Cat help (local vet is closed due to doctors being sick)


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2015
I have a male, spayed cat who developed "something" wrong on Monday-Tuesday (June 20th-21), just slowed down when eating food. He would take a few kibble, but then walk away. This alarmed me because this cat is a mentally fat cat who will scream his head off when he even THINKS you're getting food. He's nicknamed the alarm because as soon as it strikes 7:00 AM he knows it's breakfast time and will start howling adorably for his food.

I figured it was due to the kibble going bad (lately these 20lb friskies bags go stale rather quickly and my cats no longer care for them when there's about a quarter of the bag left). As always, I assumed a new bag would improve his hunger habits. Last I recall, on Monday and Tuesday, he at least would eat SOME of his kibble. Maybe two tablespoons of food.

But on Wednesday, he wouldn't eat at all. Again, odd behavior for him because he usually clears his whole bowl of food every time he eats. Noticing this, that's when I then realized that I didn't recall cleaning a poop from him the night prior to that Wednesday morning. Which is odd because I always clean out my cats poops as soon as they're dropped (I'm a germaphobe and can't stand poopies being in the boxes for longer than a few minutes). He pooped Monday, but I couldn't recall cleaning a poop on Tuesday. I figured it was because he just didn't really eat any meal large enough to warrant a poop.

Thursday evening, new bag finally arrived to my house--still wasn't eating and still no poop. New change this time... no pee, either. He now had a fever and was no longer drinking water on his own. That's when I made an appointment for the vet on Friday morning. I lost a cat to a urinary blockage and I wasn't going to lose another. I stayed up all night giving him water to help fight his fever.

Friday, morning of, he peed on his own but I was still scared so I called the vet as soon as it was opening hours, turns out my usual doctor (an amazing man) got sick and his nurse team basically forced him to go home and get better, the whole clinic just had ONE doctor to see every patient that day. Vet nurses told us that they were overwhelmed with patients already and that they couldn't see anyone today unless there was a cancelation. My stomach dropped. I just sat with my sister and cried over feeling helpless. I live in a middle of nowhere town with only one vet clinic, the nearest city was 20 miles away and was the only other vet option I had. But I can't drive so I knew I could only pray that someone would cancel and make appointment room for me and my cat. The vet called at noon and said there was a cancelation and told me to come in at 3PM. The vet usually closes at around 4PM, but they stayed open just so my baby could be seen because we're regular visitors (I do cat rescue work).

Doctor felt nothing wrong with intestines, or stomach, looked at his teeth, checked for anemia and other obvious signs of life threatening things like that. Said he was all good. Only concern he had was a SLIGHT enlarged bladder, which he assumed meant the cat hadn't peed. But my cat did pee that morning, at around 10:AM, Friday. So vet gave us Clavamox to treat a urinary issue. And gave my cat an immune booster to bring down his fever. Told us if the fever wasn't gone by Sunday, to bring him back in.

Friday evening, he ate 3 "Delectable squeez up" and I felt so much relief because it seemed like the medicine was already working. It was the most food he's eaten in a week and I was so happy. He ate a few tablespoons of hard kibble after that and it seemed his apatite was improving. He peed that night, too. But still no poop. he finally ate enough to warrant a poop and so if he didn't poop Saturday, I knew something was bad still. He puked up foamy yellow liquid. But I figured that was due to not having any food in his belly for days.

Saturday morning, he didn't want the squeeze up anymore, but still ate a tablespoon or two of kibble. But by evening, he wasn't eating or interested in food other than a few kibble pieces here and there. Still no poop. He peed only twice that day. One in the morning, once at night. He puked up yellow foamy liquid again. Vet was still overbooked and couldn't see anyone until Monday. His fever wasn't gone, but he was less lethargic now and was stretching, cleaning, and wanting cuddles again.

Sunday, no apatite at all, no poop, not drinking on his own, fever was gone for some miraculous reason at noon. Thermometer read 101.6, whereas since thursday he was in fever mode. Thought he was improving just slowly. By night, his fever was back. Vet told us the Clavamox needs 4 days to work. He's not "worse" but he's not improving, so I decided to take to vet again.

Monday, vet still overbooked, they have no doctors to run any x-rays and can't legally give out medicine without the doctors there for it.

Tuesday, still the same issue at vet.

Symptoms: pukes up yellow, foamy stuff once or twice a day at random, not pooping since tuesday (June 21), peeing only twice a day 10-11 hours apart, not drinking or eating on own, SOMETIMES growls when I hold him in my arms and my hand "cups" his legs and butt. he doesn't growl every time Ihold or touch him, but sometimes. Sometimes, if I press my head against his leg and lower belly, I feel his muscles trembling. It's hard to explain but it feels like it trembles INSIDE of his lower abdomen (think between the legs).

As of now, I'm literally giving him 3-6ml of water/pedialyte mix every hour on the hour to keep up with his hydration and peeing habits. His pee is going from dark to light yellow. But I figured that was because I messed up and didn't hydrate him enough. He hasn't pooped, and continues to pee every 10-11 hours ONLY with encouragement. I have to keep him in the litter box until he goes. He looks to be peeing a normal amount of urine, so I'm not sure if he has a urinary blockage.

He refuses to eat and as of now I'm syringe feeding him watered down soft food. I'm pacing this though because he still vomits up the yellow/foamy stuff every now and then and I don't want to cause any puking that could further ruin his health.

Oddly enough, he will still eat and go crazy for the cat grass I bought from chewy.

It's early Wednesday morning (3:00AM), I'm an anxious mess, I'm scared for my cat, I don't know what to do. The vet near me still can't do x-rays, or prescribe medicine or anything. I'm in an extreme heatwave and can't even walk the 20 miles to the next town, either. Not because of my own health, but because he physically can't go 2 hours walk in the heat without water.

Please, if anyone has any idea of what could be going on with my cat please tell me so I know what to say to the vet when they finally take patients again. With the overbooking going on, I'm not sure if I'll get another chance to get him seen until patients clear up. I want to make the next appointment count for all its worth.

My sister thinks it could be prostatitis or a blockage in his intestines. But we don't understand how the vet checked him out and didn't feel either of those issues. Please any help is needed.
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  • #2


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2015
Ugh, I forgot to say that he GROWLS when I syringe him food. He's not an aggressive cat at all so it's more odd behavior. but doctor said his teeth were fine.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
It's early Wednesday morning (3:00AM), I'm an anxious mess, I'm scared for my cat, I don't know what to do. The vet near me still can't do x-rays, or prescribe medicine or anything. I'm in an extreme heatwave and can't even walk the 20 miles to the next town, either. Not because of my own health, but because he physically can't go 2 hours walk in the heat without water.

Please, if anyone has any idea of what could be going on with my cat please tell me so I know what to say to the vet when they finally take patients again. With the overbooking going on, I'm not sure if I'll get another chance to get him seen until patients clear up. I want to make the next appointment count for all its worth.

My sister thinks it could be prostatitis or a blockage in his intestines. But we don't understand how the vet checked him out and didn't feel either of those issues. Please any help is needed.
None of us are Vets here,....but I think you sister may be right...that your cat has a Blockage in his intestines...impaction, or severe Constipation...and needs an move out the poop.
This to me, is an Emergency right now, because he's been so long without pooping...and is vomiting bile.

He needs a Vet ASAP.:frown:

Is there any way that you can ask the Vet nurses to do this procedure, or somehow get someone to drive you to the next town's Vet.
Sending Mega Health Vibes for your poor cat, ...and that you can have him seen today. :crossfingers:

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
How old is your cat?
Is he obese or overweight?
He is your only pet?
what color are his gums?
If you pull up (gently) the skin above his shoulders, does it snap right back?
How are you taking his temperature?
Are you in the US?

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
Provided he is still urinating, you need to get him into a specialist in your area. I know you don't drive, but can you call an uber? If you are doing or have done cat rescue, don't you have some contacts you can reach out to. When you need help, and you do, sometimes you have to just ask for it. Social Media has made this much easier than it used to be.

I don't think that your current option for a vet that you are using is a good idea. They may be overwhelmed, or maybe something is missing from what you wrote or i misunderstood, But, why the antibiotics? Do you know if the medication to bring the fever down was an anti inflammatory or a steroid? Either way it is important for you to let any vet that treats your cat know he has had those medications.

I strongly urge you to get your cat into a specialist asap because this has gone on for a while now and cats have usually been ill for quite some time before they start to show any outward signs.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2015
None of us are Vets here,....but I think you sister may be right...that your cat has a Blockage in his intestines...impaction, or severe Constipation...and needs an move out the poop.
This to me, is an Emergency right now, because he's been so long without pooping...and is vomiting bile.

He needs a Vet ASAP.:frown:

Is there any way that you can ask the Vet nurses to do this procedure, or somehow get someone to drive you to the next town's Vet.
Sending Mega Health Vibes for your poor cat, ...and that you can have him seen today. :crossfingers:
I will try our vet again today, I wish I could say for sure they'll see him. I'm hoping the regular vet doctor is feeling better and back at work today. Where I live I don't have a taxi system in place, and things like uber don't come out here sadly. I sort of live in the worst place ever.

How old is your cat?
Is he obese or overweight?
He is your only pet?
what color are his gums?
If you pull up (gently) the skin above his shoulders, does it snap right back?
How are you taking his temperature?
Are you in the US?
I saved him off the streets as a young kitten in Aug 2018, they were just about 2 months old. So he's going on five years old soon.

He's 11lbs and very healthy, vet didn't say he was overweight at all. Just a big cat.

He is not, he's been raised with multiple siblings (3 sisters) since I found him. As well as other cats,but they get along great and all other cats are vaccinated and the like.

He's a pale orange cat, so his gums have always been on the pale-ish pink side. Vet checked gums for anemia or any issues, and said he did not have anemia.

The skin turgor test is done every time I give him water on the hour. Sometimes it goes down normally, but mostly its slightly slow to fall back down. Vet checked him on Friday said he was fine. Not sure if there's been a change, but his skin does exactly the same as it did on Friday.

Temperature is taken via rectum, as vet advised.

I live in rural kentucky.

Provided he is still urinating, you need to get him into a specialist in your area. I know you don't drive, but can you call an uber? If you are doing or have done cat rescue, don't you have some contacts you can reach out to. When you need help, and you do, sometimes you have to just ask for it. Social Media has made this much easier than it used to be.

I don't think that your current option for a vet that you are using is a good idea. They may be overwhelmed, or maybe something is missing from what you wrote or i misunderstood, But, why the antibiotics? Do you know if the medication to bring the fever down was an anti inflammatory or a steroid? Either way it is important for you to let any vet that treats your cat know he has had those medications.

I strongly urge you to get your cat into a specialist asap because this has gone on for a while now and cats have usually been ill for quite some time before they start to show any outward signs.
That's good advice. I do rescue work by myself, but I'll try and ask some groups for help in transporting if my vet is still closed today. I didn't even think of asking for help about this. Thank you.

Thank you for advice.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2015

Vet instructed me to capture his urine myself, and bring it to them today since he couldn't be seen, but they ran test on his urine and determined he has crystals. I'm still taking him to the vet tomorrow morning so I can make sure his not-pooping issue is related to just him not eating enough food for now instead of a possible obstruction. But yeah, he has crystals. Have to change diets and I'm so thankful that's all I have to do.

Just want my angel to feel better already.

Here's a picture of Blondie from last night after I filled his belly with some wet food. This position means he's comfortable btw

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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2015
UPDATE: local vet still can’t see him tomorrow. called the vet 20 miles away, they can’t see him because tomorrow is “surgery day” whatever that means. called the bigger city’s vet, which is 41 miles away and they’re charging 140 just to walk in the exam room. the money i have saved for any solutions would be consumed by just the exam price vs 25 bucks at my nearest vet.

i literally can’t find a vet to see my cat.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
UPDATE: local vet still can’t see him tomorrow. called the vet 20 miles away, they can’t see him because tomorrow is “surgery day” whatever that means. called the bigger city’s vet, which is 41 miles away and they’re charging 140 just to walk in the exam room. the money i have saved for any solutions would be consumed by just the exam price vs 25 bucks at my nearest vet.

i literally can’t find a vet to see my cat.
Did you tell the local Vet the amount of days that your Blondie has not pooped?

If you can somehow convince them to do the enema, or just see him briefly, to make sure his intestines are not filled with hardened poop...then that would be so worth it.
They could perhaps advise you what you can give him, to loosen or soften his stool, so that it does not happen again

Does your local Vet take any walk-ins? in you just show up...say it's an emergency...and then they fit him in, somehow?

I'm so sorry you and your Blondie are having to go through this,...and I wish your Blondie well. :goodluck:
(even here, in bigger places, we cannot get same-day vet appointments, and often times the cost of emergency vets are triple what normal vets charge. It's very stressful, when our cats are ill, and need to get fast treatment.) :frown:

Don't know if calling this number...will help you with getting some more specific and focused advice: :greenpaw:
Pet Help Line & Resources

Your local Vet does sound good, just overwhelmed with all the cases...and of course, so difficult when our Vets get sick, themselves.

Sending Mega Health Thoughts and prayers for your Blondie...:vibes::vibes::tabbycat: :crossfingers: 🙏:alright::grouphug::hugs:
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2015
thank you cat nap. i’ll tell them again how important it is.

another update, i’ve called seven vets in a 60 mile radius, none of them will see him. i stressed that he has not pooped in a week+ and all of them direct me to other vets that ended up saying the same thing. they’re either booked, in surgery day tomorrow, or closed due to renovation. this is the first time this has ever happened to me. i’m in disbelief because what’s going on. i live in southerestern ky btw because i know this all sounds probably unbelievable to everyone right now. my sister and i have called seven vets (one of which is an emergency clinic), i’m so lost right now.

my local vet is allowing me to pick up cat crystal food tomorrow (at a huge discount due to me being a regular) that they’ve prescribed him, and tomorrow im going to beg for them to just see him. to feel his belly and tell me he’s not stuck with an object or poop. that’s my only option since they can’t do x-rays for now. if they can’t see him, then i’ll be begging for some kind of med that may help him poop. i’d rather try something than to watch him like this.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Since it would seem you have at least verbal contact with the vet ask them for a home remedy you could try - perhaps Miralax? I probably missed something, but the reason your local vet can't see him is because he is sick or too busy? Do any of these vets have vet techs that can do x-rays? Maybe not in your area, but here we can get some things done without an appt. because the vet techs can handle certain tasks and walk ins for a vet tech are usually non-chargeable (other than whatever procedure they are doing).
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2015
Since it would seem you have at least verbal contact with the vet ask them for a home remedy you could try - perhaps Miralax? I probably missed something, but the reason your local vet can't see him is because he is sick or too busy? Do any of these vets have vet techs that can do x-rays? Maybe not in your area, but here we can get some things done without an appt. because the vet techs can handle certain tasks and walk ins for a vet tech are usually non-chargeable (other than whatever procedure they are doing).
Well, there's two doctors and about 7 nurses in total at my local clinic. The main doctor at the vet became sick sometime last week, and his nurses had to force him to go home to rest because he was so ill. The secondary doctor is the only one currently there, so he has to see all patients himself until the main doctor returns. The staff informed us that they cannot see any patients that didn't have an appointment made prior to the Dr. becoming sick. We asked about emergencies and they said they literally have no room for room and board, they're all occupied by patients as is. On Friday, they saw us only because we're close regulars and they know we promised to bring him home with us after he was seen. Secondary doctor checked his belly and intestines and gums, etc and determined only that he had some urinary issues. He told us to capture the pee at home and bring it to them the next day and they can test for issues. I did that, was told he has crystals yesterday afternoon. Asked the nurse on the phone if crystals could cause him to not poop and then vomit sometimes, she said he possibly was doing both in relation to not eating.

We asked if they can just do an x-ray so we can know if it's end of life related and the vet nurses said that they legally could not prescribe medicines or run machinery without the doctor present/doing it themselves. And they won't see him because they're all booked.

My only hope was that the main doctor gets better soon. But my cat can't wait that long since it's been at LEAST since Thursday the 23rd that he hasn't pooped.

I spent all day yesterday calling multiple vets in a 60 mile radius if they can see my cat today (6/30) the only one that will see him is 41 miles away and since it's an emergency will charge extra to see him. I have funds saved for pet emergencies, but at my local vet emergency visits charge 25 bucks, whereas the vet I'm forced to go to now is charging $100. The x-ray is another $150 at this vet, whereas at my local vet it's around $35. It dips into the money pool that would otherwise be used to actually treat what's going on.

The reason I can't travel to farther vets is because I don't know how to drive and I don't have a license.

Regardless, I'm taking him there today (or rather, my sister is in my stead).
I'm asking a neighbor who happens to be going into the city today to drop me off and pick me up when they're done with their errands. This is my only chance to figure out what's going on.

I will ask about miralax, thank you for that advice!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
If I have missed you getting to talk to a vet, I am so sorry but maybe calling back would work if you don’t have answers yet to Ask them about an enema too. Maybe ask about Lactulose or plain canned Pumpkin. Have you ever given a cat sub q fluids? If the kitty is dehydrated then maybe a vet tech can teach you this. Weruva makes canned food with pumpkin that helped my kitty. Also my kitty is eating Fancy Feast broths that have lots of liquids. Hoping you get a solution today!
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2015
Cancelled visit to vet 41 miles away, my secondary local vet is open and can see him. Told that nurse everything going on and they said he needs to be seen immediately (not a shocker). Prices are much lower to, so it's good because it's closer and cheaper. Which means more money to do what needs to be done to make him feel better.

Pray that there isn't any organ damage.
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2015
Did x-ray, bloodwork, and the vet said he was just very very constipated. He wouldn't poop on his own so they they did an enema on him and prescribing a GI tract antibiotic for his infection + overnight stay because he needs fluids. Already $305 price, not sure what the enema is gonna cost me, or the med and overnight stay. But at least I have an answer now.

This vet was very nice, thorough. They didn't make me wait and they saw him almost immediately.

When my sister went in, she said he was covered in poop because the enema (vet said they were cleaning him as it happens though), but my sis also said my cat was already back to his old self. So all of it was due to the constipation.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2015
Update again, he's been at the vet since yesterday, he now has a fever. They said they're starting new antibiotics to see if fever comes down. His bloodwork was fine, he's pooped, his crystals are being treated. But he still has a fever. No clue why. The charges are at $430 so I hope that this wasn't all in vain....

Not sure what else could be causing the fever. Only thing I can suspect is that he's holding his pee in because he's anxious from being away from home. I hope the vet is smart enough to check if he's peeing regular