Lilah the poophead kitty

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  • #121


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Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Furballsmom Furballsmom I will get Jon to tape it-we both have smart phones and hes discovering how cool it is to videotape things-plus Ive got a bigger drive on the phone so can handle video better than his-She's so adorable at 7pm if we don't go lay down with her-she will sit and Stare at you until you take her into the bedroom and snuggle..she loves to be brushed and purrs and licks me then plops down against me and stays there until midnight-she even likes the covers on her too.
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  • #124


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Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I generally don't like grocery store foods but it isn't getting barfed up so we stick with it for now...

Lilah and I stayed in bed saturday until noon-she wanted to snuggle=we were watching Dexter...Bee snuggles but not like Lilah does=Lilah has short hair and her feet are often cold so I think she likes to be warmed by us.

I tried to let them mingle sunday=Bee growled at her and Lilah was giving Bee eye blinks=but then the next moment when I walked into the room Lilah snuck up and was reading to attack Bee from jumping up on the bed=Bee was in my arms-and Lilah's eyes got huge and then she yowled...that cat sends such mixed signals...we only let Lilah sniff Bee's tail for a few seconds then wisked out of the room....cats!
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  • #125


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Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Been awhilr-quick update=the girls STILL don't get along-Lilah spends 75% of time in bedroom-Bee doesn't mind being locked in her room when Monster is out-or Kracken. Kracken likes to lay on the deck when we are outside in the sun. She sticks to us and doesn't wander off-not sure why she wanted to go out-Jon was letting her out-he said she would lay in sun next to him when he's sunbathing..we don't let them out together-he is a good papa and spends time outside with both. Lilah spends about half an hour on the deck then she goes back to bed-so we close the door and Bee goes outside for a bit. We don't let them out if we leave. And we don't let them play together. Lilah is still howling if she sees Bee and we found out she's afraid of Chubs neighbor kitty-Jon said he came over on the deck and Lilah ran in under the bed--Chubs loves other animals and has no mean bones in him-Bee doesn't like him for some reason-Chubs just wants us to pet him and he comes in the house to steal lilah's's quite funny really...

Lilah is the cuddle bunny I always wanted..Bee lays on me but not during the day=Lilah seems to be content to sleep the day away with me when I am in bed sick-I recently had a bought of pneomonia and she was stuck to my side 24/7-she makes the best bed companion-too bad she won't stop attacking Bee.

We also use tick/flea meds so not to worry we will make sure they both have the meds to stay healthy..the vet won't see Lilah right now for non emergency things so holding off on her booster shots-they said she can get them in September but I was planning on getting it out of the way this spring-but they said if anything was wrong-they would do curbside pickup but we are not gonna run to the vets to make room for the others who will need care...Lilah tried to attack Bee 2 weeks ago-she snuck in after I yelled-watch out!

Jon says to get rid of Lilah=I said NO. He says she doesn't like Bee-I said she's 10 now-no one will take a 10 yr old fat cat who pukes if feed different food-so I said-Lilah stays. She's not going anywhere..I think Bee misses me-but she's been spending a ton of time with Jon since we been living separate during this time. Lilah has also been sleeping on the couch with Jon during the day for short times=took weeks to get her to sleep on the couch...if she smelled Bee=she wouldn't go in that area but in other areas in the house=they sleep in same places as each other-the window seat in the library for one and this particular spot on one couch-what an odd cat Lilah is turning out to be.
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  • #129


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Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
They won't see her until September? My cats need to get their vaccinations, I'm hoping I don't have to wait that long.
No she's DUE in September but I wanted to get it out of the way this spring. But with this hoopla it's not a priority for me.
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  • #130


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Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
We had something cool happen yesterday-I wasn't home-This was all Jon.

HE LET THEM OUTSIDE TOGETHER! AND THEY DIDN'T FIGHT! Jon was letting Lilah out for short jaunts and she sticks to the deck or the rock wall beneath the deck...Lilah won't let me pet her outside-she runs back inside..And then we had a chipmunk hole that we had to build a shield because both girls were bringing them into the house and letting them there's a milk crate over the hole then the old mower deck of this ancient tractor next to it-and the weasel Honeybee crammed inside the metal deck-there's no blades-just a hunk of metal-and Jon had to put rocks around it to block it off :flail:

So yesterday I get a text-
I let them out together...

OMG LOL. He has to stay right with Bee cause Lilah looked ready to charge-and of course a stomp of foot and NO! far That went ok..still makes me nervous=Lilah charges at her in the house so we don't let them mingle. I think if Bee didn't run off-Lilah wouldn't chase her..but Bee acts like Prey...and Bee growls at Lilah it's hilarious...It's now 8 months of Lilah living here..

I have to figure out how to keep the bedroom cool for Lilah-it got really hot in there this week-the sky light in bathroom makes it hot=got a dead old blanket I usually toss up on the window and hold it down by watering the blanket-it's an old wool style-seems to hold up this way but I have to fix it every morning-there's a screen for the window but still doesn't keep it cool enough.

For the record=both are on tick meds and vaccinated.

And I been sleeping in Lilah's room in a real bed...Jon sleeps on the couch or the air bed in office..He's up all night anyways so he doesn't mind...Talk about pampered cats...


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Nov 25, 2013
Yay! :clap2:

And then we had a chipmunk hole that we had to build a shield because both girls were bringing them into the house and letting them go..
Oh, so that's what they bonded over. :catman: Poor chipmunks. :(

Susan Jeffries

May 7, 2020
Well I have aquired a new kitty 4 weeks ago- Lilah is 9 years old, spayed. Up to date with her shots now. Blood work perfect. Health not too bad-she's overweight about 5 pounds BUT is a very active kitty.

The problems in my home-Lilah is unable to cohabit with my resident cat Honeybee. The first 5 days we let them figure it out--Lilah hid under the couch for 2 days and then started to chase Bee. So I was instructed to keep them seperate. So we moved her out of the library cause she was digging up the carpet and just not happy even though there was a window we moved her into the bedroom where there's a bed and window seat. And some room to play with her toys. Moved her box and food etc into the bathroom. There's this cube tunnel thing in the closet that she spent quite a bit of time in but now she is more out in the open.

So Saturday decided to let them mix and Lilah was prowling around trying to find her and scream at her. Bee stays up in her apartment-there's this huge tree and dog house wayyyy up high that Bee watches her from with a dirty look. I think Lilah wants to climb the tree and hang out up there but I have been telling her no because that's the only spot that is Bee's. I am currently shopping for another tree to put in front of the windows in the living room.

The bedroom now has a huge tree in there and another dog house on top of the book case=she immediately climbed it and has spent time in her house=but we have to keep the door shut. Yesterday I taped a screen door to the doorway so they could see each other but not get at each other. So far that went ok. Bee misses the bed so I am also working on clearing out the office and make it into a bedroom-order a bed=and let Bee stay in there with me.
I wanted to know if anyone have issues with two females getting along. I heard male cats get along with other cats better than female cats.

I have been contemplating the shelter BUT I don't feel comfortable with this..because it's so hard to find a single pet home-the possibility of her living in a cage fills me with dread. I rather she spend her days in my bedroom and continue to see if someone I know would like to adopt her as an only cat. The weird part is at night she's a totally different cat-she cuddles in bed and lets me pet her for now I am trying not to show too much favortism to her but I don't want her to be lonely.

I watched some videos on Jackson Galaxy and going to try some of the tips. I tried to feed them on opposite sides of the door and Bee was having NONE of that. But this morning I noticed some food gone from her table that's in view of the bedroom. I am going to slowly move it closer to the door and get her used to eating near Lilah and Lilah eats right up against the door no problem-I tried this Friday night..

my question=-how long does this baloney go on for???

I have never dealt with this kind of situation. I have had other female cats- Floey was a monster to other cats but Lilah has definately changed the "monster" to we call her monster now..I have been slowly working with Lilah to get used to touch-her prior owner never got her used to being picked up or clip her nails. I won't be able to clip the nails-the vets does it for 15 bucks so probably just take her there every other month to get clipped. So I pick her up every day=she screams and meows her head off. I just pick her up for 10 seconds then put her down..she's not fighting me anymore-seems she's all noise and doesn't even claw me or bite me. I touch her paws-she hates it-but I will keep working to get her used to touch. The funny part is you can snuggle with her in bed-under the covers and she LOVES it. she will lay next to me in bed for hours at a time while I read/watch TV-so I am not too happy to think of giving her up to live in a cage in the shelter for who knows how long---so wanted to hear your stories of difficult animals and finding some new normal.
It's just a lot of time and patience..we introduced Sultan Boy to Princess Sammie, not a good idea, but separately they are two lovely cats, l understand from others that this problem takes a long long time, but eventually they will tolerate each other. We couldn't part with Boy now, so we have to adapt to THEIR needs not ours...mad or what !


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Wow! Progress and pampering! Lol They have very loving humans!
I have often seen cats bond over prey. The ferals often put aside their differences over other creatures whether it was prey or foe. I use that when I work to integrate ferals. Using the chase of a wand toy prey sometimes works. Not always but Kitties! So, are you rescuing chipmunks now?
I had an idea about cooling the room for Lilah. There is evaporative cooling. Another term is swamp cooler. We use it in the greenhouse. You already have part of it in place with the wet blanket and window. If you can put a fan to pull or push air through the wet blanket, the temperature should drop a good bit more. It’s really quite effective. That’s not exactly how we set it up in a greenhouse but should help. Sending purrs to you all!


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Mar 26, 2017
T, also try not to scream when they are together. I did the same thing, I was terrified they would hurt each other, so I would freak out and yell. But that would just make them beat each other up. If I am calm, they get along okay.
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  • #136


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Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Well that didn't work-the next day they were fighting-Lilah prowls around the yard looking for Bee..Bee growls whenever she sees her-so we have had to resort to giving them their own time-good thing Lilah sleeps most of the day so Bee hangs out outside. Jon likes to sunbath out there and Bee snoozes in the shade where the bushes grow into the deck-we usually cut them back but we leave it alone for some much needed's also getting closer to the time to get Bee's haircut-I hate it because she is such a wound up nut that hisses and spits during the procedure but as time goes on-she's getting better-she still hates her arm pits shaved and it takes some unique holding her down to get it done=otherwise they knot up and no way will she let me brush her-I have tried tooth brushes and long handled bottle brushes and that's just a no go zone for her...

We are getting hot weather this week so got to cover the sky lights with an old ratty blanket wetted down with water to try to keep it cool inside...this is the only thing I HATE about summer=makes my home bake and it's just nasty after 3pm till about 10pm.

Sometimes screams are the only thing Lilah understands or stern voice=she learns fast...
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  • #137


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Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I have been meaning to post an update. In September after we came back from vacation-Jon started leaving the door to bedroom open during the day and no baby gates-she spent most of her time in there anyways. Bee stays up high and sometimes Lilah chases her. Lilah still growls and hisses at Bee and Bee finally gives her a huge hissy spitty fit back which sends Lilah running like a wimp back to her room and hides under the bed for a bit or jumps back up on the bed. Bee will NOT walk into master bedroom at ALL. I can't even carry her in there without her growling and they pretty much accepted to divide the house.

Also in September, one night while I had the blanket on my lap as I was lounging in bed, guess who climbed up on me?? Lilah has turned into a lap cat but only on this bed. She won't go into Bee's bedroom or on my lap on the couch. She loves to be brushed and for months I would not brush her until she climbed up on my lap on now everytime I lay down and pull the blanket up, guess who climbs up? Doesn't matter what time of day it is..she sleeps on me for a good 2 hours then if it's chilly she will paw at the blanket to open it up, she scoots underneath it, curls up against me with her head in my hand and sleeps purring away for another 2 hours...She is the sweetest cat ever even Bee doesn't like that much petting. If you pet her more than 3 times she will smack you or bite you...Lilah doesn't care...

Now in the outdoors=we have to give them turns-Lilah pokes around out back and then when she comes in, Then we let Bee out...sometimes they will go out together but that's when Mr J is sunbathing in the summer..he likes the heat on his aching bones...they will sit on different sides of the deck. Lilah tends to stay on the deck sunbathing while Bee joins me under the maple tree where I was reading last summer..

They somewhat accepted each other but Lilah is afraid of the other cats that come over-there's my neighbor's two kitties who come to hang out with us on the deck when the weather is nice.

It's been a very snowy brutal winter so they only go outside if I shovel the deck..I added a bird feeder on a table but the squirrels been hogging it-which gives Bee an opportunity to chase them-they are always gone by the time she steps foot outside but it's fun to watch them tease her. Lilah doesn't seem too interested in them or they are long gone by the time I open the door to let her step out-she won't go out at all if there's snow and ice on the deck. They can't wait until spring.


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Nov 25, 2013
foxxycat foxxycat : Was thinking of you, and see it's been over a year since you last posted. Hope all is well with you and the kitties.