How To Successfully Introduce Cats [The Ultimate Guide]

Introducing a new cat into your home can be as daunting as it is exciting. After all, how do you convince your beloved pet to accept a new companion? No need to fret. Our Ultimate Guide will teach you how to successfully introduce cats.

Bringing a second, third, or even fourth cat into your home is not a decision to be taken lightly. It demands time, patience, and a proper introduction plan. Without it, things can quickly turn sour.

Your new pet might feel like an intruder, the existing one may become territorial, and your dream of a harmonious, cat-filled household might seem out of reach. But it doesn't have to be that way.

We're going to discuss why it's vital to introduce your new cat correctly, explaining what to expect during this crucial period. This guide will also provide you with the key principles of cat introductions, from scent and visual desensitization to techniques like gradual exposure and creating positive associations.

You'll also discover the crucial role that your own behavior plays during the process, how to handle setbacks, and even how to determine when to advance to the next stage.

So, whether you're bringing a new cat home out of love, for companionship, or because they've simply chosen you, our article will guide you through the sometimes choppy waters of cat introductions. We won't promise it'll be easy, but we guarantee you're in for a rewarding journey.

Two beautiful brown cats lying next to each other with the other cat putting his leg on the other, How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide

Why Add Another Cat?

Ever heard the phrase, "Cats are like chips, you can't stop at one"? It's a sentiment echoed by many of our members. The allure of adding another soft, purring pet to your home is often irresistible.

Whether it's the joy of having more furry companions, the desire to give your existing pet a friend, or an unexpected adoption by a new cat, there are many reasons why you might decide to bring home another pet. But remember, every new cat requires a proper introduction to your home and your resident cat.

Challenges of Introducing a New Cat

Let's be real: introducing a new cat is not a walk in the park. Cats, by nature, are territorial creatures. The introduction of a newcomer can be a stressful event for both the resident and the new cat.

Fear often drives cats into hiding. In other cases, they might respond aggressively, treating the newcomer as an intruder. Such stressful interactions can result in behavioral issues like territorial spraying. All this can make achieving a peaceful coexistence quite tricky.

The Importance of Proper Introduction

The moral of the story? Don't underestimate the importance of a proper introduction when bringing a new cat home. This isn't a situation where you can simply throw them together and hope they become fast friends. It's your responsibility to manage this process delicately, ensuring a gradual and patient introduction.

Patience and Time are Key

In short, managing multiple cats in a household requires careful consideration and a well-executed introduction strategy. This process might feel daunting, but remember, a successful introduction lays the foundation for a harmonious multi-cat home. Every minute you invest in this stage will pay off in the long run.

Setting the Expectations

Speaking of desired results, we all want our cats to be best friends. When bringing in a new cat, especially when the motivation is to provide the resident cat with a companion, most owners visualize something like this -

It certainly can happen. However, it doesn't have to. Sometimes, even with the best of introductions, cats just don't like each other. Just like humans, they have their own personalities and temperament which do not always match up. Imagine if someone brought a stranger to live with you.

It's possible that you'll become best friends, but it's also entirely possible that you never will. You may just not be a good match for each other. The best you can hope for in such cases, with humans, or cats, is to avoid fights and aggressive behavior and for both cats to tolerate each other's presence, at least most of the time.

You can increase the chances of finding a good feline friend for your resident cat by trying to find the right match for him or her. Read more about choosing the right cat and remember to keep your expectations reasonable.


Before We Start

Before any introductions can begin you have to bring home the new cat. That's not as simple as it may sound. You need to prepare a sanctuary room where the new cat can spend the first few weeks in peace, away from the resident cats. Read more about bringing home a new cat and follow the advice given for setting up the newcomer's room.

Make sure both cats are healthy and free of parasites before introducing them to each other. The new cat should be seen by a vet and infectious diseases need to be ruled out before you bring him or her home.

Give the new cat a few days to settle in. The move itself created plenty of stress as it is, so there's no need to add the stress of introduction sessions at this point. That said, be aware that the introduction process has in fact begun. The cats will smell each other off you and possibly through the closed door.

If one of the cats is vocal, that's another way for them to learn about each other's existence. That's fine for now but don't try to bring them together just yet. Wait for the new cat to adjust to his or her new surroundings first.

During these first days, make sure you bond with the new cat, but don't neglect the resident cat. There is no need to comfort the resident cat, just keep up with your regular routine of food, treats, and playtime.

Be calm and casual and don't be alarmed if the resident cat hangs around the door of the newcomer's room, possibly displaying signs of aggression. It's perfectly natural. Just make sure he or she doesn't get into the room by accident as you step in and out.

The Key Principles of Cat Introductions:

Desensitization through Gradual Exposure and Positive Association

There are many techniques for introducing cats. They are all based on the same principle:

Desensitizing the cats to each other's presence so they no longer feel threatened.

This is achieved by:

1. Making the exposure gradual.

Gradual exposure decreases the cat's "fight or flight" responses in the presence of an intruder, to the point that it is no longer triggered and he or she can learn to accept the presence of another cat in their territory.

2. Creating positive associations.

Many techniques rely on distracting the cat with positive stimuli while in the presence of the other cat. This creates a positive association with the other cat, reducing aggression levels.

While on the subject of positive associations: Make sure you don't end up creating any negative associations during the introduction process. No matter what the cats do, or how the process goes, keep your tone of voice calm and avoid scaring the cats in any way.

Introduction Techniques

The following techniques utilize at least one of the principles detailed above and sometimes both.

1. Scent Desensitization

Scent is central to your cat's perception of the world. Take a clean sock and put it on your hand, then pet the new cat with your sock-clad hand. Focus on rubbing the cat's face, chin, and cheeks. You are in fact lacing the sock with the scent of that cat. Next, leave the newcomer's room and return to your resident cat's "territory".

Place the sock within the cat's reach. Don't call the cat over or initiate any interaction with the sock. Allow the resident cat time to find the sock and investigate the new smell. He or she may react with fear or aggression. Just let the cat be and make sure the environment around them is calm (yourself included!)

Do the same thing with the opposite setup. Use a clean sock (not the same one!) to soak up the scent from the resident cat, and place that sock in the newcomer's room.

Repeat this once a day for several days, until you see a reduction in both cats' reactions to the socks. If your cat is a fan of treats, you could try and offer one as she's sniffing the sock to create a positive association with the scent.

2. Visual Desensitization

Once both cats are desensitized to scents, you can move on to the next sense: vision. The challenge here is to allow the cats to view each other, without letting them engage in direct physical contact.

Cat behaviorist Pam Johnson-Bennett suggests using three baby gates, one on top of the other, to create a gate the size of your door which you can use as an additional door to the new cat's room.

A screen door works too. Behaviorist Jackson Galaxy suggests sticking with the regular door and just opening it up a crack, allowing the cats to view each other in a controlled way.

Here are a couple of images by our members showing how they created barriers between the cats which still allow for visual exposure -

@katiecatTPP blocked off one room using a stack of baby gates:

While our member and advisor @shadowsrescue secured a screen door using tension rods -

Allow the two cats to see each other. Don't be alarmed if they show aggression, and stay calm. You can use treats to make the session more pleasant. Jackson Galaxy even suggests feeding the cats when in this situation.

According to his method, you should limit feeding to the times when the cats see each other through the crack in the door, placing their food dishes far away at first, and bringing the dishes closer every day.

3. Interactive Playtime & Treats

You can vary introduction techniques a little bit, and change them based on what you know about your own cats. Some cats couldn't care less about food or treats when they see another cat and may prefer playtime instead.

Remember the principles behind the techniques and you should be ok. If need be, create a positive association through interactive playtime with your cat. Read more on how to conduct playtime sessions with your cat.

Keep in mind that some cats may be extremely tense in the presence of a cat they don't know or trust. Whether playing or providing treats, stay in control of the interaction and don't allow them to come into physical contact too soon.

Watch out for re-directed aggression as well. A cat may become all worked up over the other cat's presence and lash out at you with no warning. When playing during introduction sessions, keep your hands out of reach and use only fishing-rod toys.

How Long Should This Take?

It really is hard to predict. A lot depends on both cats' temperaments. Generally speaking, it's much easier to introduce kittens to each other than adult cats. Some adult cats are very cat-friendly and will gladly accept the company of a new cat. Others may always prefer to be the only cat in the house and never fully accept another cat's presence.

As you move forward with introductions, watch the cats' body language and try to assess their cues. Don't move forward before both cats are calm. It's better to take a few more days before moving on to the next stage than risk a catfight.

Concluding Thoughts: Embrace the Journey of Cat Introductions

The journey of introducing a new cat to your household can seem like a mountain climb. It's a delicate process that requires an understanding of cat behavior, a well-thought-out introduction plan, and a lot of patience. But with each step you take, remember that you're laying the foundation for a harmonious multi-cat household.

What's crucial is not to rush the process. Every cat is unique, with their own temperaments, quirks, and acceptance times. So, take the time to observe their body language and reactions. Only progress when they're ready.

Despite the best of introductions, it's important to remember that just like humans, cats too have their own personalities. They may not always become the best of friends, but with patience and a calm demeanor, you can foster a peaceful co-existence.

Lastly, this guide should be a roadmap, not a rulebook. Feel free to adapt the strategies based on your own and your cats' unique needs. Remember, the aim is to reduce the stress of the situation and encourage a peaceful introduction, however that best works for your cats.

Embrace this journey, for it can be as rewarding as it is challenging. Stay patient, keep your expectations realistic, and remember to enjoy every moment. After all, isn't that why we love cats in the first place - for all the unexpected joys they bring into our lives?


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36 comments on “How To Successfully Introduce Cats [The Ultimate Guide]

bluetiger117 March 27, 2023
Has anyone tried a cage or similar? Went through the cat introduction method but the baby gate thing just wasn't possible. Big 7 year old main coon mix cat lost his buddy due to UTI infection and seems so lonely. Two attempts failed. First attempt an orange 1 year old cat A+ shelter cat so much fun insanely out going and friendly to us but had daggers for our resident cat. One month of trying to get orange tabby cat to accept resident cat. This cat wanted nothing to with playing or being even being curious. 4 full blown attacks on main coon. Twice at the litter box. Constant stalking and hostage taking. It was like orange tabby was just waiting for the main coon to make any movement. Main coon cat did nothing, Just frozen in place terrified. I just couldn't take it anymore. I just couldn't torture our resident cat anymore. Had the horrible task of taking him back to the shelter. My wife was at work and was sooo pissed off at me. But I did not get this cat for us, it was so our cat had some company. That little tabby cat cried and cried we was taking it back. So did I. It was like I knew that if our resident cat got pissed off which'd he never did, he would have possibly severely injure or kill that one year old. Age difference and socialization most likely played a role and tabby cat had just been nurtured days before I took it home. So second attempt, same shelter but what do have we here, a 6 year old main coon that looks like almost identical. Very sweet too. So this shouldn't go wrong rite? So once again did all the introduction stuff scent see each other though door cracked open and so forth. So they know each other from a distance. We have a catio so with caution brought out new cat to see our resident cat on cation. resident cat saw new cat and did nothing but turn his head in a pissed off manner sort of. Put them on the floor and see what happen. To my shock our main coon cat starting growling with me holding him back. New cat just started creeping slowing to get away. Okay stop and start over. That night got them together in the house supervised of course. resident cat just bolted to the new cat and I stopped it. Now one step was the eye contact step during introduction just wasn't enough I think. We live in mobile home where there one hallway with a foldable door. I just can't cracked it open without it being present to hold it, and we got to use hallway for ourselves. I just folded my cards and gave up. Had to take this beauty back to the shelter heart broken again. So anyway, has anyone tried a cat cage for more eye exposure and just getting to know each other better?
Erin September 1, 2022
Reintroducing my two cats is not happening as fast as I thought. My little boy 4 decided to eat things he shouldn't and had to spend 4 days in ICU. My girl, 11 who loves him to pieces wants nothing to do with him. Both are adopted but tell them thats your mom and he is your son. I think its because he smells odd and she can sense he isn't 100%. Not doing anything overtly rude like getting big but if he gets close growls and walks away. He is the biggest baby and loves to sit with her and she usually washes his face for him. They nap together all the time before and played. Just wants to walk up to her put his head next to hers and say mum I got sick please give me some tlc but she refuses. Everytime I give him meds though she wants attention and sniffs my hands. Never growls, never opens her mouth like ew. But know she is like I kinda know that smell.Will get there but its stressful having him recuperating and on meds while she refuses to acknowledge its her baby boy. Will try the sock method.
David July 11, 2022
We have a 10 month cat and have just got a 10 week old kitten, we didn't have the space or knowledge to give the new kitten its own room. Now our 10 month won't come back in the flat and just sits outside. It's only been a few days since we got the kitten but now am worried on how to get the 10 month old back in and try bond.
    Tina December 25, 2022
    Hi David, I would be curious to know how your situation turned out as I am in a very similar one and don’t know if it is best to call it quits. My resident cat has now a couple of times not come home at night…
Carolyncat June 11, 2021
i have never had problem integrating females - males are another story - always did the same - they just get along, may not like each other but still get along. now i have males and am reading how to do this without any bites - the feral has HIV so I just don't know. I don't think he knows how to play with another cat without attacking. ugh. so tryng to do two things at once - may be too much. seems like it's gonna take a year, if he tames totally at all. he still thinks my hands are going to cause him harm and has a hard time being pet unless he doesn't face me. he loves my other cat of course but the other cat isn't too sure. i wish it was easy !!!
Stuart November 22, 2020
Hello I have 2 cats one my older cat has been around cats his hole life. how ever we got a new rescue cat the other day because one of our cats died. our old cat is ok with the new cat being in the same room or walking around or using the same litter he even follows the new cat. He has aloud the new cat to smell his tale and sit next to him but every now and then he will hiss at the new cat when he gets to close. there has been no fights or swatting just hissing should I be worried and should I reintroduced them from the start again
    Furballsmom November 27, 2020
    Please consider registering with The Cat Site (it is free) and posting in the appropriate forum. That is where site members will see your post and will provide suggestions and advice. The forum is If you are unfamiliar with forums this may be helpful;
Katie Beale May 17, 2020
So I recently got a kitten and I followed the guide on how to introduce the kitten to my eleven-month-old cat. My eleven-month-old cat, Percy, seemed to really like Ozzy, the kitten, right away. Ozzy also seemed calm and interested so I allowed them to meet each other. After meeting each other Ozzy got extremely defensive, he was hissing, growling and his ears were flattened. Whereas Percy only hissed at him when Ozzy hissed first. Percy, though, followed Ozzy around constantly and did not really give Ozzy any breathing room. I decided yesterday that it would be best to separate them and attempt the introduction again. My question is; what to do when it is my kitten is causing problems and my cat is not attacking him but rather being overbearing. When I have tried to seek out information it is typically about how the cat will be territorial and terrorize the other kitten/cat but my cat is not doing that. If you have any suggestions let me know. Thank you.
    AbbysMom May 20, 2020
    Hi Katie! The best bet would be to start a thread on teh Behavior forum: Good Luck!
Furballsmom July 17, 2019
Funshinedragon said:
I brought in a feral kitten and my two cats hated her. I introduced them as careful as I could taking precautions and even after a year later they despise her. Is there anything else i can do to make them more comfortable or is this relationship set in stone? She was the runt and very sick when we took her in, and I'm not sure if that contributed to their dislike? I feel bad because they chase her out of rooms and hiss/ swat at her.
Hi! @Funshinedragon ! If you have a chance, as is recommended at the end of the article please post your question in this forum Cat Behavior The forums are where members will see your post and you'll receive advice and support. Thanks!
Funshinedragon June 18, 2019
I brought in a feral kitten and my two cats hated her. I introduced them as careful as I could taking precautions and even after a year later they despise her. Is there anything else i can do to make them more comfortable or is this relationship set in stone? She was the runt and very sick when we took her in, and I'm not sure if that contributed to their dislike? I feel bad because they chase her out of rooms and hiss/ swat at her.
    Stephanie Griggs November 11, 2020
    Hi. Your situation is exactly mine! Whatever happened? Did things finally work out? Please help 🐱🐾😊
    Jennifer March 21, 2021
    I have the same problem. My two cats are 4 years old. We got a kitten 7 months ago and it’s been hell on everyone. I’ve done the steps, tried baby gates, screen doors, diffusers, treats, lavender collars, hemp, feliway, and more. Still have growling, aggressiveness, even attacking kitten feet under the door. It’s very stressful.
Beyond Confused December 12, 2018
tryingbutworried said:
Lord Jesus help me. I have a tabby who is 4. She is extremely territorial. Adopted another male cat, the same age. It’s been two days and my resident girl has turned into the devil. Any time the new cat makes a sound in his room, she hisses, lashes out into the air or at us. It looks half like fear and anger. She is very small and we adopted her, thinking she may have been attacked at one point. She tried to attack him through the door. The poor new cat desperately wants out of his room. I am going to try the sock but the food bowls are out of the question. My resident kitty eats downstairs and the new cat is in an upstairs bedroom. Any success stories or advice would be greatly appreciated.
I'm curious to know how this turned out, since it's been 2 months. If it's working out, what was the biggest turning point?
    Sarah13 August 5, 2020
    Im in this situation now, would love to know how this turned out for you. Eating together is also out of the question.
Maria Bayote December 3, 2018
My two cats who rarely get along. They don’t fight. They just try to ignore each other as much as they can.
nunnc84 October 24, 2018
nunnc84 said:
I have a resident cat that is beat up by the new cat. This has caused some litter box avoidance from the resident cat. The new cat bolts into every open door. I have to pull the new cat off the resident cat. The new cat vocally tells the resident cat what ever she is trying to say, they stare each other down, and then the new cat attacks the resident cat.
They are still hissing, the resident cat is confronting the new cat well so the new cat backs down. It's taking time, the cats are adjusting well.
thiannawoo October 23, 2018
I just adopted my grandmothers 13 yr old female cat (cookie) and I have a 4 yr old resident female (kiko) at home and it’s hard :( at first the older one would hiss and attack the door whenever she heard my resident cat sitting outside the bedroom door or try and claw from under the crack of the door and they’d have a mini freak out (I had to stuff blankets on either side so they would stop this) so far it’s been a couple days and the 13 yr old is finally starting to be friendly with me like letting me pet her, stopped hiding under my bed it’s been nice so next step is scent introduction!! Hopefully it works out, my resident cat has been pretty good and basically just stands outside of my room wondering what’s going on, she only gets aggressive if the older cat lashes out. The only bad thing is that I’m trying to spend more time with the older one so she gets more comfortable with me, and my resident cat is very clingy to me and tried to open my door to get my attention and that freaks the older one out (hissing and growling) so I’ve been trying to divide my time equally between the both, wish me luck!!
poegrl October 20, 2018
I have to introduce multiple cats into a new home in the near future, my three to my partner's one. I was thinking of doing one at a time over the next few months, but not sure if the continued disruption might make things a bit more stressfully than just bringing my three in all at once?
    judym May 27, 2021
    I have a similar situation. I have 2 12-year-old females and a 12-year-old male adopted me (long story), but he doesn’t live with us. We are moving to a new home so this will be an adjustment for my 2 cats for sure. I’m wondering if that would be a good time to introduce the new cat as well. It seems it may be a good idea to get the new cat’s scent in the house before bringing in the other two. One of my cats goes crazy if she sees a cat outside. Would love to receive suggestions.
tryingbutworried October 12, 2018
Lord Jesus help me. I have a tabby who is 4. She is extremely territorial. Adopted another male cat, the same age. It’s been two days and my resident girl has turned into the devil. Any time the new cat makes a sound in his room, she hisses, lashes out into the air or at us. It looks half like fear and anger. She is very small and we adopted her, thinking she may have been attacked at one point. She tried to attack him through the door. The poor new cat desperately wants out of his room. I am going to try the sock but the food bowls are out of the question. My resident kitty eats downstairs and the new cat is in an upstairs bedroom. Any success stories or advice would be greatly appreciated.
nunnc84 October 5, 2018
I have a resident cat that is beat up by the new cat. This has caused some litter box avoidance from the resident cat. The new cat bolts into every open door. I have to pull the new cat off the resident cat. The new cat vocally tells the resident cat what ever she is trying to say, they stare each other down, and then the new cat attacks the resident cat.
Coffey4critch September 5, 2018
I have 2 kittens from different litters. We got one last night and is an 8 week female and one today who is a 9 week male. The male is very angry and hissing at the female whenever she tries to play with her. What do I do??
nbthing1 August 3, 2018
snjoyce said:
SUCCESS STORY: I have a 7 month old female tabby cat, and I got a 10 week old male short haired kitten. My cat HATED my kitten at first, every time she got a wiff of his smell she would run and hide, and pouted for a solid week and a half. Any time I'd try to reintroduce them, my cat would attack the kitten and I would have to separate them. I kept the kitten in his own room just to make sure he was safe. I did keep a blanket in his room for 2 weeks, and then I brought the blanket out for my cat to smell, she would hiss and growl at the blanket for a couple days. But then once she got used to the smell of the blanket, she would stand outside my kittens door, and they would play with each other through the door. My cat then began getting mad at me, because she could smell him and not see him. Once she started getting curious about the kitten, I knew we were going in the right direction. When I left them alone the first time, they were playing for HOURS. My kitten learned to defend himself, and then after showing him who is boss, they are literally inseparable. It took a solid month for this to happen, but I learned that if they are not hissing and growling at their scent any more, they should be good to play and live cordially together :) Just be patient.
That is awesome! My 2 year old and kitten don't hiss or growl at each other scents, they are just curious. However, they hiss when they see each other (not always, but occasionally). They are separated right now, but my ultimate wish is to have them be friends/siblings.
nbthing1 August 3, 2018
My boyfriend and I have a two year old cat, who is very attached to us I might add. We adopted a three month old kitten about three days ago. Our two year olds favorite room is our bedroom so we have been keeping him in there. Our kitten stays in a very large cage in the living room, when we aren't home and romps around the living room when we are home. We have separate food dishes and litter boxes for each. Is there any other helpful tips or advice that we could use to make this transition go smoothly?
snjoyce August 2, 2018
SUCCESS STORY: I have a 7 month old female tabby cat, and I got a 10 week old male short haired kitten. My cat HATED my kitten at first, every time she got a wiff of his smell she would run and hide, and pouted for a solid week and a half. Any time I'd try to reintroduce them, my cat would attack the kitten and I would have to separate them. I kept the kitten in his own room just to make sure he was safe. I did keep a blanket in his room for 2 weeks, and then I brought the blanket out for my cat to smell, she would hiss and growl at the blanket for a couple days. But then once she got used to the smell of the blanket, she would stand outside my kittens door, and they would play with each other through the door. My cat then began getting mad at me, because she could smell him and not see him. Once she started getting curious about the kitten, I knew we were going in the right direction. When I left them alone the first time, they were playing for HOURS. My kitten learned to defend himself, and then after showing him who is boss, they are literally inseparable. It took a solid month for this to happen, but I learned that if they are not hissing and growling at their scent any more, they should be good to play and live cordially together :) Just be patient.
Natcat278 July 31, 2018
My 3 year old male cat watches my kitten then tries to play with him but goes to far and the kitten yelps. The older cat then runs away as if he is scared.
Z-Katz June 25, 2018
Scent Desensitization. I have a problem. I took a sock with the scent of my female cat. Then placed it with the male cat. The male cat urinated on the sock. This has happened twice. Will this stop once they actually meet each other? I'm afraid that the male will continue marking his territory around the house. Need input. thanks
Judy's cat house June 16, 2018
Three current senior cats, all female, awaiting introduction to newest family member, little boy 3 years old, tuxedo, some visual impairment, has eosinophilic keratitis, on meds for same. Has been stable in foster home, noticed he uses his paws a lot when you are near him, "helps" get gtts. by holding your hands, wants to hold brush, is able to chase red dot light around the room, has been here about 48 hours, very social at first, now think he is catching on foster mom not coming back. He is in safe room, radio on, likes window perch, has made his own favorite night bed out of a bath sheet crumpled up on chest high work table, under lamp light, probably a little warmer there. He may like to be close to bright light as well. Potential problem, he was described as following other kitties and finishing their wet food. Weight is light to normal. Put down what foster mom said was his preferred dry food, he is not eating it. Getting a little concerned about water intake too low. Have given him just now a second small can of Fancy Feast wet food for the day, as it will have some fluid as well. Two problems identified: 1. Gotta watch intake carefully, 2. Razor sharp claws, he does not really like me handling feet, attempted trim aborted, just not ready for me to do that. 3. Well, yes, one more. If he gets stressed will aggravate eye problem, cannot risk, have to be very patient, slow with introductions to three senior girls, all were feral/ unadoptable, have their own problems. Just posting introduction for today, have to follow this little guy carefully while not offending senior girls, tricky business!
Judy's cat house June 15, 2018
Very helpful. I will be introducing 3 senior female cats, one blind, one declawed (not by me) and very timid, one shy but with some unwanted scratching behaviors, all these girls to a newcomer. Three year old very social and playful male with some visual impairment. Any thoughts additional to above very helpful article appreciated. Newcomer presently residing happily in saferoom, apart from girls, ages 11, 5, and 8.
Babypaws June 6, 2018
I recently brought in a mother feral cat who was born in our yard last summer and over the winter was able to get her to trust me. But she won’t allow me to pick her up, she loves to be petted and brushed. She has three kittens who were born in our yard also and just recently they started to wander out so we were able to capture them and bring them inside on our enclosed porch along with mommy. I also have two indoor cats who I’ve had since they were kittens. (9 and 14 years) although these two cats have never gotten along. I’ve been able to let the new mother cat in part of the house by closing it off from where my resident cats are. Once the mommy cat has stopped nursing I plan on getting her spayed and get her shots so until all the new cats are vaccinated I won’t let them come in contact with other cats. My worse fear is not being able to get mother cat inside the carrier to bring her to the vet. She is going to go crazy and be very scared. It would be so nice if veterinarians made house calls. I’m also wondering how long the kittens will nurse. They are six weeks old are are eating on their own but it seems they are nursing somewhat (at least one) but it sometimes seems like they do it for comfort to cuddle up with long should I wait to bring mother cat to be spayed? It’ll be hard to keep her away from kittens once she comes back from the if kittens still try to nurse will they harm her stitches? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Nikki_P May 30, 2018
Hello! We recently brought home our kitty, Mi-Go, from an extended stay at the vet. To our surprise, our other kitty, Binx, became extremely aggressive towards Mi-Go. We have since learned that this is called feline non-recognition regression and should have taken steps to reintroduce the cats slowly, much like is suggested in the article above. Unfortunately, it's been three weeks since Sir Mi-Go has been back home and we're just now finding this all out. To further complicate matters, Mi-Go is an extremely emotional cat and would come undone if we cloistered him away for a few weeks. No exaggeration, this cat is extremely sensitive and is prone to depression over the littlest thing (eg: we didn't "invite" him to sit with us on the couch, or we dared to shut our bedroom door). Binx, however, would probably do fine if we shut her in the master bedroom for a few days. We've actually done that very thing in the past few weeks when neither my partner nor I have been home to referee between the cats, and she seems very at ease in there by herself (of course, taking care to give her loves, treats, and attention when we return). My question is, do you think this will work to sequester the aggressive/threatened cat, Binx, or will it cause more harm to keep her from roaming freely through her house? Is the only way for this to successfully work to have Mi-Go, the returning cat, be the one that's tucked away? Also to note: We really love our cats and give them all a lot of affection and play time, and try to use positive reinforcement as much as possible. Also, we've tried Feliway, but it hasn't seemed to help in this situation. Any advice appreciated!
Dwell March 9, 2018
I brought in a stray that I've been taking care of at work. He's fine with me but I have 3 other cats and he got past me after a couple days and went straight after my male cat. I grabbed him and he bit into my arm that ended up with a trip to the ER. Two days later he got past me again (Totally my fault) trying to do two things at once. He went straight for the female sitting in the dining room and ended up biting her. This time I brought them up but didn't make the mistake of grabbing him. I just stood in front of him until he calmed down and was able to pick him up and put him back in his room. It's been about two weeks now and the female is healing from her wound thanks to vet and $220.00 later. I was going to take him to a friends house who has two small dogs but I'm afraid either he'll go straight for the dogs or the mean little dog will go after him. Or he will bolt out the door when my friend lets his dogs out to pee. So, I have decided to try again and see if I can get this to work. I'm going to cut a hole in the bed room door and install a screen guard so the cats can see each other without the chance of getting at each other. (More concerned about the new cat than my cats as he's been in the wild and probably had to fight other cats or racccoons and such) I'm hoping this with eventually work. I've spent 3 months feeding this story and I made him a shelter for the extremely cold nights and had him FIV tested and neutered. (another $300.00) I'm not worried about the money, I've just grown really fond of this cat and spent a lot of time getting him to this stage I feel I can give it some more time to see if I can make this work. I've read a ton of articles but any suggestions are greatly appreciated. BD
Salios December 2, 2017
I'm just introducing a new cat today and aside from two mishaps when the new girl slipped past me into my bedroom with my older girl, they've been separated. My old cat is my support animal but she's used to a house with three people and a dog. Single apartment life has been stressing her out. I'm going to give this a go, but the yowling is a bit to get used old girl is taking it like a champ. 10 years old and couldn't give less of a shit. Thanks!
biscuchu321 March 21, 2015
I have two adult cats at the moment, brother and sister, (they haven't had kittens) and I want to introduce a kitten to them. We're moving house, so I think it would be much easier to introduce them because they haven't set "territories" yet. My female cat loves to play, and has a kind personality, yet quite jumpy, and my male cat is more of a chill personality, and doesn't usually find playing entertaining. He also has a short temper, and he only likes me. Do you think they'd accespt the new kitten in this situation?
gabriele33 March 18, 2015
I have had cats with me for over forty years and have never yet introduced a new cat to the older one the way you describe. I have always just given them the freedom of the house and they have always become friends. They have all been females. Maybe it's different for males? Gabriele

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