How To Treat – And Prevent – Hairballs In Cats

Ah, hairballs! Every cat owner's not-so-favorite surprise.

While they might sound somewhat harmless, these sausage-like wads of hair can pose significant challenges to our feline friends.

As creatures that pride themselves on their meticulous grooming habits, it's only natural for cats to swallow some hair in the process.

But when these swallowed hairs start to amass in their stomachs, the scene that unfolds can be rather distressing for both the cat and its human companion.

From understanding the danger of blockages to exploring various prevention strategies, this article delves deep into the world of hairballs.

Read on to uncover ways to make your cat's life (and yours) a little less hairy!

What Are Hairballs?

If you have ever stepped on one barefoot, you probably know… Hairballs are not really ball-shaped, but rather sausage-like wads of wet hair that your cat has vomited.

Hairballs are formed when the cat swallows too much hair from its fur. While self-grooming, cats often come upon dead hair.

Close up of dry cat vomit with hairball on the wooden floor

Because cats' tongues are rough one-way surfaces, they cannot dislodge the hair from their mouths and spit it out - they have no choice but to swallow it.

Cats usually ingest hair, which travels through their digestive system and comes out in the feces.

The problem occurs when the cat swallows too much hair and can't pass it along the usual route.

In that case, the hair accumulates in the stomach and forms a wad of compressed hairs. The cat finally vomits the mass of hair, making quite a spectacle of coughing and retching.

Any cat can suffer from an occasional hairball, but some cats are more susceptible than others.

Generally speaking, longhaired cats tend to swallow more hair mass, simply because they have more of it. The density and length of the cat's fur are thus a factor.

The Danger Of Blockage From Hairballs

The major problem that hairballs can create is intestinal blockage. Sometimes, the cat can neither pass the hair in the stool nor vomit up the hairball.

The hairball remains in the cat's intestines, partially or even totally blocking them.

sick cat vomiting the food

Blocked cats exhibit signs of constant attempts to vomit, often perceived as a dry cough or retching. Constipation can also indicate blockage, and it's often accompanied by loss of appetite.

Older cats are also prone to hair-induced blockage. As the cat ages, its digestive system becomes weaker and its bowel movements may not be strong enough to expel the hair.

Blockage can be a serious medical condition. Other things than hairballs may cause intestinal blockage, so you should contact the vet as soon as possible for a professional diagnosis and treatment.


Hairballs Treatment And Prevention

If your cat is prone to getting hairballs, there are several things you should do:


Brush your cat regularly to get rid of dead hair before your cat has a chance to swallow it in the course of its own grooming. This is probably the best way to prevent hairball problems.

Close up of a relaxed adult female lynx point ragdoll cat laying on a white surface, with her paws out in front of her, having her hair and head brushed


If your cat suffers from hairballs despite constant brushing, you may consider using a hairball prevention product such as Petromalt.

These are basically mild laxatives based on mineral oil or petroleum jelly.

The cat can't ingest this type of fat. Instead, it lubricates the cat's digestive system, allowing the excess hair to move forward and be expelled naturally in the feces.

Many cats like the taste of hairball prevention products, and they will often lick it directly off your finger.

You can also get the cat to ingest it by putting a dab of the laxative on the top of the cat's paw or on its nose and letting it lick the stuff off while grooming.

In her book, Think Like A Cat, feline behaviorist Pam Johnson-Bennett warns that some cats may shake their paw to get rid of the laxative instead of licking it off.

Make sure that your cat actually ingests the gel or paste rather than smearing it all over the walls.

High Fiber Diet

Cats with chronic hairball problems may need a change in diet. A high-fiber diet can help to increase bowel movements, thus preventing hairball blockages.

Striped orange cat eats a dry feed, lay on windowsill. well-fed red cat lies and rests

Consult your vet, if you think your cat may need a change in its food. There are commercial cat foods specially designed for cats with hairball problems.

Embracing Feline Care Beyond Hairballs

In our journey with feline companions, it's essential to be informed and proactive.

With the right knowledge and care, you can manage and even prevent hairballs, despite them being a common issue.

Every action we take, from regular grooming to dietary adjustments, showcases our commitment to ensuring our cats lead comfortable, healthy lives.

Let's continue to be the responsible cat owners our furry friends deserve, equipped with the insights and tools to tackle any hairball hurdle that comes our way.


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How to treat and prevent hairballs

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4 comments on “How To Treat – And Prevent – Hairballs In Cats

Kate February 18, 2024
I solved the vomiting by putting a few drops of oil on my cat’s food
Pam December 30, 2019
I have 3 cats inside. Two of them HATE to be groomed. One is all stressed out. She is pulling her fur out. The other one growls, hisses, and she has bit me. They DON’T trust me now. The situation is horrible. I wish I could get some advice!!
    Furballsmom January 7, 2020
    Hi! If you haven't already, please post your comments and questions in this forum: If you're not familiar with how to post in forums, this may be of help;
jimmycatlover December 21, 2016
That's why they eat grass.  Natural chemicals in the grass that causes  them to vomit and throwing up the hairball.  The best thing to do is  brush them.  My Baby Brucie had the symptoms of a blockage, but the Xrays showed no blockage.  Just had to get him to poop and  start eating.  Happy to say all is well now.  Important to take your  kitty to the vet when there is a problem.

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