Recent Content by CatsUnderfoot2

  1. C

    Getting A Semi Wild Cat To Toilet

    When I am caring for an outdoor cat that won't use a indoor litter box, I usually take the biggest box I can find and fill it with a mixture of dirt and litter, and then cover that with grass and leaves, trying to make a little inside yard. This has always worked for me.
  2. C

    Please Help, 3.5 Month Kitten Is Having Stress Seizures.

    It is not unusual for a Mama cat to drive away a kitten after weaning. It is very unusual for the kitten to have seizures when stressed or scared. Most kittens his age are being exposed to many new things, or even going to new homes and being introduced to new people and pets, and don't shut...
  3. C

    Rehoming Research Cats

    I adopted my research cat when she was 3 1/2 years old; she is now 16. She has been incredibly healthy her entire life and has been a wonderful companion. She was in a colony of a dozen cats when I adopted her, so she has always been very social and good with other cats. She also was well...