Inguinal Hernia?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2014
While I'm dealing issues with my other cat, I noticed something about my youngest.

Charlie will be two very soon. I had a casual conversation with my vet when I was there for my other cat about how he has always been fairly aggressive when I hold him. If I pick Charlie up and have my arm under his butt supporting him, there is a change that he will lunge at my face and bite me. The vet mentioned that it was possible he might have swollen anal glands or something else that makes him bottom hurt.

This evening, when I was moving him from a chair, I noticed that he has a small pouch just above his genitals on his belly. When it is touched, he freaks out. It is mushy to the touch and I have to wonder....could my boy have an inguinal hernia?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 21, 2018
You said Charlie has "always" been aggressive when you hold him and if a hernia is the cause of his aggression, perhaps a vet would have noticed it in a past visit. ?? I, honestly, don't know much about this type of hernia, but I did read it is a "medical emergency" (in humans, anyway). You should take him to the vet, if it's a concern. If there is any lump, it should be a concern.

It's true, too, that some cats just don't like to be held. And, some cats, don't like their private parts, or anywhere close to them, touched.

So, use your best judgement -- and take him to a vet, if you think it's warranted.

Wishing you -- and Charlie -- the best.


Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
I hope it's not, but if it is, hernias can be serious if left untreated and at times is life - threatening. I also suggest that he be brought to the vet immediately.

Some symptoms are Groin swelling and Protrusion in the abdomen.

Keep us updated. Sending my positive vibes.