Top 5 Litter Box Location Tips for Feline Bliss

Finding the right litter box location is more than just a task; it's the key to your cat's happiness and well-being.

This humble box's placement can spell the difference between a contented cat and a household filled with stress and messes.

Calico cat entering litter box

Worried about a poorly placed litter box or unwanted behavioral problems? We're here to help.

By understanding the essential factors and avoiding common mistakes, you can create a litter box setup that meets your cat's needs and earns their trust.

Continue reading for the top 5 litter box location tips that can lead to true feline bliss.

It's not just about convenience; it's about building a happier, healthier relationship with your whiskered friend.

Why Should You Care About The Cat Litter Box Location?

Your cat is programmed to bury its waste away from its main living area.

As part of their survival strategy as small predators, cats do this to prevent odors from being traced back to their territory.

Cat next to litter box

This trait makes them a perfect pet for indoor living – as long as they do indeed use the litter box.

As much as this is instinctive behavior, cat owners need to take the time to properly "configure" the litter box setup. This is the only way to ensure proper use of the litter box.

With some cats, a less-than-perfect configuration may suffice… until stress levels rise for some reason and litter box avoidance begins.

Help your cat stick to regular litter box habits, by providing her with the best setup possible.

Tips For Determining The Litter Box Location

Real estate agents often state that there are three things that make up the worth of a property: location, location, and location.

Well, the location of your cat's litter boxes can prove to be just as important! Here are a few pointers about the best location for your cat's litter boxes –

1. Keep The Location Of The Litterbox Private

Cats prefer to eliminate away from their living areas (the equivalent of "the nest" area).

tabby maine coon cat leaving hooded gray cat litter box with flap entrance

Keeping their litter boxes away from traffic-heavy areas of your home provides them with the sense of privacy and security needed.


2. Stay Away From Food And Water Dishes

Never place litter boxes next to the cat's food and water dishes.

Avoid having these in the same room altogether. Why? This goes back to the need to eliminate away from "the nest."

tabby cat standing next to a bowl of water, placed on the floor next to the living room window

If you place them too close, your cat may be forced to choose between feeding and using the litter box.

And since food is available only in the dish, you could face litter box avoidance issues.

3. Keep It Quiet

Make sure your cat isn't startled by any sudden noises while using the litter box.

These could be children running by, a door that suddenly opens on the box, or a washing machine starting a new cycle.

litter box in the toilet

Some cats are more sensitive to sudden noises than others. For these cats, it may only take one bad scare to drive them away from the litter box for good.


4. Leave An Escape Route

While urinating and defecating, your cat feels more vulnerable.

Many cats feel better if they have a way to view their surroundings and a possible escape route available in case of trouble.

Two tabby cats seen from above while using a closed litter box

This can be a major issue in a multi-cat household, especially if one cat is intimidated by another.

Think about what happens when one cat uses the litter box and her rival shows up.

Will they have an easy escape route, or will Kitty feel trapped? If the latter, that cat may choose to avoid the litter box.

5. Keep The Litterbox Where You Can See It

Litter boxes require constant maintenance. In other words, they must be cleaned regularly, preferably twice daily. Keep the litter box easily accessible, and don't forget to clean it on time.

hand cleaning a litter box using a scoop

If out of sight means out of mind (or rather out of nose) for you - and possibly neglecting your cleaning routine - then by all means, keep the litter box where you can see it!

Litter Box Location Decisions

Alright, cat lovers, it's decision time! Think of it as the grand finale of a feline reality show, where YOU get to decide where the coveted litter box throne will reside.

Whether you're welcoming a new furry member or reassessing the royal chambers of your current kitty, location is everything!

Remember, it's not just about finding a spot; it's about winning your cat's heart (and trust).

So, as you ponder the perfect placement, envision your cat parading with pride after every visit, thinking, "Yes, my human gets it!"

kitten next to red plastic litter cat with human hand above of cat's head

If you're revisiting an existing setup, consider introducing a new, better-placed box before phasing out the old one.

Patience is key, as our feline overlords... ahem, we mean friends... can be creatures of habit.

In the world of cat care, the litter box is more than just a box. It's a statement of love, understanding, and commitment.

So, make your decision count and give our cats the royal treatment they deserve!

Comments? Leave them using the form below. Questions? Please use the cat forums for those!


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Check out the articles below for more about setting up the perfect kitty toilets.

The Litterbox: What Every Cat Owner Needs To Know

How To Choose The Right Litterbox

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20 comments on “Top 5 Litter Box Location Tips for Feline Bliss

jenny2035 January 7, 2017
I have 7 cats and only 3 litter boxes - 2 open and 1 closed.  They are near my office and because they are in plain view, I clean them several times a day.  2 of the males,  although neutered, still pee or spray in various places.  I don't think too many people would keep these feisty, troublemaking cats, but I have.  One is over 15, probably closer to 18 - I don't think he will be around too much longer, and hopefully once he is gone, the other will be the alpha and the peeing will stop.  
golondrina December 17, 2016
When Cucumella arrived home over 5 years ago she was 9 years old. We were both, she and I, completely ignorant about litterboxes. She was 9 years old and had always lived in a garden. I bought her a large litterbox and placed it against the wall in the passage between the two bedrooms. She understood what it was for on the third day after her arrival and has been using it ever since without any problem.  The litterbox gets scooped every two days and emptied and washed once a month. No odors or  problems of any kind.
pet outhouse August 26, 2016
Home designers really should plan for litter box locations - a big problem of where they can go.
swamplady February 9, 2016
I have two house cats Cally and Tiger with three litter boxes in the house. One is under a table in the living room where it cannot be seen easily but I check it often for cleaning, Another is a smaller one under a chair that does not hardly get used. Both have good escape routes but my third does not. It is the only place I can put a litter box. HAPPILY there is no issue with the litter boxes. Outside I have a feral cat Smokey who LIVES in my carport. She has a house, toys hanging down, food, water, shade and access to to a huge litter box. I have it pushed up next to something under a bench where the old gal can get in and out easily. She has 3 escape routes. There is another cat Moonshine that is here 3 - 4 times a week. Two small boxes are dishpans. One is a nice size from Walmart. The other is a short under the bed store bin. It is big but need for outside with strays once in a while using it.
terestrife November 13, 2015
darren: why dont you save up and buy a litter robot? i own two of them. i have two cats, and i only deal with the box 1-2 a week. i dont have to be constantly scooping or dealing with them. funnily enough they rarely use the second one and enjoy sharing one, they only use the second one if the 1st one hasnt cycled through a cleaning.
darren7481 November 13, 2015
My 3 kitties have 2 large round litter-boxes, we live in a small 1 bdrm apt., as long as I scoop the poops everyday they seem fine w/just 2 boxes. I keep 1 box by the back door & 1 box in the far corner of my bedroom. Both spots are far from food/water & mostly private. I do feel sorry for them that they can't flush like me, but w/1 bathroom I can't train them for a toilet- if I had a 2nd bathroom we'd be potty training, like yesterday:)
sasha nicole June 27, 2015
I live in an apartment and the vet told me to get two boxes for my one kitty.  I have really limited space as to keep them out of sight, so one is in the bathroom.  When I go in the bathroom, Sasha-Nicole comes in and wants to jump on me and BITE me.  She's trying to tell my, I guess, that this IS HER territory and NO persons ALLOWED! 
tallyollyopia April 29, 2015
Is there anything inherently wrong with setting up the litterbox in the bathroom? I've been told this is a bad thing to do--but why?
Anne June 13, 2014
Cat behavior questions should be posted in the behavior forum here - Comments on the article are welcome in the comments form here, but specific questions about cats should be posted to the forums please. Thank you!
charlene wagner June 12, 2014
I have a male cat about 8 yr old just out of the blue started peeing on the floor.I've taken him to the Vet and check couldn't find any thing wrong .He does seam to be afraid of his own shadow
djmixon December 25, 2013
One more thing, we have 12 which means technically we should have 13 boxes. We found oversized Nature's Miracle boxes to help with that issue. None have a problem with sharing. They have all been introduced (over a decade) as kittens, so sharing got worked out long ago. We have 2-15 year olds, 4-8 year olds, 2-7 year olds, 1-6 year old, and 3-5 year olds. All healthy and happy. Especially now that there are no more contractors in and out.
djmixon December 25, 2013
We have a home with no real litterbox hideout, so we made them. We purchased half-width folding tables and put table cloths over the table. Then we put the box under the table. the cats (we have 12 rescues) have privacy and an escape route. My autistic grandson does not mess with them. And it adds much needed flat space for "stuff". We were able to put two large boxes there. We have the same setup in our office (former dining room). We have something similar in the bedrooms, and a covered box near the fireplace (that we do not use). It is the most open, but with the cover, it is not such a big deal.   We have only just started having one spraying, but we had pipes burst late last year and have had a year of contractors in and out. THAT IS OVER THANK GOD!!! We pulled out all carpets and put in vinyl flooring which they are getting used to, but we have throw rugs and tons of kitty beds everywhere. They are doing pretty well. Just the one is still stressed, so I am constantly washing clothing, kitty beds, etc and I have a bottle of half white vinegar-half water ready to spray anywhere I find the smell. It neutralized it. Then I clean with Urine Gone and spray with Zero. Needless to say, we have Feliway going all the time.
gibbyandgravy December 9, 2013
I agree with cast4us. My new house doesn't seem to have a suitable place for my cat boxes. I haven't moved in yet, and I'm at a loss on where to put it.
cazzy December 6, 2013
My cat is truly strange He has 4 boxes as he is indoors One of which is in the living room with fo for a refillod half a metre away He makes sure we clean it before he gets in if dirty Once cleaned he gose the gose for food
boxer2044 July 26, 2013
experiment with different litters also
boxer2044 July 26, 2013
i have 2 adult cats one male and one female both 13 plus yrs old, current locations are two boxs down stairs tucked away in a kitchen closet that is never closed completely, so they have privacy, and one box in a room which i dont use on my 2ed floor, it seems to work well at this time,just need to keep them clean clean clean..
speciesunknown8 February 20, 2013
i have 2 boxes for my cats and i have noticed that 100% they prefer the box in the basement. i don't like it there though because like you mentioned above, out of sight out of mind. i forget it's there, i only see the one upstairs which could remain untouched for days because they don't like it as much.
terestrife February 10, 2013
my cats litter box is next to her cat tree, will this cause me issues later on?
cutyphoebe October 26, 2012
Just a note about litter boxes. My cats like a larger litter box. If you go to a home improvement store (Lowes, Home Depot, etc.) in the cement aisle they have "mixing trays". They are about twice the size of a normal litter box and cost between $5-$10. I've had one approximately 5 years and its still in really good condition.
cats4us August 7, 2012
It's a shame that people who design houses don't think of places for litter boxes. Trying to find a spot for just one litter box is sometimes almost impossible, much less 3 boxes for 2 cats. I guess all houses should have an extra room just for cats!

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