Serious Flea Infestation!


Extraterrestrial Being
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Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
August 7th, I paid $200 to have Felix treated for fleas at an emergency vet. After vaccuming several times a day and everyday plus sprays on the carpet and another flea treatment, he still has fleas in him which I don't understand. It's gotten to the point where they are starting to bite us on our legs and feet. I don't know what to do anymore. I even tried my usual natural remedies but nothing has been working. Not even the medication the veterinarians gave us. What's left? I need help as soon as possible because it's really driving everyone insane! The only person that seems to not be effected is the dog. Which is more than surprising. My mom thinks that the fleas came from an old musty carpet she left outside for a few weeks. Maybe the raccoons and skunks scratched some fleas into it?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 19, 2017
Fleas can be a nasty awful parasite to deal with. If the infestation is bad enough erridacating them can seem impossible. There is one stage of the fleas life cycle that nothing in the world can kill, it is called the pupae. It is basically like a cocoon stage that can actually stay dormant for upwards of 6 months. The hotter the environment the faster it will hatch out. It is highly recommended that you treat all animals in your home -at the very least- for 3 consecutive months, if not longer. The idea being that a average flea only lives 1-3 months, adults will find a host, bite it, then become poisoned by the product your pet has on. In this time you are also allowing the pupae to hatch out. Your goal is to break the life cycle. Make sure you vacuume your home especially places your animals like to sleep. If you use a canister vacuum try placing a flea collar in the canister and always wash it out after use. Bag vacuums are ideal as you can just toss the bag in the trash knowing they are all contained. Wash all bedding/linens/animal beds in HOT water. The product being used on your pet also plays a very important role. Make sure to use ONLY products recommended by your veterinarian. Your doctor may also advise alternating between products. Sometimes fleas can become resistant to products that have been used consecutively for your pets monthly treatments. With this being said we never ever advise giving flea baths. Unfortunately there are SOOO many over the counter flea products (from collars, to shampoos, or topical treatments) that are potentially toxic to your kitty. Many products contain pyrethrins or permethrin - or a derivative of these drugs which are very harmful. It can be extremely difficult to identify which products contain these because of the various names they have. Many manufactures try to make their products safe for cats by creating a low dose of these fact most over the counter products labeled for cats contain doses so low that they are completely ineffective! The problem that we see is owners will repeat dosing or bathing because of the failed first or second attempts and thus cause the levels to rise which then leads to the kitty being poisoned. In extreme cases it can cause seizures amongst other awful life threatening symptoms. Every cat responds differently to these products - so it's best just to avoid them. We have seen cats who are very sensitive and after just one bath or one topical treatment start losing hair or develop sores. Also never ever use a dog product for a cat. These are extremely dangerous. Pyrethrins are very effective against killing fleas, and dogs are much more tolerant to the chemical. Dog products contain high dosing and can cause serious issues for a cat. Your absolute best bet is to continue using products recommended by your vet/from your vet and to steer clear of anything over the counter - including flea shampoos. To get flea dirt (the black specs aka flea poo) off try using just some plain dawn dish soap or a flea comb. Both are safe and effective at cleaning them out of the fur. Leave the killing of the fleas to the topical products you apply, general house cleaning you are doing, and most importantly time for the life cycle of the flea to break. It is very important to make sure every animal stays up to par with their treatments to avoid fleas having a host to live on. In regards to how your kitty has caught the fleas....honestly we can carry fleas into our pets just by walking through a yard. They can cling to our clothes and drop off inside. If your pets aren't protected the flea has an immediate host and begins its glorious duty to make you and your pets lives miserable. If your kitty had to be treated for flea related issues at an emergency vet that makes me think that the infestation is pretty bad....hiring an actual exterminator to come in and spray may also dramatically improve the situation. If you do this just make sure to remove your animals for the recommended amount of time during and after the spraying. One last thought to bring some immediate relief is to give a product called capstar to your pets. This is available over the counter and as long as you follow the directions it can be very effective. It is a tablet given orally that will kill almost all of the live fleas that are currently on your animals. It truely is an amazing product! But again do not be deceived into thinking that just because you are not seeing live fleas the problem has passed....those pesky pupae could still be lying dormant in your carpets just waiting to hatch out. I hope this advice helps you! Best of luck to you and your fur babies! :)
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Extraterrestrial Being
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Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
Like I said, it's a serious infestation. That's why we went to an emergency vet rather than his regular vet. He tired bathing him and we picked off about 40 fleas and we lifted him to see if there were anymore and there were about 20+ under his body. They were also all over the towels we dried him in and the carpets. If I just sit on the carpet, the fleas start to rise up. I'd never use dog products on a cat obviously and I'm hesitate to pick up just any flea treatment. That's why we went to the vet and they gave us advantage II in 2 applications. One at the clinic and another dose 2 weeks later. My dog has a bad reaction to flea medications so I haven't been able to treat her at all. I just give her oregano oil in her water and bath her once a week with dawn dish soap. I've never seen a flea on her but then again, she is completely black. But ever when combing her out with a fine tooth comb, I see no sign of fleas whatsoever. I'm also with her 24-7 and I've never seen her scratch once that would indicate fleas. We've never had fleas this bad since Felix was only 4 weeks old. Literally 6 whole years of absolutely no fleas. Even when my other dog was here, Felix didn't get fleas like this. I usually did my usual natural remedy and they were gone within a week so I don't understand how they could have gotten this bad so fast. Hence why my mom thinks it's the carpet. I'm sorry if I sound irritated but this has been so stressful on all of us.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 10, 2017
I'm sorry you're going through this. Dealing with fleas is certainly stressful. Here is a website that I found helpful when I was dealing with fleas: Die Fleas! Die! Die! Die! Freaky Cheap Flea Control. I also found using diatomaceous earth worked for me - you can see the details on this thread Pretty Big Flea Problem (post #5). Others have recommended Precor, an insect growth regulator.

Keep in mind that clearing out this infestation is going to take a while because you need to break the life cycle and kill off each wave of fleas as they hatch. Good luck! You can do this!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
I had a serious flea infestation once. Here's what I did.
Set bombs (Raid flea fogger) in every room. Set off within seconds of each other. At the same time, take kitty in to be de-flead.

With the bomb, close all windows and let set for two hours. After the two hours, go in with your face covered and open windows and doors to ventilate. Wait another two hours. (DO NOT let kitty in the house until completely ventilated). Vacuum and throw away the bag.

I never saw another flea after that.
Now if anyone knows how to get rid of these little piss ants outside....the DE isn't working.

Edit: You can try giving your dog Brewers Yeast in his food once a week. It won't kill any he has, but will help to keep any new ones off.
The fleas in three counties of my state are carrying Bubonic Plague. Fleas are not something to play with.
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Extraterrestrial Being
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Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
Felix just got his second Advantage II application today. The fleas were popping up everywhere! Yikes! My skin crawls when I see more than 2 at once. Anyway, what worked with my old dog is that I gave him garlic a few times a week and he also got some other herbs and essential oils. As a result, he didn't have fleas for very long. I'd see a couple on him but they'd be gone within a week like I said. So Felix didn't get a chance to get any. I do the same with the dog I have now and it works just the same as it did all those years so. But the thing with cats is that they can't have all these essential oils and herbs that I give my dog since they are more sensitive so it's hard for me to treat him. Skunks and raccoons visit our yard frequently so it could be why I got fleas so badly this year. Also because the cats that I petsat loved to go outside and they'd roll around in the grass so he brought some in I think. But that was months ago, I only noticed the fleas weeks ago and I usually notice right away since I use the Furminator on Felix at least once a week because of his crazy shedding. Can brewers yeast be used anywhere else? Oh God, I wish someone would come up with some magical and natural remedy that kills fleas. Like a fake host with real blood that has something in it to kill them.
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Extraterrestrial Being
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Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
Still no response? :ohwell:

How would I use D.E. in my house and on my pet's? Please. I need to have this infestation controled even a little bit before I go back to college next week.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 22, 2017
We brought in a stray who brought lots of fleas with her. you sprinkle DE around on the floors, in the corners and whatnot. but be careful while you're spreading it and make sure you get food grade DE. D.E is super fine and can get into your lungs, and your pets lungs, and cause some breathing issues.

I didn't have any luck with the D.E when Daisy adopted us with her buddies. All of our cats now have revolution on. We didn't have any luck with any of the otc flea medicines. The site that was mentioned above, Die Fleas.. has all the information you need about the D.E. :) good luck. (I recommend a visit to the regular vet for some revolution and vacuum vacuum vacuum.. vacuum.. vacuum.. vacuum.. .. vacuum)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Go to the vet and ask for Comfortis for the cat and Bravecto for the dog. These are oral flea pills that will kill every flea that bites the treated animal for a month (Comfortis) or 3 months (Bravecto). Get at least 3 Comfortis pills for the cat---it takes at least 3 months to be rid of all the various life cycles of the fleas. Those products aren't cheap but are definitely cheaper than playing around with sprays and bombs and whatnot. And since you're leaving you need it to be quick and easy.

Even if you think the dog doesn't have fleas, treat her anyway. A flea could jump on her and get a good enough blood meal to lay eggs, so all the furries in the house need to be treated. Hopefully she isn't sensitive to the oral meds :/.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 1, 2017
Quebec, Canada
Did you try placing shallow container/dish with soapy water (Dawn dish soap) on the floor with a light over it? It wont kill them all but it could help if of course all your pets are treated. I used insect repellent with deet on my ankles when i had my flea infestation to protect myself and put drops of Lavender essential oil on my pillow. I dont know if lavender really keep them away but it did help me sleep :)
You need to combine all the treatments possible at the same time (and keep doing it for a while even if the fleas seems gone) to get rid of them...Everyday: Vacuum, wash your floors, laundry (pets bedding, your clothes, bed sheets). I did not try a steam vacuum when it happened to me but i think it could be great. Something like this
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Extraterrestrial Being
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Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
I have tried the light thing but I didn't see any fleas the next morning. It seems that the population has decreased substantially since the flea treatments and vaccuming. I currently have salt and baking soda dust on all my carpets. I will vaccum them in the morning.

Flea still scratches but there aren't any visible fleas or flea poop. I'll have to wait until I get paid again to take Felix to the vet to get those tablets.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 17, 2005
I had the same thing happen and what finally worked was getting all the pets out of the house for the day and I had to hire professionals to come spray in the morning, they sprayed inside and out. I also had to change my flea prevention medication for the cats and dogs. before they guys came to spray I threw away my vacuum and any area rugs I had. moat important is keeping your pets on flea preventive consistently, never missing a dose.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I'll have to wait until I get paid again to take Felix to the vet to get those tablets
You may not have to take him in to get the pills. Call the vet and ask if they'll sell it to you without seeing him. Most vets understand that fleas are common and will give flea meds without a visit.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 17, 2005
Yeah as long as your a current client and have been in with in the year, they should be able to give you the pills without having to take the cat in.