7 Things You’re Doing That Your Cat Probably Hates

Cats are so insanely adorable, and it's no wonder most owners just can't take their hands off their beloved kitty. However, what you consider an expression of love isn't necessarily seen that way by your cat. Here are a few common things that you're doing that your cat probably hates.

1. Hugging

Think about it - humans are built for hugging. Our arms are perfect for encircling our loved ones in a warm embrace. But being held tightly can be a jarring experience for our feline companions.

hugging a cat

Cats, by nature, value their personal space and autonomy.

A gentle cuddle from a trusted human might be acceptable for some, but even the friendliest of cats might balk at a too-tight hug. Remember, what feels comforting for us can seem restraining to them.

So, before you pull your kitty into a bear hug, consider their temperament. A soft stroke or a gentle pat might be a far more appreciated show of affection.

And remember, every cat is different, so respecting their boundaries and understanding their comfort level is essential.

2. Kissing

Ever seen cats touch noses?

It may resemble a kiss to our human eyes, but it's more of an olfactory investigation for cats.

They're not smooching; they're sniffing each other out, asking the feline version of "Have you been eating tuna?"

Your cat might occasionally approach your face, their nose twitching as they explore your latest scent. But be wary of reciprocating this action without their consent.

cat being kissed

Cats can find the close proximity of a human face intimidating and distressing.

In other words, before you lean in for a kitty 'kiss', ensure your feline friend is comfortable with such closeness.

3. Belly Scratching

While most pet cats enjoy occasional petting, many resent having a human hand reach for their tummy.

When a dog rolls over to expose their stomach, it's an act of submission, and most dogs love it when you move on to scratching their belly.

When a cat rolls over, it's not an act of submission but a testament to their trust in you. They're essentially saying, "I trust you enough to expose my most vulnerable part."

cat getting his belly rubbed

Now, some cats might be comfortable with belly rubs - they're the outliers in the feline world. But remember, cats can change their minds as quickly as a summer storm rolls in.

What might start as a pleasant belly rub could swiftly turn into a flurry of claws and teeth if your cat decides they've had enough.

So, how can you tell when to stop? Pay close attention to your cat's body language.

Are their ears flattening? Is their tail flicking? These could be signs that your cat is growing uncomfortable. The moment you notice these cues, it's best to disengage and give your feline friend some space.

In the end, it's all about respecting boundaries and understanding that every cat is unique. Some may love a good tummy tickle, while others might prefer to keep their bellies off-limits.

4. Being Cradled

We humans have a natural instinct to cradle our young.

This behavior often extends to our smaller pets, like cats. However, it's crucial to remember that our feline friends are not human babies.

From a cat's perspective, being lifted off the ground and held in someone's arms is far from natural.

cat being cradled

Sure, some cats may tolerate it, particularly those who've been accustomed to being held since kittenhood.

Yet many others may react with an instinctual struggle, using teeth and claws if necessary to escape from your grasp.

And yes, there are the rare few who revel in the experience of being held high and cradled as a baby, but this is not a trait to assume in every cat you encounter.

Read more:
Do Cats Like To Be Petted?

5. Being Held Up In The Air With No Support

There's a common misconception that cats always land on their feet. While it's true that cats have an incredible ability to right themselves in mid-air, it doesn't mean they enjoy being suspended without support.

Being held high in the air can be disorienting and scary for a cat.

cat held up in the air

If you need to pick up your cat, ensure that you're providing ample support for their body, particularly their back legs and hindquarters.

This gives them a sense of security and helps prevent any struggles or attempts to escape your grip.

Always remember to handle cats with care and respect for their comfort and safety.

6. Getting Too Close

Just like us, cats appreciate their personal bubble. It's not just about the physical distance but also about the familiarity of who is approaching.

If you share a close bond with a cat, they'll likely welcome your presence without much fuss.

On the other hand, if you're a stranger or an acquaintance, it's best to give the cat some space and let them approach you when they feel comfortable.

Cat held very close to girl's face

Some cats, by their very nature, are more reserved or shy. Being in close contact with humans, even familiar ones, may make them uneasy.

These cautious felines often choose their moments of closeness wisely. They may only approach their human when they are lying down or asleep, appearing less intimidating.

7. Direct Eye Contact

While a deep gaze into someone's eyes might be considered a romantic gesture among humans, it's a different story in the feline world.

Cats perceive prolonged, direct eye contact as a threat or a sign of dominance.

Woman looking into cat's eyes

If you've ever locked eyes with a cat, you've probably noticed them breaking away from the stare or even retreating.

When engaging with cats, especially those you're not familiar with, it's best to use soft, sidelong glances.

This communicates respect and poses no threat, helping to foster trust and comfort in your feline friend.

"But my cat loves these things!"

That may absolutely be the case. Cats are individuals with their own preferences, including regarding physical contact with their owners. Many kittens and some adult cats are total "love bugs" who will literally be "in your face", asking for hugs, kisses, belly rubs, and even to be picked up!

However, keep in mind that most adult cats are more likely to prefer physical interaction a tad more distant and—most importantly—on their own terms. No matter how much you want to hug, kiss, and squish your adorable fluffball, you should make absolutely sure that Kitty is indeed an enthusiastic partner.

Never force yourself on a cat—even if he or she seems to "tolerate" your actions. Tolerating isn't good enough. You should aim at making your cat 100% comfortable and happy while you're around. That's the basis of a good feline-human bond.

So, how to tell if your cat hates or loves these acts of friendship?

Our cats can't speak with words, but they can still send us messages.

Some cats are very clear about what they will and won't allow. They use their claws and teeth to send the message in a way that's clear to all. If they know you, and you two are bonded, these attacks are likely to be harmless, with the cat often taking care not to break the skin.

It will still be painful and send the message, but no one will get hurt. However, if you cross the boundaries of a strange cat, you could scare him or her into outright attack mode of the kind that sends you to the first aid box or even the ER.

Some cats are not aggressive at all, and it will take a very extreme situation to get them to attack. Yet they too may be uncomfortable with any of the actions described here. Watch your cat's body language closely and check his or her reactions when giving a hug, a kiss, or trying to pick him or her up.

Is the cat relaxed? Or is that feline body tense, with eyes wide open and pupils enlarged? If you're holding the cat, does he or she purr or squirm in an effort to get out of your grasp?

You can tell if a cat is comfortable with your show of affection or not. Just watch for the cues!

What to do if my cat doesn't like my show of affection?

It's very important to respect your cat's boundaries and not force yourself on her or him. Don't wait for your cat to attack you. Read the feline body language, and if your cat doesn't like something - avoid it.

Allow Kitty to decide if and how you interact and you'll gain his or her trust. Your cat needs to know that you are a source of good things - not bad. With time, some cats mellow out and allow the owner closer physical contact.

Some cats never change and remain distant. That doesn't mean the cat doesn't love you! It just means that for this particular cat, hugging and being held may be off the menu forever. You can still tell that your cat loves you from a multitude of other signs, such as any one of these 23 Signs That Your Cat Loves You

If your cat seems exceptionally scared or distant, you should also read our articles about how to live with a shy cat:

So, how about your cat? Leave us a comment to tell us if your cat loves—or hates—a belly rub or being picked up. Anything else that Kitty won't allow? We want to know about it!

Your Cat Probably Hates It When You...

Your Cat Probably Hates It When You...

Your Cat Probably Hates It When You...

Your Cat Probably Hates It When You...

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39 comments on “7 Things You’re Doing That Your Cat Probably Hates

golondrina June 18, 2019
Sombra normally follows me to bed when I tell her its time to do so and I turn the lights off everywhere in the apartment. If she has fallen asleep somewhere at that time I pick her up and carry her to bed. That is the only time I hold her in my arms and she is quite happy about it then. I don't do it otherwise because she doesn't like it. She would not become agressive but would wriggle to get down. She likes to be kissed on her forehead at the bottom of her ears and tries to lick my face when I do so. She lets me rub her tummy and play with her toes while she licks my hand. She is particularly affectionate when I wake up in the morning and when SHE wakes up after her afternoon nap. Those are kneading and kissing times. Otherwise she likes to sit or lie close to me wherever I am.
Leia March 25, 2018
My cat loves affection belly rubs hugs kisses and likes to sleep right beside me in bed head to head. Allows me to pick her but not hold her for very long
Max's Human December 5, 2017
Well MAX failed all of the tests. But I'm really glad! He loves me so much that he not JUST TOLERATES me loving on him but likes it! MOUSE my female is loving WHEN, WHERE, HOW LONG, etc..like a typical cat
Merlin77 October 22, 2017
Hehe, Suki loves snuggling and she will perch on your shoulder to purr right by your ear. She definitely doesn't mind getting too close!
Official.buttercup September 2, 2017
I seem to be the only person Buttercup isn't scared of! When I call her, she runs right up to me and lets me hold her. But with anyone else, (most of the time) she runs away. She doesn't like her belly rubbed though.
CatCake August 29, 2017
kissthisangel July 26, 2017
kissthisangel said:
This article is great. Cats all have very different personalities for sure! Mojo begs Daddy to pick her up she gets up on the table and puts her arms on his stomach waiting to be scooped up. She will now tolerate this from me but not for as long and she doesn't "ask" me to pick her up. Charlie on the other hand, who used to love being in my arms as a kitten, now will not be picked up by my partner at all and will only tolerate me picking him up sometimes. I have a few marks on my neck where he's decided enough is enough and used it as a launch pad. I'm not mad! that's his perogative and you have to be greatful for the love you do get. Other times he will purr and fall asleep!
I've just gone up to rub them on the belly ( for science of course) they do not like that much. I still have use of my hand though!
tarasgirl06 July 26, 2017
catzendogs said:
We have 3 cats: Trouble, (my avatar picture), loves to be held like a baby: held vertically upside down with his head towards the floor while swinging back and forth: loves kisses, hugs and rides on our shoulders. He doesn't like belly rubs. Otherwise, he likes everything else. Little Girl, the Diva Snowshoe Kitty LOVES belly rubs more than anything! She must've had kittens because she acts like my fingers are her babies. She barely tolerates being picked up or held. Mr. Bingles, our confused Bengal, doesn't know if he's wild or domesticated. One minute he's domesticated, then, like flipping a switch, he becomes wild. One minute he's all over us begging for a scratch but then he remembers he's a wild leopard kitty and he scurries away and hides. He is not aggressive, but if you try to hold him still or restrain him at all, or if he perceives you're going to try and get him to hold still, he freaks out and acts like death is imminent. Cries like he's being tortured. Picking him up to him means he must be flying and that doesn't go over too well. So if he must be picked up it has to be quick, low to the ground and very calm. He doesn't want to use claws but he fights those instincts telling him to use them. Fun fun fun trying to put any type of topical meds on him or just check him over. He loves to be scratched from head to toe including belly scratches. He loves cookies.
You do realize that your cats are probably some of the most bizarro cats in the catosphere?!!
kissthisangel July 26, 2017
This article is great. Cats all have very different personalities for sure! Mojo begs Daddy to pick her up she gets up on the table and puts her arms on his stomach waiting to be scooped up. She will now tolerate this from me but not for as long and she doesn't "ask" me to pick her up. Charlie on the other hand, who used to love being in my arms as a kitten, now will not be picked up by my partner at all and will only tolerate me picking him up sometimes. I have a few marks on my neck where he's decided enough is enough and used it as a launch pad. I'm not mad! that's his perogative and you have to be greatful for the love you do get. Other times he will purr and fall asleep!
catzendogs July 18, 2017
We have 3 cats: Trouble, (my avatar picture), loves to be held like a baby: held vertically upside down with his head towards the floor while swinging back and forth: loves kisses, hugs and rides on our shoulders. He doesn't like belly rubs. Otherwise, he likes everything else. Little Girl, the Diva Snowshoe Kitty LOVES belly rubs more than anything! She must've had kittens because she acts like my fingers are her babies. She barely tolerates being picked up or held. Mr. Bingles, our confused Bengal, doesn't know if he's wild or domesticated. One minute he's domesticated, then, like flipping a switch, he becomes wild. One minute he's all over us begging for a scratch but then he remembers he's a wild leopard kitty and he scurries away and hides. He is not aggressive, but if you try to hold him still or restrain him at all, or if he perceives you're going to try and get him to hold still, he freaks out and acts like death is imminent. Cries like he's being tortured. Picking him up to him means he must be flying and that doesn't go over too well. So if he must be picked up it has to be quick, low to the ground and very calm. He doesn't want to use claws but he fights those instincts telling him to use them. Fun fun fun trying to put any type of topical meds on him or just check him over. He loves to be scratched from head to toe including belly scratches. He loves cookies.
kirochka June 21, 2017
I've definitely got two distinct personalities living with me. Joakim isn't much for sitting on my lap, but he'll sit next to me and fall asleep leaning on me. When he's ready, he'll come up to me on the bed or the couch, flop over and wait for the belly-rubbing to begin. Then it's milk-tread paws in the air and loud purring. Katniss, on the other hand, isn't big on belly rubs, but she'll come plop down on my lap and lick my hands and arms. She also walks up my chest sometimes, sits down and licks my face. Neither one likes to be picked up much, but sometimes I can't help but scoop one up, plant a kiss on the forehead, and then set him or her down again. I'm only human.
roserivers June 19, 2017
our two cats hate being picked up, so we use it as a method of saying 'unacceptable behaviour' when one launches an all out unprovoked attack on the other which results in screeches of pain. Snatching the cat from the ground and holding him tight for a few minutes gets the message across, the outright bad behaviour is slowly changing. (They are rescue cats, it takes a bit longer to get messages across.) One cat, the Burmese, adores tight tight hugs. If he doesn't get them he head buts and pushes until you do. He loves kisses and gives kisses back, my daughter gets a complete face wash sometimes! The other cat is fine with a cuddle if he is already purring from stroked and fussed, otherwise, forget it. It really is reading their body language. I have come to realise that indoor cats live so close to us that we read their body language and they read ours... they stand back when I try to move if I have stiffened up and find it difficult... which makes it better for all of us to live together in a way that suits our two furbabies and us. I usually share my bed with one cat, but lately it has been stiflingly hot so he has wisely chosen the cooler spots in the house, after dramatically throwing himself on my beside rug and complaining loudly!!!! He is such a dramatist! Good topic, good article. Thanks!
tarasgirl06 June 9, 2017
houghj3 said:
In response to imaginewizard (wasn't sure how else to this). So a few things when I took Thermose in I just instantly gave her free reign in the apartment. I was a little nervous returning home every morning over the first few days (I work graveyards), but my furniture is pretty meek so not a big deal in my mind if it got scratched up. Plus my no one on my floor complained, so she must be quiet enough. I basically left her alone at the start, but she was persistently around or on me, then about a month ago she started wanting and liking belly/leg rubs. The times when Thermose has knocked over drinks, broken something, or went outside the litter box I have had no reaction, and now none of that has happened in about 8 months. When she's on my stomach and a claw gets too close for me I can move her paws with nothing happening. Thermose was chosen because of my coffee thermos and I thought it sounded X-Men like. Have given up on cat toys, figure she's just a cat that wants to be around me.
Each cat has his/her own personality and preferences, it's true. But again, I've yet to see a cat who hasn't loved da Bird, and we have a bunch of wand and lure toys, but none of them has the allure of the lure on da Bird, so I do recommend the real thing. It's not expensive and the joy they (and you) will derive from it is priceless.
golondrina June 8, 2017
Luna@mosselbay said:
Luna has a nose drip now and them, it is clear water, she also once what what am know of, are there any reason for warrying
Hello Luna welcome to the site. You are writing in the Articles page. To get a reply to your post you had better go to Forums and then to Cats Health and place your question there. Good luck and best wishes.
Luna@mosselbay June 8, 2017
Luna has a nose drip now and them, it is clear water, she also once what what am know of, are there any reason for warrying
houghj3 June 8, 2017
houghj3 said:
In response to imaginewizard (wasn't sure how else to this). So a few things when I took Thermose in I just instantly gave her free reign in the apartment. I was a little nervous returning home every morning over the first few days (I work graveyards), but my furniture is pretty meek so not a big deal in my mind if it got scratched up. Plus my no one on my floor complained, so she must be quiet enough. I basically left her alone at the start, but she was persistently around or on me, then about a month ago she started wanting and liking belly/leg rubs. The times when Thermose has knocked over drinks, broken something, or went outside the litter box I have had no reaction, and now none of that has happened in about 8 months. When she's on my stomach and a claw gets too close for me I can move her paws with nothing happening. Thermose was chosen because of my coffee thermos and I thought it sounded X-Men like. Have given up on cat toys, figure she's just a cat that wants to be around me.
Well so far I have bought a bunch of stuff from the Dollar Store, that didn't work so I stepped up to PetSmart. Bought a National Geographic wand thingy, and an electric toy that shoots a feather tail out of various holes at random. Everything has been a "meh I don't care", just rub my belly dummy. I am considering a harness and a park visit just to get her some stimuli. Thermose likes the laser point, and is fascinated by the computer, but so far that's it for games.
tarasgirl06 June 7, 2017
houghj3 said:
In response to imaginewizard (wasn't sure how else to this). So a few things when I took Thermose in I just instantly gave her free reign in the apartment. I was a little nervous returning home every morning over the first few days (I work graveyards), but my furniture is pretty meek so not a big deal in my mind if it got scratched up. Plus my no one on my floor complained, so she must be quiet enough. I basically left her alone at the start, but she was persistently around or on me, then about a month ago she started wanting and liking belly/leg rubs. The times when Thermose has knocked over drinks, broken something, or went outside the litter box I have had no reaction, and now none of that has happened in about 8 months. When she's on my stomach and a claw gets too close for me I can move her paws with nothing happening. Thermose was chosen because of my coffee thermos and I thought it sounded X-Men like. Have given up on cat toys, figure she's just a cat that wants to be around me.
It's a great name! Have you tried interactive toys like da Bird? I've yet to meet a cat who doesn't LOVE this toy. Since you are with her playing, I'm thinking she'll love it, too!
FreyaTheKitty June 6, 2017
Freya loves getting belly rubs! And she'll even bump her forehead against my lips if I make a kissy face at her, but not kiss her. Occasionally she'll let me pick her up, or even ask to be held, and I only hold her until she meows at me to be put back down. Plus she almost constantly demands to be in my lap. She's a loving, sweet snuggle bug.
houghj3 June 6, 2017
In response to imaginewizard (wasn't sure how else to this). So a few things when I took Thermose in I just instantly gave her free reign in the apartment. I was a little nervous returning home every morning over the first few days (I work graveyards), but my furniture is pretty meek so not a big deal in my mind if it got scratched up. Plus my no one on my floor complained, so she must be quiet enough. I basically left her alone at the start, but she was persistently around or on me, then about a month ago she started wanting and liking belly/leg rubs. The times when Thermose has knocked over drinks, broken something, or went outside the litter box I have had no reaction, and now none of that has happened in about 8 months. When she's on my stomach and a claw gets too close for me I can move her paws with nothing happening. Thermose was chosen because of my coffee thermos and I thought it sounded X-Men like. Have given up on cat toys, figure she's just a cat that wants to be around me.
golondrina June 5, 2017
Thank you Anne. I have tried providing the image URL and copying/pasting from Photobucket but nothing worked so I'm giving up. :ohwell:
Anne June 5, 2017
JMJimmy said:
I'm really conflicted when I see articles like this. My experience is dealing primarily with feral/semi-feral cats and generally speaking I find what the cats do/don't like is more about what the individual cat likes and the level of trust between the person and the cat. We have two cats which I have bonded with more so than my wife, Scotty and Julius. My wife can pick either of them up but after a short while they begin to show their annoyance and want down. Scotty, will literally beg me to pick him up on a daily basis, he immediately starts purring/kneading, and when I put him down he immediately turns around and starts begging to be picked up again. If I sit down while holding Scotty he immediately wants away. Julius, I'll be holding him, giving him "tight" squeezes, he'll purr away and nuzzle his head into my arm. I sit down with him, he'll lean into me and nudge my hand for more pets. If I move him away from me he literally runs back into my lap and starts nudging my hand again. In both cases I feel like it's not only what they understand to be affection but also the level of trust they have with the individual. I think it's is also a bit situational. If I go up to Sissy and try to start petting her belly she'll let me know straight away that is not appropriate. However, after a few minutes of pets, she'll roll over and want nothing but her belly to be pet. So I don't think it's so much "Your cat probably hates it when you..." and more "You need to learn if and when your cat will like..."
Absolutely! Unfortunately, not enough people know cats that well :( We did try to explain in the article itself that individual cats have different preferences. The title is intended to get people to click through and actually read.
Anne June 5, 2017
golondrina said:
Just curious, has anybody tried and succeeded to upload a picture in this thread? Thanks for any reply, positive or negative.
Do you mean to this article? This is an article and not a thread so you can't upload images in your comments here. You can only link to an existing image using a URL, if that makes sense. There's no upload option. I hope this helps :)
imaginewizard June 5, 2017
houghj3 said:
As a new cat carer, I actually thought Thermose would be really distant (perfect for me), however, she wants constant attention when I am home. We've been together about 3 months now and have found a rhythm that I like. I give Thermose some attention and belly rubs (she presents and won't stop until satisfied) when I get home. Sometimes she sleeps with me, but I thrash around a lot so she's reverted to the bedroom carpet. She loves Temptations Treats, only likes the laser pointer game, (spent so much money on useless games at PetSmart), and has never scratched me. She was a rescue, on a site I clean, left by the garbage bin in a box, whom I figured I supposed to find.
I wonder - you said you thought he would be distant - when you first got him, did you act accordingly - in that you didn't impose on his space or try to be overly-affectionate. There seems to be a trend that people who ignore cats are the ones cats are more likely to demand attention from.
JMJimmy June 4, 2017
DreamerRose said:
A cat will be more tolerate of being picked up if you don't flip him/her over, belly up. They are very vulnerable in that position and instinctively don't like it. When you do pick them up, keep them belly down and head up. They will then let you carry them when needed.
I agree they won't like being flipped upside-down in many cases... I don't know that it's an instinctual thing. A lot of cats love being on their back as long as they feel safe https://thecatsite.com/media/20160208_180320-jpg.328378/
golondrina June 4, 2017
Just curious, has anybody tried and succeeded to upload a picture in this thread? Thanks for any reply, positive or negative.
mymila June 4, 2017
I adopted Mila when she was 3 years old .. She loves to sit on my laps to sleep. She also loves her belly rubbed. But, she won't allow me to pick her up. She is so gentle. And smart!
JMJimmy June 3, 2017
I'm really conflicted when I see articles like this. My experience is dealing primarily with feral/semi-feral cats and generally speaking I find what the cats do/don't like is more about what the individual cat likes and the level of trust between the person and the cat. We have two cats which I have bonded with more so than my wife, Scotty and Julius. My wife can pick either of them up but after a short while they begin to show their annoyance and want down. Scotty, will literally beg me to pick him up on a daily basis, he immediately starts purring/kneading, and when I put him down he immediately turns around and starts begging to be picked up again. If I sit down while holding Scotty he immediately wants away. Julius, I'll be holding him, giving him "tight" squeezes, he'll purr away and nuzzle his head into my arm. I sit down with him, he'll lean into me and nudge my hand for more pets. If I move him away from me he literally runs back into my lap and starts nudging my hand again. In both cases I feel like it's not only what they understand to be affection but also the level of trust they have with the individual. I think it's is also a bit situational. If I go up to Sissy and try to start petting her belly she'll let me know straight away that is not appropriate. However, after a few minutes of pets, she'll roll over and want nothing but her belly to be pet. So I don't think it's so much "Your cat probably hates it when you..." and more "You need to learn if and when your cat will like..."
tarasgirl06 June 2, 2017
houghj3 said:
As a new cat carer, I actually thought Thermose would be really distant (perfect for me), however, she wants constant attention when I am home. We've been together about 3 months now and have found a rhythm that I like. I give Thermose some attention and belly rubs (she presents and won't stop until satisfied) when I get home. Sometimes she sleeps with me, but I thrash around a lot so she's reverted to the bedroom carpet. She loves Temptations Treats, only likes the laser pointer game, (spent so much money on useless games at PetSmart), and has never scratched me. She was a rescue, on a site I clean, left by the garbage bin in a box, whom I figured I supposed to find.
THERMOSE is a great name for a cat! And may you be many times blessed for rescuing her and loving her!
tarasgirl06 June 2, 2017
I know, I know. But when a cat lives in this family, (s)he just has to put up with all the snorgling. Because, you know, it's the price they pay for their few measly mouthfuls and substandard accomodations. :winkcat:
Katyosha June 2, 2017
Had two cats before but none of them is as cuddely as this one..surprisingly she letme rub her belly and shd will even fixher posturd so i can tiuch it more ..the previos ones it was thedanger zone to come close to.. personally i dont mind it and i enjoy the trust she is giving me
houghj3 June 2, 2017
As a new cat carer, I actually thought Thermose would be really distant (perfect for me), however, she wants constant attention when I am home. We've been together about 3 months now and have found a rhythm that I like. I give Thermose some attention and belly rubs (she presents and won't stop until satisfied) when I get home. Sometimes she sleeps with me, but I thrash around a lot so she's reverted to the bedroom carpet. She loves Temptations Treats, only likes the laser pointer game, (spent so much money on useless games at PetSmart), and has never scratched me. She was a rescue, on a site I clean, left by the garbage bin in a box, whom I figured I supposed to find.
DreamersRose June 2, 2017
A cat will be more tolerate of being picked up if you don't flip him/her over, belly up. They are very vulnerable in that position and instinctively don't like it. When you do pick them up, keep them belly down and head up. They will then let you carry them when needed.
DreamersRose June 2, 2017
A cat will be more tolerate of being picked up if you don't flip him/her over, belly up. They are very vulnerable in that position and instinctively don't like it. When you do pick them up, keep them belly down and head up. They will then let you carry them when needed.
losna June 2, 2017
Haha, my thought as I was reading this was how much my cats love these things. Tempest and Bêlit especially love the belly rubs; they will fling themselves onto their backs and wriggle around chirping to make sure we notice the belly is available for rubbings.
Graceful-Lily June 2, 2017
Wow. Cats truely are served by us. I kiss Felix on his forehead but that's it. Been doing it since he was a kitten. Anywhere else and he'll bite my lip and not let go. He'll also slap me in the face or my eye. The only person that can hug and sit with Felix is his grandmother (my mom). He tolerates it more with her and he actually ask to be in her lap or arms. If I try to get close to them while they're in the middle of their special bonding moment, I'll be attacked.
lalagimp June 2, 2017
Tommy is just amazing. We rub our faces all over each other's faces and he gets kissed on the head all the time and when I want to wuffle his belly and inhale all the glorious smells that are my cat, he doesn't even bring his back feet up to my face. No panic reflex. I play with his toe beans all the time. I cut his nails easily. I pick him up and he throws his head backwards to start checking out everything from a four foot higher vantage, while purring. I hug him, tug on his neck, put his ears in my mouth. We lub each other. He steals my breath all the time and I tell him I'm still the same old mommy... nothing new...unless I've been eating chicken.
mama africa June 1, 2017
Missy, who was born to a feral mother, hates it all; hugging, kissing, belly scratching, picking her up, ... but when I go to bed, she always tries be very close to me, even during summer time.
golondrina June 1, 2017
There is only One thing Cucumella will not tolerate and that is having her claws cut. She often offers her chin to be rubbed and gladly accepts a hand that moves to her chest but she will get tense and uncomfortable if that hands moves towards her belly. She will not attack but will move quickly away. Otherwise she cannot get enough attention. Everything else is welcome. She will lick my face when I give her a QUICK hug when she stands on my desk. I very rarely pick her up in my arms; when I do she seems to take advantage to look around for a little while before licking my face but I never held her long enough for her to try to get down.
Boris Diamond June 1, 2017
Me? Want to hug, kiss and squish my adorable fluffballs? Well... You got me. I do want to do all those things. :p I kiss all of them, but only on the tops of their heads or backs of their necks. Seal is a nuzzler and great to hold, but he doesn't stick around long. Leo will stay in my arms until I get tired, and will nuzzle me from time to time. Diamond likes to be picked up, though sometimes I think he just likes to be seen by the the other cats. Leo is good for a belly rub anytime. If I go slow and gentle, I can rub Seal's and Diamond's bellies, too.

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