Guest Blogging

We offer guest bloggers/writers the opportunity to contribute top-quality articles to our growing collection of cat care resources. Writing for TheCatSite will get your piece in front of millions of cat lovers who visit this site every month. Currently we have -

1.4 million unique monthly visitors
2.8 million monthly pageviews

These stats make TheCatSite one of the leading cat care websites in the world and a fantastic platform for you to reach dedicated cat owners. 

What we expect from your writing?

In a word: Quality.

TheCatSite is an authority site on cat care and anything we publish must hold up to that high bar. To write for us you should be a highly experienced writer in the field of cat care.

Keep in mind that our audience is comprised of cat lovers. We love our cats dearly and will not stand for anything that shows cats or cat ownership in a negative light.

Articles must be very detailed and thorough. Our members expect nothing less than quality well-researched and preferably evidence-based advice. Your article should be at least 2000 words long. Longer is preferable.

We expect whatever you write for us to be the very best piece of writing on the topic possible. Nothing less. 

Want to learn more? Drop us a line and include the following - 

  • Your full name.
  • A link to your blog/website.
  • 2-3 samples of cat-related articles that you have published elsewhere. 

There is no need to pitch a topic. If we think we can work together, we'll work with you on choosing a topic and creating an outline. 
