Why Does My Cat Like To Lay on Me? [Answered]

Why is your cat's favorite snooze spot you? You're not alone if you're puzzled by this quirky feline habit.

This article dives into this curious behavior, exploring the many reasons why your purring companion might choose you as their preferred lounging location.

We'll also share insights into what your cat's cuddling habits might reveal about your bond. Keep reading, and we'll provide the answers you are looking for.

A cute tabby cat lying on her owners belly while her owner is reading a book

The Reasons Behind Your Cat's Cuddling Quirks

If you are a new cat owner, you might be surprised to learn that cats are more affectionate than their reputation suggests. You might even find that your new furry friend loves to use you as a bed.

Your cat likes to lay on you for a number of reasons. Some of the most common ones are: 

  • Achieving a sense of security
  • Being Territorial
  • Bonding 
  • Showing love and Affection
  • Attaining comfort 

Each cat's personality and preferences will dictate which of these factors take precedence. Continue reading as we learn about these motivations.

We'll help you understand the reasons behind your cat's adorable, albeit sometimes baffling, lounging habits.

An elderly man lying on the bed while petting his cat

Reasons Your Cat Likes To Lay On You

Let's take a closer look at why your feline buddy chooses you as their comfy bed.

1. Achieving A Sense Of Security

This reason is particularly applicable if your cat is still a kitten or you've had your cat since they were a baby. Like human children, kittens develop a sense of security with those who have taken care of their needs.

Naturally, kittens feel secure with their mother in the beginning. However, since they leave their mother at a young age, they develop bonds with people who have assumed the motherhood role.

Your cat might sleep lay on you because it remembers the secure feeling you have given it since babyhood. However, this is not to say that adult cats can't feel a sense of security with humans.

Since you are your cat's caretaker, it understands that you meet its basic needs and keep it safe.

2. Marking You As Part Of Their Territory

Although your cat is a domesticated pet, it has not forgotten the instinct to mark territory. One of the ways that cats mark territory or claim ownership of something or someone as theirs, is through transferring pheromones.

If you've ever seen your cat rub its head against something, it is likely transferring pheromones to mark that object or person. When your cat lays on you, it could be a way of marking you as his or hers.

3. Fostering A Stronger Bond

Laying with you or cuddling with you is a natural way for your cat to strengthen its bond with you.

Although your cat is sleeping and not actively engaged in interaction with you, being close to you has significant benefits.

It enhances the feeling of security, affection, and closeness, all of which are vital elements in strengthening your bond.

In return, cuddling with cats has benefits for humans as well. They report a naturally improved mood as well as lower blood pressure and decreased stress.

In this way, the bond created when cats sleep with their owners is strengthened for both cats and their humans.

4. Showing Love And Affection

The most straightforward, and most likely, reason that your cat chooses to lay on you is that it loves you. Your cat has bonded with you since it became a part of your family and wants to be around you.

Since cats sleep so much during the day, sleeping on you is a great way to be near you and show affection without having to give up those cat naps.

Cats engage in many behaviors to express that they love you. You might notice your cat approaching you to interact, asking for pets, rubbing against your legs, or meowing at you. This is a cat's way of asking for attention.

Your cat might also want to be involved in whatever activity you are doing, both to get your attention and to simply just be around you.

It might try to lay on your stuff while you are trying to work, curl up in your lap while you are reading a book, or follow you around the house if you are cleaning.

To learn more about ways your cat might show you it loves you, read our article "23 Signs That Your Cat Loves You".

5. Attaining comfort

You may have found your cat burrowed under the blankets on your bed, hidden in your dresser drawer, or curled up on the floor in a spot where the sun is shining through.

Cats enjoy sleeping in places that are warm or cozy, and your natural body heat qualifies you for this important distinction.

Your cat likes to lay on you and take a nap because along with all of the other reasons they enjoy you, you are nice and warm. You're comfy!

A brown and white domestic cat lying on his owner's shoulder while sleeping

Why Does My Cat Like To Lay On My Chest?

Cats love feeling warm and safe while they sleep. If your kitty is cuddling up on your chest, he or she is enjoying your body heat and feels safe being near you.

Is It Good If Your Cat Sleeps On You?

If you have allergies or sensitivities to cats, you probably want to avoid letting your cat sleep on you. Otherwise, letting your cat sleep on you is beneficial. It strengthens your bond with your pet and contributes to better mental health.

Does Purring Mean A Cat Is Happy?

While it is true that cats purr when they are happy, it is a common misconception that this is the only emotion they use purring to express.

Cats also purr to self-soothe when they are nervous, not feeling well or in pain. To have a good idea of why your cat is purring, you can observe its body language.

If your cat looks relaxed and happy, it probably is. On the other hand, repeatedly licking an area of the body, taking a defensive stance, or cowering and trying to hide will indicate that your cat is hurt or nervous.

Why Do Cats Walk On You When You Sleep?

Cats walk on you while you are sleeping to get your attention and wake you up. Most times, they do this when they are bored and want attention or if they are hungry and want to be fed.

There are ways that you can prevent this behavior from occurring, such as tiring your kitty out with some play before bedtime or creating a feeding routine that doesn't require you to wake up in the middle of the night.

Before you attempt to change this behavior, however, be sure to rule out any health problems your kitty might have.

Find out more about this behavior by reading our article, "How To Stop My Cat From Waking Me Up At Night (A Step By Step Plan)".

Why Do Cats Get In Your Face While You Sleep?

Like with walking on you, cats might get in your face while you are sleeping to wake you up and get your attention. If your cat does this and then settles down, though, it probably just wants to cuddle next to you to go to sleep.

Woman sleeping on her bed with her cat lying on her back

Do Cats Get Lonely At Night?

Some cats do get lonely at night while others won't. If you have other pets in your home or have provided a variety of ways for your cat to entertain itself while you are sleeping, it will be less likely to be lonely at night.

Personality plays a role as well. Cats that are more independent and prefer to spend time alone won't find themselves wishing for company while everyone is sleeping.

Is It Cruel To Shut A Cat In A Room At Night?

Most cat owners think that the act of shutting a cat in a room at night isn't cruel in itself.

If you need to confine your cat to a particular room for safety reasons, don't feel like a bad cat parent. It's important to prioritize both your cat's safety and your family's comfort during sleep time.

It is important, however, that you transition your kitty to this arrangement with patience and care.

If this is a new arrangement, you might notice your cat crying more throughout the night or scratching to get out of the room.

Don't punish your cat for this behavior. Likely, he or she is just confused and wants to be able to be around the family at night.

Instead, help your cat adjust by spending some time in the room and then phasing yourself out. Also, be sure that your cat has access to everything it needs for the night.

A clean litterbox, food, water, and toys will help your cat feel more at home. Make sure to place the litter box as far away from the food and water as possible.

Where Should Cats Sleep At Night?

Most cat owners allow their cats to sleep with them or wherever the cat chooses. In that case, it's entirely up to the feline to choose their sleeping location.

You could buy cat beds and place them in strategic locations, hoping Kitty will take to them. Sometimes that works. Other times, it doesn't.

Try choosing a warm cat bed for cold winter nights.

Click Here To See This Cozy Cat Bed On Amazon

A cat cave or "igloo" is a great option for some cats who prefer the added sense of coverage.

Click Here To See This Cozy Cat Igloo On Amazon

Of course, no matter how fancy the cat bed is, your cat may still prefer their favorite spot. And where might that be? Right on top of you!

At least now you know why that is happening!

It is almost impossible to pinpoint the exact reason your cat chooses to lay on you when it is sleeping. However, many of the reasons we've discussed have one important factor in common.

If your cat is choosing you as its bed, it's an indication that your cat thinks highly of you. Moreover, it shows that your cat genuinely enjoys having you around!

A woman lying on the couch while petting her cat that's lying on her chest

Every Cat Has Its Personality: Understanding Behavioral Differences Among Cats

While we've spent quite a bit of time diving into why some cats may turn their beloved human into a cuddly mattress, it's essential to remember one key point: not all cats are alike.

Just as humans have varied preferences and personalities, our feline friends are wonderfully diverse in their habits and behaviors, including where they choose to nap.

Some cats might be the epitome of a lap cat, eager to curl up with you at every opportunity. On the other hand, others might be more inclined to find a quiet corner, a hidden nook, or even the highest perch in the house to enjoy their catnap solo.

This doesn't necessarily mean that they are less affectionate or bonded with you - they simply express their feline nature in a different way.

A key factor to remember is that cats, in their core nature, are both predators and prey. This instinctual dynamic can play a significant role in their sleeping preferences.

Some cats might feel more secure sleeping on you, their trusted companion, whereas others might feel safer sleeping in a location where they can keep a watchful eye on their surroundings.

Influence Of Past Experiences

Additionally, a cat's past experiences and upbringing can shape its behavior and preferences. For example, a cat that was raised in a loud, busy, or unstable environment might be more likely to seek solitude and quiet during naptime, as this offers a sense of security and peace.

On the contrary, a cat raised in a consistently warm and engaging environment might seek out more social sleeping arrangements, such as cuddling up with their human.

Remember, these behavioral differences are all part of what makes our feline friends so fascinating.

Whether your cat is a fan of snoozing on your lap, nestled beside you, or even atop the tallest bookshelf, rest assured, it's simply a testament to their unique, individual personality!

A woman sleeping on her bed with her cat lying on her back, Why Does My Cat Like to Lay on Me?

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7 comments on “Why Does My Cat Like To Lay on Me? [Answered]

RK Baskett September 7, 2023
Lol I love it that some folks just can't resist to correct our use of words and just let it go. Anyway I've had cats in my life from childhood and my Grandmothers farm was a drop point for people's unwanted cats as she would feed as many that showed up for a meal. The barn was nice and rat free so it was good for the farm and kept the rodents from eating and spoiling the feed. Never liked to grab a sack of feed that had holes in the sacks from holes made by the little thieves anyway. We did live on highway 66 though and with the traffic came the risk of vehicle hits as they crossed the road to the neighbors farm. Sad to say but it kept the population in check. My older sister was a bit allergic to cats so we knew when she had found that new bunch of kittens as she would be wheezing and sneezing and eyes all red and puffy. She loved cats so much though mom couldn't keep her away from them and she didn't seem to mind the discomfort from playing with them. Guess I'll have a cat friend always and I enjoy the company and the fun of playing with my cat. We play fetch and sneak attack each other, he is so good about not using his claws but it happens, he feels bad about it I think if I get a scratch. I love dogs too but I live in the country and enjoy the wild turkey that live here on the river so the dogs keep running them off so it's just me and my cat now . I enjoy your articles they have given me knowledge I didn't know even though I've had cats in my life as long as I can remember. Thanks for your cat knowledge.
Morehappawness April 7, 2022
Thanks for your article
Margot Lane January 26, 2022
Yes, thank you for the correction!
catloverfromwayback September 25, 2021
My cats lie on me a lot, especially Phoebe. I’m a side sleeper and she plants herself on my ribs or hip all the time. Good thing she’s not as heavy as Daisy ...
Sylvia Snyder April 27, 2021
My cats always sleeps on me
DreamerRose February 2, 2021
I hate to be a pedant, but the correct English is ". . .lie on you." Hens lay eggs, but people and cats lie down. "To lie" means to recline as well as not tell the truth. Past tense of "to lie" meaning to recline is "lay." That's what causes the confusion.

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