Why Do Cats Knead – Five Theories Behind Your Cat’s Adorable Habit

Have you ever seen a cat pushing its paws in and out on a soft blanket, or maybe even on your lap? This is called kneading, and it's something that many cats love to do. But why do cats knead?

This isn't just a simple question. It's a look into what makes cats happy, and it can help us understand them better. Kneading could be about remembering being a kitten, changes in their bodies, showing what belongs to them, or just because they feel really good.

But what does kneading look like? Why do some cats get so into it that they even drool, or what some people call "smurgle"?

We've got the theories - five of them - and we're ready to share. Ready to learn more about why cats knead? Then let's start by understanding what kneading is, and then we'll talk about why they might do it.

So, What Does It Mean When Cats Knead?

Imagine your cat, feeling super relaxed, starts to push out its paws one after another. It might be on a cozy blanket, your favorite top, or even you! The cat keeps pressing its paws, almost as if it were preparing dough for baking bread! This is why some people call this behavior "making biscuits".

During kneading, cats often purr, sometimes really loudly! Their eyes might be shut or half-open, as they seem to be lost in their own world of comfort. Some cats even drool when they're kneading, a behavior some people call "smurgle".

Smurgle? What's That?

"Smurgle" is just another word some people use to talk about kneading, especially when cats get super into it and start drooling while they're kneading.

Here's what kneading can look like:

And this is Korin by our member @Korinmewmew:

Five Key Reasons Behind Your Cat's Kneading Behavior

We've got a few ideas about why cats knead. Here are five possible reasons for this special cat action.

Reason #1: Remembering When They Were Kittens

When kittens are still drinking milk from their mother, kneading helps them get more milk. This is because the kneading can make the mom cat's milk flow more easily.

As the kitten gets older, it might keep kneading because it brings back feelings of being cared for and loved.

Reason #2: Changes In Their Bodies

For cats that haven't been fixed, kneading can be a sign that they're ready to have babies. Cats in heat have lots of hormones that make them want to cuddle more. This is nature's way of making sure the female cat is ready to have babies with a male cat.

It's really important to get your cat fixed. It's not good for cats to go into heat all the time unless they actually have babies. And there are already so many cats who need good homes. Responsible cat owners always get their cats fixed.

Read more: Why You Should Spay And Neuter Your Cats

why do cats knead - a tabby cat seen kneading

Reason #3: Getting Ready To Sleep

Just like dogs go around in circles before they lay down, cats often knead to make a comfy spot to sleep. But unlike dogs, cats might not always lie down in the spot they just made. Only the cat knows why!

Kneading can be a way for cats to stretch their muscles or calm themselves down before a nap. It can also be a trick to make you stay seated instead of getting up to grab snacks during the TV break!

Reason #4: Showing What's Theirs - Marking Territory

Cats have special smell glands in their paws. When they knead, they leave a little bit of their smell behind. This lets other cats know, “This is MY spot.” It's like a little compliment from your cat to you!

Reason #5: Just Feeling Really Happy

If a cat is stressed, it won't knead. So when you see your cat starting to knead, you can feel good knowing your cat is feeling good.

No matter why your cat is kneading, remember that they only do it when they're feeling safe, relaxed, and showing love. It's a cat's way of giving a compliment!

Just remember: If your cat likes to knead on you, it's a good idea to keep their nails trimmed. Some cats can get a little bit too excited when they're kneading!


Not Every Cat Kneads: Why Not?

Just like humans, cats too are unique, each with their own personality quirks. One such quirk? Kneading! But here's an interesting fact - not every cat kneads. Surprised? It's true!

Just like some of us prefer a quiet night in and others can't resist a lively party, some cats naturally knead while others simply don't. It could be down to their individual personality, past experiences, or who knows what else - the feline mind is a mystery after all!

why do cats knead

Unique Kneading Styles: Your Cat's Technique

Now, for the cats who do indulge in this fascinating behavior, they each have their own unique style. Yup, you heard that right. Just as there are countless ways to scratch a post, there are also different kneading techniques in the world of cats.

Some furballs keep their claws tucked away, preferring a gentler knead, while others bring out the full artillery using all four paws. Imagine if our cats started a kneading competition – wouldn't that be a sight!

Regardless of their chosen method, one thing is clear: kneading is a significant part of a cat's life. And it's just another reason why we find these enigmatic creatures so utterly captivating.

Why Does Your Cat Knead You?

When your cat sits on you and starts moving their paws in and out, they're showing they like you. It's something kittens do when they're little and drinking milk from their mom. So when your cat does this to you, they're telling you, "I trust you, you make me feel safe."

Just a heads up, though. When your cat is very happy, they might push harder with their paws. This can hurt a bit because of their sharp nails. But remember, your cat doesn't know this can be painful. To keep from getting hurt, you could put a thick, soft cloth between you and your cat, or make sure to trim your cat's nails regularly.

When your cat pushes its paws on you, they're showing you they care. They're telling you, "You're my favorite, and I love you!" And that's a lovely thing to know for all cat owners.

why do cats knead - an image of a white kitty kneading

The Hilarious Cat Learning To Knead Dough From A YouTube Video

Talk about a laugh! In this side-splitting YouTube video titled ">"Cat learns to knead dough through tutorial video", a cat appears to learn how to knead dough by watching a baking tutorial.

As the baking guide shows how to turn, fold, and push the dough, our kitty seems to follow along with great interest. The sight of this cat imitating the kneading action on screen is just too funny! This video proves that not only humans find cooking shows useful - cats might too, in their own hilarious ways!

Making Biscuits With Your Cat

In summary, cat kneading is a heartwarming expression of their comfort, contentment, and even an indication of their affection towards you. While some cats may choose not to partake in this bakery-themed behavior, those that do each have their own style, ranging from a gentle pat to an enthusiastic four-paw knead.

Remember, it's not only about them making biscuits but also about making bonds. When your cat kneads you, it's a sign of trust and adoration – a real knead-to-know basis for feline-human relationships!

So, if you're the lucky owner of a cat that kneads, consider keeping their nails trimmed to ensure these loving moments remain comfortable for both of you. And remember to simply enjoy these kneading sessions as part of the unique language of love that your cat shares with you.

So here's to cats and their bread-making skills – who kneads a bakery when we have our feline friends!

Some article images submitted by members of TheCatsite.com.

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Why Do Cats Knead? 5 fascinating reasons why your cat may be kneading

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26 comments on “Why Do Cats Knead – Five Theories Behind Your Cat’s Adorable Habit

Lilli M Fredrick December 3, 2020
My Katza loves to kneed me in the middle of the night when she gets in bed with me. Or in the morning when she has decided it is time for me to wake up. She is very sweet and is a very kneedy and needy cat.
foxxycat January 10, 2018
Honeybee is a biscuit kitty. She happily kneads away with her face mashed into her blanket paws up by her head...she drools on the blanket but never seen her sucking it or biting it..just drooling...I could never understand why people wouldn't let their cat make biscuits. I think it's the coolest thing ever...the glazed look in eyes and loud purring make it a very enjoyable experience..in the very beginning Honeybee used to climb on me when I was not well emotionally and stayed kneading until I got my head back...I always find it special that she makes biscuits on me.
Jen2222 January 10, 2018
Shane Kent said:
My cat Taz uses all four paws when kneading. It freaks my wife out and she thought something was wrong with him. Taz is territorial so I am fairly certain he is marking when he does it.
Awww, well either way it brings joy to them.
tarasgirl06 January 10, 2018
Jen2222 said:
I foster tiny bottle baby kittens, feeding every 2 hours. I have noticed most of the bottle baby fosters continue to knead, make biscuits, etc into adulthood. Do you think strays or kittens without a lactating Mom Cat tend to make biscuits more than other cats? I have tried giving the kittens a stuffed toy, clock, etc but the number who end up retaining the biscuit making seems the same. My adult ginger tabby is wonderful with the foster kittens. They never try to nurse him but do snuggle into his loving ginger paws. Our dog is also great with the kittens, cleans their hair, face and paws very gently. I guess some of my friends who have cats who do not make biscuits blame my foster kittens biscuit making on missing the comfort of a Mom cat. I have 4 adult cats, each seems to enjoy the fosters at different ages. Some just watch them until they are old enough to play with toys. One likes to play when they can chase but my ginger ♡ is there throughout their cognition changes. He has his favorites but seems to enjoy being their Pappa Cat. I explain to potential adopters that the kitten will likely not grow out of it. Learn to embrace it, give them a blanket or bed with the material they love to make biscuits on. Embrace the biscuit time. ..
I can't imagine anyone not wanting to share in the experience of a cat being happy and showing so much love!
Jen2222 January 8, 2018
I foster tiny bottle baby kittens, feeding every 2 hours. I have noticed most of the bottle baby fosters continue to knead, make biscuits, etc into adulthood. Do you think strays or kittens without a lactating Mom Cat tend to make biscuits more than other cats? I have tried giving the kittens a stuffed toy, clock, etc but the number who end up retaining the biscuit making seems the same. My adult ginger tabby is wonderful with the foster kittens. They never try to nurse him but do snuggle into his loving ginger paws. Our dog is also great with the kittens, cleans their hair, face and paws very gently. I guess some of my friends who have cats who do not make biscuits blame my foster kittens biscuit making on missing the comfort of a Mom cat. I have 4 adult cats, each seems to enjoy the fosters at different ages. Some just watch them until they are old enough to play with toys. One likes to play when they can chase but my ginger ♡ is there throughout their cognition changes. He has his favorites but seems to enjoy being their Pappa Cat. I explain to potential adopters that the kitten will likely not grow out of it. Learn to embrace it, give them a blanket or bed with the material they love to make biscuits on. Embrace the biscuit time. ..
SeventhHeaven December 31, 2017
Shocking discovery a few months ago ginger/red tabby Robin started giving me full body massages! He does it all on his own kneading his way tightly with all fours my other cats just stare at him while he is Offering his services. Bless him right down legs to the ankles balancing well on blankies never falls off. He's just 2.5 very petite like a kitten, he's been holding back his magical secret powers for a little while. (They All have) It's exposed now, Cats are super intelligent. *all my cats have targeted him since birth, he's affectionate partially handraised.
tarasgirl06 December 28, 2017
*All of the above* and then some! btw, one of our beloved furmily used to turn around several times before curling up and as far as I know, had never been around dogs.
morganalefae September 21, 2015
My little girl Banshee normally only kneads when we go to bed (she sleep's in our room in our bed and hogs the bed asap) normally she only kneads my side of the blanket. Someone told me the only reason she is doing it cuz she was way to young to be taken from her mother she was 7-8 weeks when we got her most breeders only let them go at 10-14 weeks but I would not think she was to young but thats me
walkingrock September 20, 2015
Yup, Oliver is a kneady cat! 
camillel September 16, 2015
Sam and Tigger love to knead; especially at night when we are all in bed they both knead their spot  between David and I. Yes they both sleep with us
kntrygrl256 September 15, 2015
Sammy loves to lay on my lap and knead on anything he can, even air.
godiva kiss September 14, 2015
Panini loves to knead on anything soft and cozy(blankets, sheets,etc.). She even kneads on clothes(whether or not we are wearing them):)
magiksgirl July 27, 2015
My Grinnie boy loves to knead! He's 19 weeks (4.5 months) old and he's always kneading things like his bed, clothes of me! He's adorable! [emoji]9829[/emoji][emoji]9829[/emoji][emoji]9829[/emoji]
milosmom123 March 15, 2014
Milo loves to knead my arm when I'm in bed and my face when he wants me to get up 
str8upcat October 16, 2013
Our cats are funny.. the female will jump on your back after you come from the shower and kneed up and down... free back massage ;)  The male will go into a trance kneeding on my belly 
jasei santiz October 12, 2013
@PennyWise Aww yea my Cheetos can be like Schnitzel
pennywise October 12, 2013
We have a comforter on the couch that Eopie kneads into a nice little nest before she takes a nap in it.  Our other cat, Schnitzel, will knead any human arm/leg/torso that she can get her paws on.  It's really sweet actually. :)
jaspurr October 8, 2013
Jaspurr loves to knead my IPad cover.
jasei santiz October 7, 2013
Cheetos loves to knead in his lil cat bed :)
Anne February 12, 2012
Please have your cat spayed ASAP. It won't stop the kneading (no need to, really), but with so many kittens being put to sleep every year, you will be saving precious lives. She doesn't need to have a litter, that's a common misconception, for any reason. She'll be much healthier if she's spayed before going into her first heat cycle.
catlover4ever February 12, 2012
My cat kneads on EVERYTHING! She isn't fixed yet, i belive that it is right for a cat to have a liter before she is spayed. Is she going through heat?
annabell January 22, 2012
My Smokie, a Rushian Blue Mix feral cat is almost 2 years old, who was abandoned at about 4 weeks old by her mother - feral from a long line of feral cats, either deliberately or from an accident, and she has never kneaded and purrs so lowly that you can only feel it, not hear her. I think this is because she never had an opportunity to really nurse for very long, She never had a mother to teach her to keep her claws sheathed and I have the scratches to show for it. She's never been outside since we found her, will not let you pick her up. but she loves us in her own way. She loves to play [rough] and follows me from room to room, and seems to love us as much as we love her. We wouldn't give her up for anything despite her wild nature [or perhaps because of it!]
phfurballs January 16, 2012
Both my senior ladies love to knead, and seem to get a lot of pleasure from it, but their preferences are quite different. Brina likes cushy textiles, while her very little sister, Matty, seems determined to dig a hole right through my chest. Ouch !!! :-). I keep trying to redirect her to my stomach, where it doesn't bother me at all, but she is nothing if not stubborn. Fortunately, they are both very cooperative about having their nails trimmed, so that helps.
pushylady January 15, 2012
As you can see from the photos, my boys love to knead! They often settle in on their humans for a good cuddle and knead away, usually purring too. It's good to know they're both so comfortable and happy.
annmariemtz December 22, 2011
Cookie loves to knead on Gabrielle and Christina's zebra printed fury blanket...
rosiemac December 16, 2011
Jack loves to knead my sleeve, and Rosie still does it on her blankie sometimes 9 years later. Awww

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