sign of synchronistic symbolism, it just so happened to be a full moon when Allie passed... giving the sense that her little brother Moony was watching and awaiting her across the bridge.

Thank you for listening to my story. My heart will always be with Allie, and I know how many of you know how I feel right now. I cherished taking care of her for these 10 years. It gave my life more meaning, love and fulfillment.

Rest blissfully, my little lady.

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
This brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful tribute to an equally beautiful Allie.

You gave her the best years of her life, so filled with love and friendship. Her memories with you are what she will carry with her on the other side, and with you for all eternity. Until you meet again.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I'm so sorry for your couldn't let that sweet litle girl suffer. You saved her life and in return she gave you her heart and showed you what love is.
It hurts so very badly to feel that empty house, it takes a long time to fill up the emptiness with something other than sadness and tears. Time is the only thing that helps to dull the sharp edges of grief. There will always be a scar left behind. But she also left you her legacy of love, to let her live on through you now, to let her love bloom and grow in the sunshine of your memories. She will be forever as close as your thoughts and prayers, let those wonderful memories you have bring you comfort, she would want for you to remember her and go forward with happiness and joy, not sadness and grief, just as you would want for her if you were the first to go.
Do not let the painful nmemories of her end rule your life, "death cannot take that which never dies" and you know you will love each other for eternity. Love never dies, it just takes it rightful place in your heart and adds to those already there.
I know how painful these dark times are, my thoughts and prayers are with you and those you love. Though you must mourn because you have suffered a loss, know there is light at the end of that long, dark night. Her new path she must follow leads her elsewhere now, but it will always parallel your own, she will never be far. Take care......RIP precious Allie. You will never be forgotten, you will forever have a secure place in a loving heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!
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jd shredds

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 15, 2017
Thank you for the touching replies. :rbheart: I always knew this time would come and its been brutal to endure the burden, and as much as I knew it would be one of my worst because of my bond with her, I knew I had to be brave and compassionate when the time came.

Sometimes it can be so baffling how fast it happens. Cats are so good at masking. But now at least she is no longer cursed to be in a withering cancerous body. She is free to roam eternity in all her adorable glory. :angelcat:


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I am so so sorry to read of this, and another Tuxedo, I can't stand seeing any of them go down but the Tuxedos always get me more as it reminds me of Simon who passed 2014 and my current buddy Sylvester :( :sigh:

You did all the right things, did the very best that you could and made the best choices with what you knew at the time, but we always second guess ourselves and question if we did all that we could've but you did, sometimes no amount of love or money or vet care can help, when they must go they must go, no matter if we feel it was a long enough time or not, but she is fine now just fine, and you will see her again someday and it will be wonderful.

"Their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" :rbheart:

I am sorry for your loss, I hope that your heart heals a bit more each day, God Bless.....:alright: :grouphug2: :rbheart:


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
What a sweet tribute to a beloved companion. I'm so sorry for your loss--many of us know all too well how difficult it is to make that decision to let them go, even knowing that it will release them from their pain. My thoughts are with you. :hugs:

RIP, little Allie. :rbheart:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 15, 2019
She was beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss. It is definitely a hard decision to make, but sounds like you made the right one.
I agree - they become such a part of your routine and heart that it takes a while to adjust to them being gone. I am still experiencing that, and I lost Winnie on the 4th. Wishing you strength in the good memories you have of her.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Allie, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

You wanted the world for her, and you gave her just that. A wonderful, new World where there is no more sickness, just joy. You helped her shrug off that heavy coat of flesh and fur that could no longer support her loving heart and sweet spirit. Now, she dances on sunlight, awaiting that moment in the fullness of time when you, too, shrug off your heavy coat of flesh and join her in that joyous dance.

Dance on, Sweet Allie, dance on!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 12, 2018
Very sorry that you lost your little friend Allie. No matter how long their lifespan is, it is never, ever enough. No matter how many times we go through this loss of a kitty, it is always difficult. A person just doesn't get any better with practice.

Rest easy Allie. You made a grand appearance on this old Planet! You were loved!