Struggling With Play Time


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Mar 14, 2016
:( I know. I think that is a good plan. Whatever helps. Yes, 2 different foods. :/ Not easy sadly. Oh wow. More expensive, that is expensive.

That makes you wise. Wise people know there is always more to learn. Yes, I have heard that. Yes, I have no idea as well.

It sounds like it!! I have had puppy mill dogs before................ :( Makes me SO ANGRY!!! That is really good if you can find someone like you mention. Sounds rare. :/ Yes, true on rescues. I take the ones with issues so my perspective my not be accurate. I take the ones no one else tends to want for all sorts of reasons. Behavioral I can handle, health is tough.

The one incident. It can give serious PTSD. :/ I know. It can happen in an instant and something that seems small can trigger it. Just keep working on confidence. Never hurts. Sometimes medications can make them feel different and cause issues (amazingly in a counterproductive way). Rare but it can happen. I know. My one feral is now 10 or 11 (he came as an adult in 2013). The other day he acted like I abused him. I have no idea what might have happened but something obviously did. Lasted for a couple of days. It may come back to him. Heartbreaking to see.

I am having trouble with nail trimming right now as well. :/ I have no idea where that is coming from (on mult cats). Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yeah, some cats are better with them. I have one that has real issues, some with minor and two with no issues. Who knows....................

:( I am heartbroken.......................................... I tried to move as fast as I could. But the world is very dangerous. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I have no idea why he left the colony. We were making really good progress. Heartbroken. :(

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Ugh. It's been so hectic. We had up to four people out at one time. Two people had overlapping time off, someone was attacked by a dog, and someone else took a week off pretty much right after that! I worked six days last week and was scheduled for four this week, but I got tomorrow off. This is finals week and I have an extra class this term, so my school was doubled as well as work.

Osiris has been sick again. Lasted about a day. We're in the middle of transitioning his food. Good news is he seems to like the food. However, the pieces are huge. I don't know if it's something I want Stella on. They have a small breed version, but would I feed Osiris the small breed food? Or do I have separate bags for each of them? Of course, none of this matter if the food doesn't work.

Yes, I would like that as well!

They are, unfortunately, far too common. I'm not sure I'd say good breeders are 'rare', but definitely less common than the bad ones and much harder to find. They don't advertise themselves much. Some don't even have websites. They rely on word-of-mouth. Most people go to sites designed for advertising puppies, but those aren't the good breeders posting there. Health is definitely difficult. There are fewer unknowns with taking an adult, so yes, I'd say behavioral issues are likely the bigger issue there, but behavioral issues can often have a genetic component which can make them difficult or impossible to actually 'fix'. Surprise health issues, I'm sure, are more common in puppies. I do wonder exactly how many end up with health problems. We have a few at our shelter that you could take! Well, actually one of our more 'difficult' dogs is supposed to be going home in the next couple of days and I did a meet for another yesterday which went well. I hope they adopt him, but they did also meet a puppy...

It really shouldn't that. Just goes back to bad breeder. A dog that's traumatized that easily has very weak nerves and that's genetic. I am familiar with the issues of these meds. We tried Fluoxetine (Prozac) with her before and had to take her off because she got worse. She seems slightly better now. Less jumpy and she's mostly okay with my mom at her computer desk if I'm on the couch with her. She still doesn't like it if I'm at the dining room table. It's just so weird that she's gotten so bad over time.

I'm sure everyone here is due as I've gotten a bit behind with all the school and work. The dogs' nails are pretty bad. I did clip Stella's real quick yesterday, but they're still ridiculously long. I hate trimming her nails.

Ash has hairballs on a nearly daily basis at this point. Sometimes a couple times in one day. Frost doesn't have many, surprisingly. I think a lot of it has to do with the type of fur. Ash has very thick, dense fur. Frost's fur is just as long, but silkier. Ember has short, silky fur with a dense undercoat, but she eats so much of Ash's fur that it's still surprising to me that she isn't throwing it up.

I know. It's a difficult situation with no good answer. You did your best. You'll continue doing your best and that's all you really can do. I know we want to save them all, but unfortunately, we can't. We're going to be euthanizing a dog at the shelter, so we've failed him as well.


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Mar 14, 2016
OH MY!!!!!! That is a challenge!!! I am sure you will do well on your exams. :)

:( Well, the food transition can do that. Oh my, 2 types of food. :/ Does Stella need special food? Yes, I hope this food works!!!


:( Yes. I wish people cared more. Yes, behavioral issues makes sense as you mention and support. :/ It is kinda sad, I am not sure I am physically able anymore. :( It is hard to accept that a big part of my reason to exist is going away. :/ I am glad one might be going to a new home. I hope it is good!!!

:( Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh. It is heartbreaking. Well, it does and can happen for whatever reasons. Cats are cats.

Well, it happens. What does Stella do? Dogs can be a challenge but cats usually are tougher. :/

That makes sense. It is surprising Ember does not have a big issue. I actually just cleaned up a hairball. :/ Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh

:( Yep. Really tough. Even after going through it too many times it never gets easier and is devastating. :( Ughhhhhhh, well, sometimes it isn't anyone's "fault". It is a tough "job" but overall VERY rewarding. We have to remember the successes and learn from.

Let me know how exams went. I am sure well!!

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Just wanted to let you know that I'm getting my wisdom teeth extracted tomorrow morning. Not sure how I'll be feeling after or when I'll get to respond, but I'll answer everything once I feel up to it. Just know that we are okay (if a bit stressed) and there's nothing serious going on right now.


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Mar 14, 2016
Oh, I hope you are all done with the extractions now and you are on the road to healing.

I totally understand it may be a while to feel better and then to get caught up on everything.

THANK YOU for letting me know!!! I am so glad to hear all is going mostly well and I hope the stress can go away soon.

Just take it easy and let your mouth heal. You don't want to open any stitches etc. So just take it easy (you probably are reading this several days after the extraction so probably is a moot advice).

Get well soon!! And take your time in responding. I am just glad to know all is ok. :)

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
I am doing okay except I developed several canker sores in my mouth which are currently giving me more trouble than my missing wisdom teeth. They hurt quite badly. I do have pain meds prescribed to me, but they knock me out pretty quickly and make me dizzy, so I don't like taking them. I can't do much after doing so. They help with the pain from my sores though.

I've also been having cravings pretty badly. I've been limited to soft foods, so pretty much every time I see or hear food come up, I start craving it. But I did get to eat some mac 'n cheese today, so that's helped.

Nope, I read this same day! Just didn't respond quite that quickly. I've been okay for the most part, but am in a bit of pain just from these darn sores.


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Mar 14, 2016
:( I never saw this. :(

I wish I had, I will admit, I was worried. :(

Awwww, I hope the canker sores have gone away. It sounds like the wisdom teeth weren't that bad. Whew. Thankfully!!!

I hope you are now back to normal and just busy with the usual stuff.


Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Sores are finally gone. They were bad, I will admit. I was taking pain pills for the sores more so than for my surgery. They didn't want to go away either.

Things have settled down a bit at work. The girl who was attacked is back to work. We do have someone else leaving, but not someone who effects my work. Everything got weird for a little while though. The dog who attacked her was with us for, I think, 16-ish months and was pretty well known. He was euthanized and a lot of people protested against it. Even went as far as showing up at the shelter the day he was euthanized and we had police there who stayed until we all left. I also started a new term at school last week.

No, Stella doesn't need a special food. The food I switched him to isn't really 'special' though, just high quality. Does not seem to have helped though. I don't know what to do. His ear and back paws seem to be bothering him too. I just recently started him back on Claritin.

It's not easy. I'd imagine it gets difficult to handle large, boisterous dogs as so many are in shelters. I know I struggle sometimes. I know that fear though. My tremors are likely to get worse over time and it could get to the point where I can't do much of anything on my own and I don't know when or if that'll happen. Neither of the adopts I mentioned went through. The people who were supposed to adopt the first one never showed up and eventually let us know they changed their mind. The other people adopted the puppy they met. It's not fair. They're both such good dogs. Just need some time and patience.

Stella's anxiety has gotten worse again. We are moving around a lot as we're working on getting the house ready to sell. She's jumpy, jumps up every time my mom moves at her work desk. She gets nervous with things moving around, if anything falls over... She follows me around a lot which I know is normal for some dogs, but not her. She'll follow me so closely that I'm tripping over her. If she gets really freaked out then she pants heavily, paces around, climbs up you, etc.


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Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
Whew, great. Sorry they lasted so long. :(

Oh my. :( So sad!!! Ughhhhhhhhhh, breaks my heart,

Good on starting a new term!!!

Good the food is working!!! Sighhhhhhh, allergies. Something in the grass maybe?

:( Well, if it isn't the right family (and obviously it wasn't) then it is for the best, Yes big wild dogs are tougher. :( Emotionally it is tough.

:( Hopefully it is "just" the action in prepping the house. Exciting you are moving though. Poor Stella, I hope she gets over it soon!!

I am glad you are better!!! Now just busy. :/

Oh, I keep forgetting, I have a new very young opossum!!!! REALLY cute and sweet. Trying to befriend her like the other one. ;)

Study hard and work hard etc. Sounds like a lot going on but at least you feel better now!!! :)


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Apr 29, 2022
So I am feeling a little less than smart. I got the laser light out last night. I forgot how much she actually enjoyed playing with it. I stopped using it after I read that it could be frustrating for dogs and couldn't figure out why it would be any different for a cat. It got her up and moving, but I'd still like to transition from the laser to the toy otherwise she won't ever be able to catch anything. I also enjoyed playing with the toy because I had to put a little more effort into it and it was always fun watching the stunts she'd pull.

However, I was hoping for a little more from the boys. At least Ash. He used to love playing with lights and the last time I played with the light, he would go after it every once in a while. No such luck this time around. Neither of them showed any interest whatsoever.
It's really great to start with the lazer and then use a kicker or something afterwards that she can sink her teeth and or claws into. Keep using the lazer to get her into the habit of playing again and transition to something like a wand toy (even a homemade one or a string so long as it's stored safely away after).

Even if they just begin by rolling around that's great. Even just 5 minutes of that is better than nothing. You're doing great. It will build for sure.

If they eat dry food at all or freeze dried treats you can try treat tosses or puzzles etc too.

The door trick Rachel posted above is great also.

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
It's really great to start with the lazer and then use a kicker or something afterwards that she can sink her teeth and or claws into. Keep using the lazer to get her into the habit of playing again and transition to something like a wand toy (even a homemade one or a string so long as it's stored safely away after).

Even if they just begin by rolling around that's great. Even just 5 minutes of that is better than nothing. You're doing great. It will build for sure.

If they eat dry food at all or freeze dried treats you can try treat tosses or puzzles etc too.

The door trick Rachel posted above is great also.
Thanks for the tips. I have been working on doing more puzzle types of things with them.

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Whew, great. Sorry they lasted so long. :(

Oh my. :( So sad!!! Ughhhhhhhhhh, breaks my heart,

Good on starting a new term!!!

Good the food is working!!! Sighhhhhhh, allergies. Something in the grass maybe?

:( Well, if it isn't the right family (and obviously it wasn't) then it is for the best, Yes big wild dogs are tougher. :( Emotionally it is tough.

:( Hopefully it is "just" the action in prepping the house. Exciting you are moving though. Poor Stella, I hope she gets over it soon!!

I am glad you are better!!! Now just busy. :/

Oh, I keep forgetting, I have a new very young opossum!!!! REALLY cute and sweet. Trying to befriend her like the other one. ;)

Study hard and work hard etc. Sounds like a lot going on but at least you feel better now!!! :)
Everything about that dog was sad. He'd had a terrible life, really. It's really disappointing how many people are willing to turn on a shelter with a 97% save rate because the shelter opts to euthanize a dog who has had a miserable life and severely bit someone he knew multiple times.

We've suspected allergies with him before when his ear was bothering him and tried Claritin, but he also had his ears cleaned out and wasn't having any problems anymore when we started the meds. So we kept him on it for two weeks and took him off to see if it came back. It didn't. Now his ear and his foot are both bothering him. I put him back on Claritin and he seems better, but still licking and scratching a bit.

I think the one home could've been perfect. An older couple with rottie experience (the dog is a rottie mix) and used to more difficult dogs. The meet went really well overall and I was so happy to see Hercules warm up to them. They chose to adopt a four-ish month-old puppy instead because they didn't want another 'broken' dog. The meet for the other dog also went well though I do understand their concerns. We have a lot of crazy dogs at the shelter right now. Seems like it's just getting worse and worse. No manners, no leash skills, no awareness of their own size or strength. I struggle walking some of them.

Stella had been getting worse for a while, but getting ready to move definitely isn't helping. We're taking her off her meds and trying something else. We are excited about moving. Still not entirely sure how it's going to work out that. Moving with five animals isn't going to be easy.

Definitely busy. I also just signed up for some online dog training shows for Osiris. I really want to fix his reactivity.

Oh, she must be adorable. You'll gain her trust, I'm sure. You're going to end up with as many opossums as cats.


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Mar 14, 2016
:( Horrific. It is sad all along the way as you say. It is SO HARD. 97% is amazing. And I know there is a question if they try too much in some circumstances. It is so hard. Is there ever a "right answer" always?

Yes. Interesting. So the ear cleaning probably helped. Maybe he doesn't need the Claritin. But now it helps. Hmmmmmmm Could it be an external irritant? Like a cleaning product, a fertilizer at the park, even airborne maybe? Though not sure what really can be done for all those. :/

:( Ughhhhhhhhhhh. I wonder how much of it is the pandemic and coming out of it and getting back to some sort of "normal"? It really is sad. :( Burn out does happen with people................... Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yes. Moving is exciting but as you say animals tend not to like change (especially cats). So you'll have to keep the scents etc. To help ease the change. It is exciting though!!! I hope it still is convenient to school, work, etc.

Yes, I can tell. That is good though!!!

She IS!!!! I hope so. Hahahahaha, yep. I really like opossums!!! Now if only I can get rid of the coyotes................................. :( I just don't know what to do anymore.........................

Hang in there!!!! Talk soon!!!

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
They tried for far too long for this dog. Or started trying too late, really. There for over 16 months, had issues from the start, but didn't start any sort of training until the last six months. He had two different people taking him out of the shelter, but they ended up doing it so randomly that I think it did more harm than good. They'd keep him anywhere from a few hours to a few days and he could be at the shelter for a day in-between or a week. One of the people wanted to adopt him, but only after he'd attacked my co-worker. But this guy had over a year to decide to adopt the dog. Everyone knew that dog didn't handle the shelter environment well. Yet he had, for whatever reason, decided adopting the dog wasn't a good idea. I don't think anything changed except the dog was slated for euthanasia.

As per usual with this dog, I don't know. I don't know what it is or how to fix it. He still seems better than he was, but I kind of think it's starting to regress. I wouldn't think a cleaning product. We usually avoid any harsh chemicals and don't use much very often. I can't say anything for sure at the park. I know they do spray the grass, but that wouldn't be anything new.

I don't blame anyone for not wanting another broken dog, but I don't think an animal shelter dog is going to guarantee that even if it is a puppy. Osiris was five months and already highly reactive, had a lot of fearfulness, and has had a multitude of health issues. I don't think Hercules would be that difficult either. He's a very sweet, loving, affectionate dog and I think if he felt safe and was given structure, he'd do well.

For sure. This will be our second move though this one will be much further away. The first time was just the three cats, no dogs then. It went better than expected. It was stressful for sure, especially as we had people come over and help move things from the old house to the new one. But we had my room set up when we brought the cats over and set them up in there. They adapted well. This will be harder, I'm sure, but I plan on having them drugged and doing similar to how we did it last time. My school is all online, so nothing to worry about there. Not staying near work though. I'll be getting a new job.

I bet. I think it's great that you like opossums so much. Not enough people do. They're good animals to have around though. I know it's hard with the coyotes. They're just doing what they feel they need to do in order to survive. It's a tough situation. I don't know what one does about coyotes.

On another note, yesterday was Osiris' second Gotchya Day! Two whole years since we brought him home. Can't believe he's been here that long and yet also can't believe it hasn't been longer.
Last edited:


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Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
:( Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It is so sad. Beaks my heart. I can sympathize with the person that wanted to adopt the dog when knowing the dog would be put down. :( I have done that as well.

:( I know, it is so hard too often. It is something, just what. :/ Sometimes we never now. He is himself most the of time, right? Is it more of an annoyance for him?

Agreed. I trust your opinion. I think you are probably correct. :/

Well, that sounds about as good as it can be then. :/ New job..............................

Really? They are such sweet animals. I am surprised people do not like them. :/ VERY hard with coyotes. :( I know, I should not blame them because they have to survive. But like everyone, why at my house??????? A hawk grabbed something then ate it right there in front of all of us. Sighhhhhhhhh. I LOVE wildlife but I WISH they were vegetarians!!! I do not like killing in any fashion. :( No one knows what to do about coyotes. I do what I can but they are persistent. And my ferals demand to be fed at night so it breaks my heart to feed them at times they don't want to eat then not feed them when they do want to eat. :(

WOW!!!! 2 years???????? I can't believe it!!! Time really does fly!!! It honestly feels like yesterday.................... (well a year ago). ;)

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
I know people want to think the best and try to save every dog, but this guy had over a year to adopt this dog. He chose not to. Even when the dog was getting worse, he chose not to adopt him. So what changed? Just that the dog seriously attacked someone? Should we really be adopting out a dog that sort of history to a guy who didn't think he was in the position to adopt the dog before the dog had that history? Our shelter has a three-strike rule. This was that dog's third strike. And it was a bad one.

He's mostly fine and still doesn't seem to be as obsessive over the itching and licking as he was for a while there. There's like once or twice a day that I'll have to stop him. He had scratched his ear bloody when we noticed the issue.

I just feel so bad. I feel like these scared, fear-reactive dogs could be some of the best dogs if someone would just give them a chance. They're my favorites at the shelter right now. They're so, so loyal to the people they love and trust. And isn't that what people like about dogs? Their loyalty? I think I feel a little extra responsible for Hercules because I was the one to put him in a kennel the first time he was surrendered, the one who got him adopted, and then the one who put him back in a kennel when he was surrendered again. And it's broken him. He wasn't this bad when he was there before. It was after his second time that he got bad.

Trust me, the new job is a good thing. While I hate having to go through applying and doing interviews again and getting know new people, it's for the best. Unfortunately, while most of the people I work with I like, there's a lot of issues with management at this shelter and it is, quite frankly, not safe there.

I know. They're fantastic animals. People don't understand how much worse off we'd be without them. I know, it's tough knowing that there are animals who could and will harm those you care for and are taking care of. I don't blame you for wanting them gone in the slightest and I hope you do, somehow, find a way of keeping them away. But unfortunately, you have a lot of prey animals hanging around your house and predators tend to be attracted to that. I agree. Would be nice if we could all just not kill anyone for any reason and be vegetarians. You just do what you feel is best. If that's feeding your cats at a different time, I think they can adapt. The ferals around here can be fairly active during the day sometimes, so it's possible.

I know! I feel like I can't remember what life was like without him (easier, probably), but then it's weird to think he's been here even that long. Sometimes it feels like we've made tons of progress and sometimes none at all.


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Mar 14, 2016
:( I think you answered what changed. :/ Rightly or wrongly. :(

Well THAT is progress!!! Yes, I have seen the scratch until blood. :( HOPEFULLY it continues (the progress). Fingers crossed.

I know. :( It is heartbreaking!!! I agree with you, I find that "type" of dog as special as well. I totally agree with you. But often (I think) people can see the potential future and can only think about the present. :/ But maybe they are not the right people? Sadly that often is what happens. :( It is so sad and challenging. Let's HOPE his future is bright!!! Hang in there and try not to be too hard on yourself. It is not your fault.

Good. Change can be positive. That is too bad about the current situation. :/ The best we can do is learn from it and try to improve it if possible at some point in life.

Yes, there is a reason for what is here. Yes, it is tough. Yep, prey and predators. :( A fact of life even though I don't like it and don't want it to happen. Oh, today the squirrel chased the cats way. :( So sometimes even nature is flipped on its head. Yes, agreed on being vegetarians. And if an animal does kill at least eat it so some use is from it rather than leaving it. :/ I have been trying to get them to adapt for years now. :( They are just so creatures of habit. Very tough stuff. :(

Yep!!! I totally have gone through those emotions!! I know exactly what you mean!!! :)

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
But I don't think that's quite right. I understand wanting to save a dog from death, but this was a very broken dog who would never be able to function normally in society. Not without serious management and he'd always be a risk. And if he did attack someone? That could come back to the shelter. How would it look if a dog we adopted out ending up attacking someone and then people found out his issues were already known?

Yes. He's off the allergy meds now though. If it gets worse again then I think we might have to try Benadryl.

For sure. People are so short-sighted. :( I feel like these dogs could get better too. We've found Scooby does well when we walk him with other people rather than throwing him into the play yards with them. So he isn't a dog that couldn't go anywhere or has to be managed carefully. He would just need someone who'd stand up for him and not allow strangers to approach him. But he had a pretty good test when the vet had to look at a sore on his back foot. We had to get him to stand with his back to the vet. One coworker held his leash while I lifted his foot for the vet to see. Poor dog peed himself out of fear, but never once got nippy or aggressive. So not really much of a bite risk either. I know Hercules coming back isn't my fault, but I still feel bad. He's a good boy. Other than biting a kid, anyway. But there must have been a trigger.

Yes, this will be a good change. It's scary and nerve-wracking, but necessary. It'll be so much better for all of us and I'll be able to foster again. I'd really like to start fostering those nervous dogs who need confidence. I do hope things at this shelter improve. The current manager is stepping down to take over the vet tech rule and another employee might be applying for the shelter manager position. I hope she gets it. She has a lot of experience in this field and is a very nice person who does her best and takes the time to explain things.

It's a tough situation, but hard to avoid. I don't like it either. That pesky squirrel. Indeed. Sometimes nature can surprise you. But that is all evolution occurs. It all starts with one animal with an unusual trait. Well, most wild animals do kill in order to eat. But there are some kills that are more about territory or whatnot. A lot of people don't like feral cats because they kill songbirds. They are creatures of habit, for sure. But if you changed their feeding time, would they have a choice? I mean, they might go hungry once or twice, but I would think they'd learn quickly.

It's a weird feeling. We are doing this online training course, so I'm hoping we make some progress with his reactivity and whatnot. It'll make life a bit easier.


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Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
Totally see your point. :/ I have had several dogs that were risks. I probably totally underestimated the risk as well. :/ And of course we only have limited resources so for every dog we do adopt it means one less we can............................ Tough, tough stuff sadly.

Good. Let's hope it stays ok.

Yes. I agree animals need to find their "sweet spot". Awwwwww, poor Scooby. :( Heartbreaking. Seems like he would be fine with someone. Hercules, well, it is easy for others to see reality but I know we all tend to feel the sadness, guilt, etc. :( I would guess there was a trigger as well. :( Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yes, all change tends to be like that. BUT how we react helps shape the result. You will do great adjusting. Great you might consider fostering again. BUT that will be a lot on your plate. I hope it improves as well. Great to know the other person is good so maybe it will. Let's hope.

:( Yep. :( Agreed. Yes, I don't like my ferals killing either. But it is their instinct. :/ But I get VERY upset. Well, I try to change their routine and it is not successful. I agree what choice do they have BUT they hunt then. :( They have not learned to adjust. They are VERY stubborn and there is enough prey for them to eat. :( They do prefer prey over food. They do better with their chicken though.

Yep, but understandable. I think most of us have gone through those emotions. I hope so too!! He is smart, maybe too smart? We shall see. It would make life easier.

I had a dobbie mix. She was fine with other dogs unless the other dog did something (even looked in an odd way). Then it was "on". She was the smartest but thought she knew more than her handler. :( Frustrating and dangerous at times. :( But I LOVED her dearly!!!

Whew, a lot going on for you. But you sound good!!! Keep moving forward!!!! :)

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
It's a tough situation with no good answer. It has to be about the dog's mental health and people physical safety though. The best answer depends on the dog and the people involved. That dog wasn't in a good mental state. And, frankly, this shelter isn't equipped to handle dogs like that. They sit in the shelter until they break like he did. We shouldn't be taking dogs in that we can't help. We have another dog going downhill too. Very food aggressive.

I think he's getting itchy again. Also threw up once yesterday and once this morning. We're starting to right down all the info around times he threw up to see if we can notice a pattern. He was doing well for a while.

Scooby is a really good dog. Playing, affectionate, loving... Just a goofy boy, really. Hercules too. I love them both. I do wish I knew more about the situation leading him to bite, but I was able to find his owner surrender form. Sounds like he put on a show when people entered their house and he ended up biting a 4-year-old at the entrance. This doesn't really surprise me because he's a nervous dog and probably had a hard time with transitioning from his first home to the shelter, and then to that home. Now that he's back at the shelter, his behavior is worse than ever. They should have been putting him up when someone came over after the first time he reacted badly to people coming in. I wouldn't have thought he'd bite someone when I did his adoption, but seeing him now it makes sense.

It's going to be stressful. Sometimes I want to back out and just keep things as it is, but I know things will be so much better once we do. I definitely want to foster again. I probably won't be able to foster puppies repeatedly, but I think I could handle an adult dog. I hope she gets the job.

I know. It's not great, but they are still predators. I would have thought they'd prefer the easy food. Guess fresh food is too tempting though. Cats... Have you tried transitioning them in the winter when there's less prey for them to feed on?

He can be smart, but he can also be a little dense. We have to get on top of this reactivity though. I love my animals, but I'm not willing to deal with having to be on edge and alert to everything around me every time I take him anywhere. I'm not hiding behind cars every walk like some people with reactive dogs do when they see another dog.

Some dogs can be that way. We've had all sorts of dogs at the shelter and a variety of triggers. It is interesting to see what can trigger them. Osiris hasn't really had any. He loves other dogs. Just doesn't like them when doesn't know them. Stella, on the other hand, is triggered by pretty much everything though she doesn't really make contact.

It is a lot, but it's moving towards good things, so I'm excited.