My kitty is sick


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Im so sorry this is happening.
I think she needs to be seen by another vet......


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
L lilnana65 , I don't believe you ever told us, but exactly what are you feeding her via the feeding tube? Is it a recovery food? Are you mixing it with water or anything? I know you are putting water through the tube to clean it out after feeding, but are you watering the food down also? Have you called your Vet and talked to them about increasing her food? I stand by my thoughts that by now, since she started getting fed I believe on Saturday, that she should be getting more food. Did you get the instructions in writing? I wonder if it was a typo. Per my original post above about refeeding syndrome, usually cats that are considered high risk for that are not released from the hospital, but even then they bump up the food after a few days. Plus even then they get the amount of calories equal to what I stated above. I just don't know what that equates to, since I don't know what Kesi weighs, nor what you are feeding, or how many calories are actually in a serving (food vs water).

Do you have a follow-up appointment tomorrow? I would seriously discuss why so little food? If they think refeeding syndrome, then ask why they are not monitoring her electrolytes daily. If you don't have an appointment very soon, then I would call and DEMAND some answers.

Oh, also, is she still dehydrated?

:vibes: :vibes: :vibes:
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  • #43


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 23, 2016
L lilnana65 , I don't believe you ever told us, but exactly what are you feeding her via the feeding tube? Is it a recovery food? Are you mixing it with water or anything? I know you are putting water through the tube to clean it out after feeding, but are you watering the food down also? Have you called your Vet and talked to them about increasing her food? I stand by my thoughts that by now, since she started getting fed I believe on Saturday, that she should be getting more food. Did you get the instructions in writing? I wonder if it was a typo. Per my original post above about refeeding syndrome, usually cats that are considered high risk for that are not released from the hospital, but even then they bump up the food after a few days. Plus even then they get the amount of calories equal to what I stated above. I just don't know what that equates to, since I don't know what Kesi weighs, nor what you are feeding, or how many calories are actually in a serving (food vs water).

Do you have a follow-up appointment tomorrow? I would seriously discuss why so little food? If they think refeeding syndrome, then ask why they are not monitoring her electrolytes daily. If you don't have an appointment very soon, then I would call and DEMAND some answers.

Oh, also, is she still dehydrated?

:vibes: :vibes: :vibes:
The food I am feeding her is called " Hills Prescription Diet, Urgent Care a/d with Chicken" and yes I add a little bit of water in it when I mix it together. No they didn't give me any instructions in writing ( I wish they had though). When I spoke to the vet yesterday of my concerns she said that she didn't want to increase her food intake just yet because of the refeeding syndrome. I did ask if Kesi was getting enough hydration through the water mixed in with her food and the water for the flushing, the vet indicated she thought she would get some hydration from it. I have taken her back to the vet this morning and had questions as to why Kesi is continuing to decline health wise. The vet called me a short time ago and said Kesi is very dehydrated again ( ughh this is what I was worried would be the case) so they are hydrating her and trying a different appetite stimulant.
This is a low budget vet clinic and I can understand why now. If after today I don't get answers I seek and they don't seem to have answers, I am going to be taking Kesi to a different vet which is MUCH more expensive but I want her to get better. I just don't understand how a vet cannot find the reason why my cat won't eat.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
When a cat has Fatty Liver, they won't eat until their liver gets back to a certain point. That's why they must be force fed. I'm kind of surprised they are treating her with appetite stimulants at this juncture, but at this point, what can I say. I'm just shaking my head. Please ask them about liver supplements and why they don't those might be helpful.. Also about giving sub-qs at home. When your Vet said she thought she would get some hydration from the food and flushing, well "duh". Of course she got SOME, but that wasn't realy your question, and now look where Kesi is AGAIN :argh:. Sorry, this just irritates me so much...can you tell. Oh, and along the lines of an appetite stimulant, WHY would they want her on them if they are worried about refeeding syndrome? If they want her eating such a teeny tiny amount, why would they want her to want to eat?????????????????????????

Your poor furbaby. Yes, you get what you pay for, at least at this particular clinic. And we totally understand that finances can be a huge issue, especially right now. If you need to go to another Vet, be sure to gather up all Kesi's records before you do as that should save you a lot of tests costs, etc.

I didn't realize costs were an issue, so since they are, maybe something here will help: Financial Help For Cat Care.
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  • #45


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 23, 2016
When a cat has Fatty Liver, they won't eat until their liver gets back to a certain point. That's why they must be force fed. I'm kind of surprised they are treating her with appetite stimulants at this juncture, but at this point, what can I say. I'm just shaking my head. Please ask them about liver supplements and why they don't those might be helpful.. Also about giving sub-qs at home. When your Vet said she thought she would get some hydration from the food and flushing, well "duh". Of course she got SOME, but that wasn't realy your question, and now look where Kesi is AGAIN :argh:. Sorry, this just irritates me so much...can you tell. Oh, and along the lines of an appetite stimulant, WHY would they want her on them if they are worried about refeeding syndrome? If they want her eating such a teeny tiny amount, why would they want her to want to eat?????????????????????????

Your poor furbaby. Yes, you get what you pay for, at least at this particular clinic. And we totally understand that finances can be a huge issue, especially right now. If you need to go to another Vet, be sure to gather up all Kesi's records before you do as that should save you a lot of tests costs, etc.

I didn't realize costs were an issue, so since they are, maybe something here will help: Financial Help For Cat Care.
Yes I can tell your frustration and believe me I am feeling the same way. I just don't understand how they can not know what is causing her not to want to eat in the first place. My cat can't be the only cat they have ever seen with this problem. Thank you for the link for the Financial help for cat care, I am looking into that as well. I am waiting for the vet to call me with an update as to what is now going on with Kesi. I just keep thinking how she is just sitting down there so scared as she is a timid cat anyways. She probably won't eat for them anyways if she is scared and hearing barking dogs constantly. And this place only answers their phone when they feel like it. I am going to call down there in about half hour if I have not heard back.. I pray I can get through on the phone line to them. I have a list of questions for them written down so I won't forget.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
It kind of doesn't matter why she stopped eating in the first place. Fatty liver is the top priority now. And she likely won't resume eating until her liver condition is improved. So all these efforts to get her to eat right now seems like more stress that you and Kesi don't need. I would take her somewhere else and get a feeding plan (frequency and amounts) and an anti-nausea drug like Cerenia. This can be compounded into an oral paste, or an oil suspension you can shoot down the tube.

Maropitant Oral Paste
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  • #48


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 23, 2016
I just got home from picking Kesi up at the vet, the vet said all they did today was feed her via feeding tube every 3-4 hours, 5ml of food followed by 5 ml of water. and gave her appetite stimulant which did not work again. So I asked many questions this time, asked if I could do the sub q fluids at home - Answer: We don't feel she needs it at home, she will get plenty through her more frequent feedings and if we really want to boost her fluid intake we can give her pedilite. I also asked about the liver supplement and they gave me 10 days worth of that and will start that at next feeding in a couple hours. I asked how long she can go on living like this, Answer: we will give her one more week to see if she can make a turn around, if not then we need to talk about saying goodbye. I asked if there were any other tests that can be done and Answer: we have done every test we can think of.

So that is where we are at. She wanted me to bring her back tomorrow for more hydration and monitoring and I declined to do it.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
So she's to stay on 5 ml of food every 3 hours for the next week? And you have to mix some water into the food to make it thinner in order to syringe it up, right? So she's not really getting 5 ml of pure nutrition each time, but maybe 3 ml food, 2 ml water mixed in? Can you mix her food with the unflavored pedialite, or even better, use KMR? (I still think after almost a week, that's too little food. ) Did you ask WHY so long? Are you going to get a second opinion? Of course, you can read up on Refeeding Syndrome yourself and decide what you want to do.

Continued vibes :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:
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  • #50


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 23, 2016
So she's to stay on 5 ml of food every 3 hours for the next week? And you have to mix some water into the food to make it thinner in order to syringe it up, right? So she's not really getting 5 ml of pure nutrition each time, but maybe 3 ml food, 2 ml water mixed in? Can you mix her food with the unflavored pedialite, or even better, use KMR? (I still think after almost a week, that's too little food. ) Did you ask WHY so long? Are you going to get a second opinion? Of course, you can read up on Refeeding Syndrome yourself and decide what you want to do.

Continued vibes :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:
Yes have to mix water with the food to be able to syringe it up. I have some KMR, I could use that to mix in the food instead of water. or alternate it each time, with pedialyte and KMR. Yes I am going to get a second opinion which is the reason I elected not to bring her back to this vet tomorrow for monitoring. I did do some reading on refeeding syndrome and I really don't understand it. I will decide after the second opinion after a week of what to do. I have to wait until the current vet get's all her records printed out for me for the past two weeks of her being in their care.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I would at least call to get on the schedule for another Vet as appointments are pretty hard to come by at most Vets. But do tell them what's going on. In my mind it's an emergency so hopefully they can squeeze her in soon. How long did your current clinic say it might be for the copy of the records? They need to get on this right away. Wonder of the new Vet requested them if they would speed things up? I mean, with computers and all I would think they might be able to digitally send them. I would call and explain that the situation and how much food she's on for the length of time and, etc and see what they say. Maybe if nothing else they can explain refeeding syndrome over the phone and tell you if you might feed more starting now, even before they see her. Worth a try.
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  • #52


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 23, 2016
Ok here is the newest update as of this morning Friday 10/16/2020. So I made an appt with new vet for second opinion but unfortunately they have a long wait time to get in, so her appt isn't until the end of next week. However yesterday might have been a turning point for Kesi, she ATE temptation treats, only like 4 of them but HEY it's something by mouth that she hasn't done for over 2 weeks now. I know it's not the healthiest for her to have but I was just so HAPPY to have had her eat anything at all. Then she ate some freeze dried chicken treats. I did put some of her favorite wet canned food in front of her and she acts like she wants to eat it and smells it for a long time but then walks away from it 😿. She is also much more alert than she has been, jumping up on things and even meowing a tiny bit even though it sounds crackly. So this morning I tried to do her tube feeding and she kept trying to get away from me and was acting like it was hurting her. I called her vet this morning and told them of the past two days of events and they said " Lets get the feeding tube out, and see how she does over the weekend and see if she will eat with it out". So I took her down to get it taken out, will pick her up later this afternoon. I really pray this will help her eat on her own. I can only imagine how uncomfortable it is to have that tube in her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
No no no. One of us should have told you not to take out the tube until she's eating again on her own. She can eat with the tube in and she probably doesn't notice it or mind it. You can always leave a tube in longer than you think she needs it. But it's considerably more difficult to put the tube back in if she's not past needing it. And I'm not convinced that 4 treats and a little squirrelly resistance to a feeding means she's past this. I feel strongly that you need to cancel the procedure if it's not too late and stop taking advice from this vet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Also, if she's interested in treats, powder up the treats and sprinkle it over her wet food. Figure out how many treats you will allow her in a meal, then powder up that much into a bag and dust her food with treat powder a bite at a time if you have to. But only if this works. Otherwise, resume feedings by tube and try again by mouth another time.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Agree, agree, agree. I almost mentioned NOT to withdraw that tube until she is greedily eating everything on a daily basis for at least a week or two but didn't think it was even close to that time so didn't. I'm so sorry.

This brings me to the question, WHY is it ok for her to eat on her own if you aren't supposed to feed her more than a few calories thru that tube??????? Did you ask that question? It was one of the questions I posed above. Still makes no sense to me. But agree these are great signs. I also agree with daftcat75 daftcat75 that if the tube is in her neck area, it should not bother her at all if she tries to eat on her own. She is probably just trying to decide what to do here. Is she still getting an anti nausea drug? Maybe she's right on the edge


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
This just makes me so angry and sad. Ask this vet how many fatty liver cases he's treated? This is amateur hour! Fatty liver isn't resolved just because she ate some treats. If she's not eating, she's not eating. And that won't change just because you took the tube out. I would tell them they messed up and they should put the tube back in if they can. That was her single best hope for a positive outcome here. Now you're giving back any progress you made. Expect to take her back daily or every other day for fluids because she's going to get dehydrated if she's not eating.
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  • #57


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 23, 2016
Now I feel like a horrible cat mom.. I did call to the vet a few min ago and unfortunately they have already removed the tube :(
So I guess I can only hope that she will eat when I bring her home and that she doesn't have a set back. I have cried nearly every night not knowing what to do as it pains me to see her so unlike herself.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Now I feel like a horrible cat mom.. I did call to the vet a few min ago and unfortunately they have already removed the tube :(
So I guess I can only hope that she will eat when I bring her home and that she doesn't have a set back. I have cried nearly every night not knowing what to do as it pains me to see her so unlike herself.
Don't feel horrible. It's this vet who is horrible. It doesn't seem like he had a plan to get her through this and gave up way too soon on you. Call them back and get angry. Find out by what metric did he think this was appropriate to remove the tube even though all attempts to get her to eat more than a few treats have been unsuccessful even with appetite stimulants. Then ask if the tube can be reinserted. There may be a very small window to put that tube back in. Otherwise it heals very quickly and they'd probably have to repeat the intubation procedure, if they can. This feeding tube is your best possible chance for a recovery here. Insist upon it. Get angry and then get it done.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Any updates today? Is she eating at all? Still more alert, etc? Hoping she is turning the corner for the better..