Cat Will Not Allow Me To Fall Asleep!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 1, 2017
I was wondering, is there any way I could get my cat to actually go to bed at night?
I got my first kitten a few days ago. She is the sweetest little thing untill it becomes dark. The first night I got her she let me sleep probobly 2 hours. I was EXHAUSTED! She would walk around, meow, eat her dry food, drink water loudly, and run around. By the end of the night around 2 in the moring I gave up on sleep and just played with her. She started to do this every night. The last three nights I slept in the guest bedroom becuase she just wanted to play. I thought then, play with her a lot in the day. But she is an intersting animal and sleeps under my bed during the day and plays at night. Last night I wanted to try sleeping with her, but she jumped onto my bed attacking my feet thought the sheets. Does anyone know how to help me? I can't go on sleeping in the guest bedroom! :disappointed: Please help!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 18, 2017
This is actually very common, their natural schedule tell them to be active at night. It's a bit of a training. Play just before going to bed: try playing a lot and in a way that makes her run a lot. Then feed her. Cats have a system of hunt, catch, kill and eat. After this they usually are sleeping. Then play first thing in the morning. Doing that will slowly switch her schedules, it will not be immediate but rather soon it will get better. Be consistent. Ignore her attempts to play at night otherwise she will think you are OK with playing at 2 am. Give her toys she can play by herself at night. Good luck to survive kittenhood :) (you will actually miss it trust me).


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Kittenhood can last a year or more, so first of all move that beautiful little girl’s room to your guest room. If she won’t let you sleep at night, YOU get your room, and she gets the guest room. Second, you never ever play with her or pet her in your room -you want to teach her that your rom is for sleeping and playing quietly only.

You can let her into your bed but when she attacks you or gets too wild, you put her on the floor. If that doesn’t stop her after a few tries (it won’t ), you shut her out of your room or shut her into the guest room depending on how comfortable you are with her roaming while you are sleeping. If you do this consistently she will eventually figure out the only way to stay with you is to be so quiet you don’t know she is there.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 1, 2017
Kittenhood can last a year or more, so first of all move that beautiful little girl’s room to your guest room. If she won’t let you sleep at night, YOU get your room, and she gets the guest room. Second, you never ever play with her or pet her in your room -you want to teach her that your rom is for sleeping and playing quietly only.

You can let her into your bed but when she attacks you or gets too wild, you put her on the floor. If that doesn’t stop her after a few tries (it won’t ), you shut her out of your room or shut her into the guest room depending on how comfortable you are with her roaming while you are sleeping. If you do this consistently she will eventually figure out the only way to stay with you is to be so quiet you don’t know she is there.
Thanks! I will for sure try this.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2012
LOL my cat still wants attention from me as soon as i lie down to sleep. They HATE closed doors. What i do is right before i go to sleep, i grab her toy wand and tire her out. she then goes to eat some food and goes to sleep until the next day. =)

i used to feed her pretty late to avoid her waking me up at 5 am for food. now i have a device where i place her wet food so she has breakfast at whatever time she likes. lol


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 25, 2017
That's very normal and fits the usual behavior. Keep playing, socializing and providing quality time. In most... most cases both will adapt and you will sleep. In some cases some cats still give trouble but in my experience the cases are not too abundant, the best thing is to start when they are very young. Yours looks very young.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 12, 2017
Cookie used to do that when she first came home. Shed dig her sharp little claws into my feet as i slept. I wasnt as amused as she was.

So we had the 3 strike rule. First time she did that, i yowled and moved my feet away. Second time, i hissed. Third time, she got picked up by the scruff and put outside. She caught on pretty quick.

She would sleep during the day too, but i turned it into play time.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I was wondering, is there any way I could get my cat to actually go to bed at night?
I got my first kitten a few days ago. She is the sweetest little thing untill it becomes dark. The first night I got her she let me sleep probobly 2 hours. I was EXHAUSTED! She would walk around, meow, eat her dry food, drink water loudly, and run around. By the end of the night around 2 in the moring I gave up on sleep and just played with her. She started to do this every night. The last three nights I slept in the guest bedroom becuase she just wanted to play. I thought then, play with her a lot in the day. But she is an intersting animal and sleeps under my bed during the day and plays at night. Last night I wanted to try sleeping with her, but she jumped onto my bed attacking my feet thought the sheets. Does anyone know how to help me? I can't go on sleeping in the guest bedroom! :disappointed: Please help! View attachment 198619
What an adorable little calicette! They can be pistols. We've all heard of "calico 'tude", haven't we? ;) The other posters have given great advice and I can't improve on it except to say, "BE PATIENT". Kittenhood passes and soon she will be curling up at the foot of your bed, or wherever else she decides to sleep. That said, though, my Elvis, who's 10 and a blue/cream shorthair, likes to meow about the house late into the night in summertime. To cool the house, I have a lot of windows and some doors open, and so he catches all the action from the night creatures and the energy from everything that goes on out there. I'm insomniac, too, so it just kind of works out, I guess...:yawn:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 24, 2015
Our cats were fairly well trained to leave us through the night, I am a poor sleeper though so I'm up all kinds of hours, normally around 4 am I get up and walk around a bit, maybe do some housework and then go back to bed, so since they realised this they are there at 4 and at 6 in the hope of food. at the moment I'm pretending to be asleep and roll over so that I tip them off the bed since I will not get back to sleep easily with them around! the best bet is not to pay them attention when the cat is near you and you're trying to sleep, even if you aren't. Try and teach the cat that bed time is bed time, no matter what they do it's not going to get attention from you.

this is easier said than done especially on nights where you're awake anyway and you think aww a few pets won't hurt.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 1, 2017
Thank you all for the great advise! I will be trying all of these!

kommunity kats

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 22, 2016
Some things to consider for your cat's room are:
- an exercise wheel;
- a tall cat tree w/ safe toys hanging from it;
- some shelves dedicated to cat use only . . . some have cat beds under holes in them);
- a similar age kitten to play with . . . .

Catnip toys --for cats that react to it-- help to activate them more,
so they get worn out with less effort on your part.

As far as training goes . . . when I was living at my parent's, my first cat loved to visit me in bed. But I was often very ill, and could not stand any movement or noise. . . . At those times I decided to signal her by placing my sheet over my head. Then, when she jumped up, I gently picked her up & tossed her up high enough she could easily right herself if need be, before touching down. . . . It only took a few times, and she never bothered me again when my sheet was over my head!:)(Eventually was diagnosed with meningitis. . . . It doesn't quickly kill those with very strong constitutions . . . but . . . the pain & debillitation can certainly can make you wish you were dead!)
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 5, 2017
I was wondering, is there any way I could get my cat to actually go to bed at night?
I got my first kitten a few days ago. She is the sweetest little thing untill it becomes dark. The first night I got her she let me sleep probobly 2 hours. I was EXHAUSTED! She would walk around, meow, eat her dry food, drink water loudly, and run around. By the end of the night around 2 in the moring I gave up on sleep and just played with her. She started to do this every night. The last three nights I slept in the guest bedroom becuase she just wanted to play. I thought then, play with her a lot in the day. But she is an intersting animal and sleeps under my bed during the day and plays at night. Last night I wanted to try sleeping with her, but she jumped onto my bed attacking my feet thought the sheets. Does anyone know how to help me? I can't go on sleeping in the guest bedroom! :disappointed: Please help! View attachment 198619
I had fostered a Queen and her kittens, I took them upstairs at night, and played them my music box, Brahms Lullaby, These cats settled down well, and eventually slept all night, Maybe it was the calming influence of my Music box I am not sure but give it a go, You have nothing to lose.


TCS Member
Oct 12, 2017
I am having the same problem, however my cat is not that young. The reason being is that we have moved and since then her cries just got worse and louder. I know she is still getting used to the new environment however I can barely sleep for 2 hours straight at night without her meowing. Also, she used to be an indoor-outdoor cat where we had a field and she used to go outside and play now that i have a flat I only have a courtyard and a balcony which is very different to what she is used too. Any tips to make her feel at ease ? I am assuming she is bored in my appartment or unhappy


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 5, 2017
What an adorable little calicette! They can be pistols. We've all heard of "calico 'tude", haven't we? ;) The other posters have given great advice and I can't improve on it except to say, "BE PATIENT". Kittenhood passes and soon she will be curling up at the foot of your bed, or wherever else she decides to sleep. That said, though, my Elvis, who's 10 and a blue/cream shorthair, likes to meow about the house late into the night in summertime. To cool the house, I have a lot of windows and some doors open, and so he catches all the action from the night creatures and the energy from everything that goes on out there. I'm insomniac, too, so it just kind of works out, I guess...:yawn:
I go to my bedroom about 6.30pm and let my cat sleep play or whatever to chill out, Then after 8.30pm I play with her for an hour maybe abhor and half, Then I change into my jammies and tell my cat it is bedtime, I leave a nightlife on for her, But she goes to bed and only wakes me if she needs anything like she hair ball or things like that.

kommunity kats

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 22, 2016
". . . We have moved and since then her cries just got worse and louder. I know she is still getting used to the new environment . . . Also, she used to be an indoor-outdoor cat where we had a field and she used to go outside and play now that i have a flat I only have a courtyard and a balcony which is very different to what she is used too. Any tips to make her feel at ease ? I am assuming she is bored in my apartment or unhappy
Your cat didn't just play while out there . . . she got exercise &practiced hunting skills!

I suggest 3 things initially:
- organic catnip toy mice,
one hung on a safe-for-a cat bungee-like cord, in the center of a doorway;
- a very quiet & freely moving exercise wheel, with an incentive to use it hung just out of reach.
- Get her scent, your scent, & who/whatever other scent she connects to security . . . on as many areas as possible, because cats identify through scent, rather than sight. To make her feel at home, then, it must SMELL like her old home!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I am having the same problem, however my cat is not that young. The reason being is that we have moved and since then her cries just got worse and louder. I know she is still getting used to the new environment however I can barely sleep for 2 hours straight at night without her meowing. Also, she used to be an indoor-outdoor cat where we had a field and she used to go outside and play now that i have a flat I only have a courtyard and a balcony which is very different to what she is used too. Any tips to make her feel at ease ? I am assuming she is bored in my appartment or unhappy
Enrichment! By that I mean: windows she can look out of, maybe with a window perch or two; cat furniture including tall cat furniture especially placed where she can climb, scratch on it, and look out windows or doors; toys including catnip ones, balls, and interactive wand/fishing pole type toys that you play with her; "maze" games you put toys and/or treats in for her to be challenged to find; and best of all, if you are able to do so, a companion cat of around her age. Do the introductions like cat experts including Jackson Galaxy of "MY CAT FROM HELL" on Animal Planet, books, and YouTube, suggests. Two cats, like two people, will provide friendship, companionship and interest for one another!

kommunity kats

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 22, 2016
You could also, play soothing music special designed for cats to calm them & / or help them sleep. Youtube has some that goes on for hours.

They also sell Tryptophan for pets, which is a natural amino acid that helps both pets & humans sleep:

Tryptophan (Nutricalm®)
- "Tryptophan, commonly known as Nutricalm®, is primarily used to decrease aggression and stabilize mood for dogs and cats. L-tryptophan is a large neutral amino acid that is an essential dietary constituent for dogs and cats. . . ."
Tryptophan (Nutricalm®) for Dogs and Cats - PetPlace

I take Tryptophan myself to help me relax for sleep. And, I gave some to a distraught G-Shepherd frightened by July 4th fireworks. (When it went to work, he curled up & went to sleep.)

I also read that the Catnip tea I use in summer to help me relax & sleep, when taken internally by cats has that affect for them, too! I don't know if it needs to be specially treated first to keep it from causing digestive problems. But, I know it relaxes my muscles, cools my body (by promoting mild perspiration), and I start yawning. . . . Cats don't perspire, so I doubt it would cool their body.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
You could also, play soothing music special designed for cats to calm them & / or help them sleep. Youtube has some that goes on for hours.

They also sell Tryptophan for pets, which is a natural amino acid that helps both pets & humans sleep:

Tryptophan (Nutricalm®)
- "Tryptophan, commonly known as Nutricalm®, is primarily used to decrease aggression and stabilize mood for dogs and cats. L-tryptophan is a large neutral amino acid that is an essential dietary constituent for dogs and cats. . . ."
Tryptophan (Nutricalm®) for Dogs and Cats - PetPlace

I take Tryptophan myself to help me relax for sleep. And, I gave some to a distraught G-Shepherd frightened by July 4th fireworks. (When it went to work, he curled up & went to sleep.)

I also read that the Catnip tea I use in summer to help me relax & sleep, when taken internally by cats has that affect for them, too! I don't know if it needs to be specially treated first to keep it from causing digestive problems. But, I know it relaxes my muscles, cools my body (by promoting mild perspiration), and I start yawning. . . . Cats don't perspire, so I doubt it would cool their body.
Actually, cats DO perspire, through their paw pads. Like the suggestions you gave! Melatonin is another supplement one can give to cats. I have some natural chicken-flavored chews called NaturVet QUIET MOMENTS Calming Aid Plus Melatonin for cats. I have no idea if they really do what they say, but I have occasionally given them to my cats in stressful situations. I bought them at Petco.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 1, 2017
Quebec, Canada
An advice i would like to give is to get her used to tooth brushing while she is young. I wish i knew about that 20 years ago. same goes for touching her paws to eventually make it easier to clip nails.

About not sleeping...listen to the previous comments. My cats are older but waking up at 4am with a paw in the face worth the lack of sleep for me :D


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 5, 2017
I am having the same problem, however my cat is not that young. The reason being is that we have moved and since then her cries just got worse and louder. I know she is still getting used to the new environment however I can barely sleep for 2 hours straight at night without her meowing. Also, she used to be an indoor-outdoor cat where we had a field and she used to go outside and play now that i have a flat I only have a courtyard and a balcony which is very different to what she is used too. Any tips to make her feel at ease ? I am assuming she is bored in my appartment or unhappy
My cats are indoor only, I cannot let them outside because it is not safe, We have 12 foxes in our Cup-de-sac, I do not want to put my cats at risk, we have reports that foxes are attacking the cats, But try and keep your cat occupied, that helps, play stimulation get your cat the Cat Miaow toy it works wonders, and of course the good old cat nip, plus Feliway spray to keep your cat happy.