Name Three Things - 2019

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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Thanks, guys. Pepe seems to be doing better. She is eating and is a bit more vocal again. Boy, that scares us when she does that; I know it's that she's having a bad day, but she's so old and it scares us. Ms. Pepe will be 23 years old in February, so I understand she's going to have days where she doesn't feel good.
  • Breakfast for the kids, walked 4 miles, and got ready for work
  • Must scoop boxes tonight and do a quick vacuum
  • Rick is bowling tonight, so it's Nintendo Night for me!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Winchester Winchester -- i'm so glad that your Ms Pepe is doing better today! :yess: sending your girl (very) gentle scritchins......:redheartpump:

LisaT. LisaT. -- that's great, that you've quit smoking! :thumbsup:

today i've kept the wood stove going -- it's 7 degrees F this morning, so i'd better keep it going! :D i've also spent some time with my budget.

i'll make a phone call this morning, and fold/put away a load of laundry this afternoon. i'll wash the dishes, and scoop the litter boxes.

after that, i'll likely play some computer games, continue with a jigsaw puzzle, then watch some tv.

i went to the produce auction this week, and brought home: a 50 lb bag of white potatoes for $9 (over 30 pounds of these will be used for making four large pans of jalapeno sausage and scalloped potatoes, which will be put up for the hot summer months. the rest will be used for making mashed/baked potatoes, and potato salad), a large bunch of carrots (came with lovely fresh green tops on them, and 25+ carrots) at $1.25, eight 2-packs of 'baguette' type bread (will be using these to make french bread pizzas! they'll 'keep' fine out in the unheated back enclosed porch) for 75 cents per 2-pack, a bunch of 6 good sized bananas at $1.50, 3 boxes of Raisin Bran cereal for $1 per, 4 boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch 'Shreds' (similar to shredded wheat, but with a cinnamon flavored coating...pretty tasty, and not overly sweet) at 50 cents each, 2 regular size jars of Kraft Mayo for $1.25 per, and six jars of hot banana pepper slices at 25 cents each.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I wish we had those auctions here although I do have a community garden plot where I grow almost all of my veggies. The closest I have found is a place that delivers "ugly fruit and veggies" to your home but you don't know what you get every time, however, you can specify "fruit only", "veggies only" or "mixed fruit and veggies". But there are others where you can customize what you want. But no bread or cereal or mayo or whatever. That would be a real help. Of curse it helps if you have a big freezer and I do have one and in temps like we have had later things like bread can be stored on the patio. There is also a cabinet in the underground garage where non-perishable stuff can be stored. But as usual, storage in an apartment is usually slim and I have shelves in the long hallway where I keep my home-canned fruit and veggies beside the boxes of cat food. I am not so poor that I have to go to a food bank and these days that should be left for the federal workers who are not getting paid and those who are truly poor and live in motels with their kids.
It's still raining so I won't go out unless I have to.
I will clean the bathroom, wash the kitchen floor and hem up 2 pairs of jeans I bought last week, I'm only 5'3 as all the pants are too long unless I can snag a pair that is marked as "petite" and those are harder and harder to come by with the average woman being 5'8 these days. Same for socks: they are always too long in the foot as I wear a 5 1/2 to 5 in shoes. I recently found some wool/cashmere socks at eBay that actually fit.
Chamouti is sitting in the living room window watching something intently although I see nothing but the rain, not even the dog-walkers are out. They just duck out and stand under the tree where the hummingbirds will hang out once they return and go back inside as soon as their dogs have finished but always very carefully pick up whatever their dogs leave behind. Most people are very good about that.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
micknsnicks2mom micknsnicks2mom Another excellent produce auction trip! Do you worry about mice at all in your back porch? I'm not trying to be snotty, honest; I'm just curious. I kind of worry about it in our basement as we get field mice from time to time during late fall. I only keep canned goods from the store and whatever I can (peaches, red onions, chow chow, etc.) during the summer and fall in the pantry down there.

Rick brought me into work this morning; we're going to run our normal Saturday morning errands tonight and keep our butts in the house tomorrow. They're still not really sure about this latest storm's track; depending on who we listen to, we could get anywhere from 6 to 12+ inches, followed by ice. It's supposed to start in the afternoon, but we'll see. Either way, we're not going out tomorrow.
  • Breakfast for the kids, I got 2 miles in this morning, but then had to get ready for work
  • Need to order a white coconut cake to be picked up next Saturday morning. Also need to order a standing rib roast for next weekend.
  • Banking, etc.
  • I brought the Nook into work. I'll clean it up, and throw some new library ebooks on it for Rick's mom. We'll take it up this afternoon, so she has it for the weekend. I doubt we'll get up there on Sunday night, so I was worried about her being able to have books to read. Rick will drop it off, but I'll stay in the car as I'm still hacking away like crazy with this cold. I want to get her a couple bags of Ghirardelli chocolates, too; they're her favorites and she's eaten everything from her Christmas box. :) She can sit by her window this weekend, read her books, and watch the snow coming down while she munches on chocolate.
  • Scoop the boxes tonight. I went into the computer room this morning and somebody (Tabby is my bet) was digging to China again! Man, there was litter all over the floor! Tons of litter. Got the broom and dustpan out and cleaned. Tabby came back and I told her, "Girl, you don't need to dig that far! And you don't need to throw all that litter around!" She just meowed at me and sauntered off.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
Winchester Winchester -- we get the occasional mouse in the basement during the cold weather months, seeking some level of refuge from the 'frozen tundra' outside. i always store my winter squash in boxes up on top of the freezer there, with no problems, so that's where i stored the baguettes. i'll see how this works out for storing some bread there. :crossfingers:

today i've kept the wood stove going, have looked over the lemon bars recipe (which i'll be making tomorrow), and moved another pound of butter to the fridge to thaw.

this afternoon, i'll wash the dishes, and scoop the litter boxes.

after that, i'll play some computer games, continue with a jigsaw puzzle, and watch some tv.

segelkatt segelkatt -- it really is wonderful to have the produce auction here. :agree: everything is sold 'as is', so it's important to look things over carefully, check expire dates, and etc. folks usually do this before the auction starts.

that place that delivers 'ugly fruits and vegetables', sounds like some of what can be found at the auction here -- 'culls', not quite perfect looking potatoes/apples/etc, but perfectly good to use/eat. and we never know what will be available at each auction, so i always base my interest in bidding on, on whether i need an item and on exactly what i'll do with it. of course, when fruits and vegetables are 'in season' here, there's lovely fresh fruit/veggies at the auction. sometimes, there's a 'surplus' amount at individual actions, so if we wait until some sellers (for example) squash is sold, the prices bid go down on later sellers squash.

i remember you had posted pics of your community garden plot......just gorgeous!!! :cloud9:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 1, 2015
LisaT. LisaT. I can't count how many times I'm glad I quit smoking. It was so so hard and took me a few tries but everytime I get a cold I realize just how miserable any breathing impairment is...I'm just so grateful. Good for you for trying to quit!

3 things for today:
- Still nursing my swollen cheeks after dental extractions
- Make gift bags up for my shelter volunteers holiday gifts
- worry about finances


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 20, 2017
Syracuse, NY
Thank you, marmoset!! Today is Day 9. The nights are tougher than the days, but I'm determined!


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
  1. Cleaned the litter boxes
  2. Made tea
  3. Checked my supplies

The storm hasn't even started and I'm fretting already. I don't like not being able to get out and about even if I have nowhere to go. I read that we may have wind chills of minus 20 degrees!! I'm so happy that my sister bought me a new washer and dryer. Almost 3 weeks of my helper going to the launderette or dropping clothes off and having them do it has put a dent in my budget. I love putting clothes I'm going to wear in the dryer to get warm and I think I'll be doing that during this cold spell.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
LisaT. LisaT. You CAN do this! You CAN! I, too, am a former smoker, 2 packs a day for about 20 years. Quitting was the most difficult thing I think I ever did, but I've been smoke-free for almost 24 years. You CAN do this! :cheerleader:BTW, I tell myself that my cigarette money is now going to feed and care for my cats; it really works.

Rick and I ran our errands last night, got the Nook up to his mom (I stayed in the car) and got everything done. On the way home last night, Rick said, " wanna go out for breakfast tomorrow morning?" :) Well, sure! So we're going to be out for a while this morning anyway.
  • Breakfast for the kids, emptied the dishwasher, and I'm sitting back here with my morning coffee. Rick will scoop the boxes at some point today; he's on his phone, checking out the local radar.
  • I need to look up a King Arthur recipe for Buttery Sourdough Rolls. I was on FB with KA; they don't have a good sourdough recipe yet for sticky buns and she suggested I try the Buttery Rolls and make them into sticky buns. I'm going to try that later on this morning. Fed my starter last night and it's bubbling away.
  • I may try the roasted cinnamon in snickerdoodles, too, this afternoon. I don't know; there's something about baking in the kitchen when the snow is falling. I don't particularly care for winter; OK, I hate it. But it's relaxing to be puttering around in the kitchen and watching the snow out of the window. Rick will go outside from time to time to clear the sidewalk and around the vehicles. And he'll have to keep a path clear for The Beast's bathroom.
Our local weather-weenies are still saying that the sleet and ice will kick in overnight, which will reduce our snow amounts. The biggest kicker will be the really high winds, which will blow the snow around; that could be ugly. And it's going to be frigid. If we do get some sleet and ice, that will "cake" the snow down a bit, so it won't be blowing around so much. Doesn't take much to drift around here. Our Governor has declared a state of emergency for PA. Our area is right between the 8-12 and 12-18-inch category.

And that's pretty much it. No big plans, just a nice day at home, playing in the kitchen.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
today i've kept the wood stove going.

i'll wash the dishes, scoop the litter boxes. i'll be baking lemon bars today.

my area is forecast to get between 14 and 26 inches of snow, over the course of today through monday. it's snowing very lightly right now.

after i finish the household chores and baking, i'll likely watch some tv. i may play some computer games and continue with a jigsaw puzzle, too.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We didn't get nearly the snow the weather-weenies had forecasted....I'm not complaining. Rick thinks we got about six inches, but when we got up this morning, it was raining and still is. That really packed the snow down and we're down to maybe four inches. It's supposed to get colder, though, which means it will change back over to snow (maybe a bit of ice first). The whole thing should be finished by around noon today. He's out there now, shoveling the vehicles, shoveling a path for The Beast (if it changes back over to some ice, it would be hard for her to walk). We may not need to be plowed out. We'll see how it goes today.

Meanwhile I did my baking yesterday. The sourdough sticky buns are really good! They're a little softer than regular sticky buns (but so was the same dough in the Buttery Sourdough Rolls, so I expected that). Rick loves them. He also likes the snickerdoodles with the roasted cinnamon. I can't tell a big difference because I have very little sense of smell/taste with this cold. My sister and BIL came over yesterday and she said the roasted cinnamon has a bit of a nutty taste to it; she likes it. It is darker than regular cinnamon.
  • Breakfast for the kids, emptied the dishwasher, and sorted laundry. Rick stripped the bed down and threw them in the washer. He's outside, so I'm going to scoop boxes.
  • Will work on laundry this morning
  • I'm going to give the fridge a good cleaning this morning. Rip everything out, wash it down, then go through bottles and jars and see what we have.
  • A bit of a vacuum and Swiffer. I may go through some cabinets in the kitchen. Wipe down the bathroom
Nothing exotic, just stuff.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Winchester Winchester
Meanwhile I did my baking yesterday. The sourdough sticky buns are really good!

Those sound amazing!!! Wish I had some right now.

We got a lot of snow with more to come. It's very cold with wind chills about minus 2 now. There were power outages in Cleveland last night, hope they are repaired now.

  1. Cleaned the boxes
  2. Had tea
  3. Did some laundry

Will do a few chores, probably read a bit and watch some movies. I don't like this not being able to get out. I can't even make it to the rubbish container because of the snow. I have claustrophobia so I'll have to keep busy so I don't panic.
Will get much colder as the day goes on so I'm going to stay warm, probably make some hot cocoa.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
well, the lemon bars didn't get made yesterday. i just felt so terribly cold all day, even with the wood stove going. so i stayed near the wood stove.

today i've kept the wood stove going, have a loaf of bread machine bread making, and have scooped the litter boxes.

i'll see if i get the lemon bars made today -- i'm just going to decide this afternoon. and i'll wash the dishes.

after that, i'll play some computer games, continue with a jigsaw puzzle (i finished the one i was doing yesterday, and have started another), and watch some tv.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Mia6 Mia6 They were good! I like finding new things for my sourdough starter.

The guy did come over and plow our driveway, so we're out; I need to bake some chocolate chip cookies for him. Rick took the Tucson to work today, just in case there were any road problems. It's really cold; about 2F and the wind is whipping.
  • Breakfast for the kids, emptied the dishwasher, scooped the boxes, walked four miles
  • Wash a load of towels and a load of kitty stuff
  • Do today what I didn't get done yesterday. It's harder to clean when Rick is home and I don't seem to get as much done. So today, I'll clean out the fridge, work on some kitchen cabinets, do a good vacuuming, etc
  • Work on a grocery list and grab some groceries tonight


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Haunted my favorite thrift store for wool sweaters, found 5 including an Irish fisherman's sweater with lots of cables front, back and on the sleeves and each was $4.00, practically new, and they had an MLK discount of 20% for everybody and another Monday discount for seniors of 10%, those 5 sweaters after discounts were under $25.00, what a steal!
Petted cats, then ate brunch, fed cats
Mailed a package at UPS.
Petted cats.
Went to a Garden Centers Club meeting - boring!
Petted cats.
Went to get my blood drawn, 10 people in waiting room, forget that, I'll come back another time.
Played with cats.
Hemmed up two pair of pants that I did not get around to the other other day.
Ate dinner which was left-overs from the club meeting, there is always lots to take home.
Fed cats.
Played with cats.
Changed bag in LitterRobot's drawer.
It was a full day, I'm going to bed, hopefully cats will follow soon.
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